Chen Nan shook his head: "I don't know." Ji

Tai Mei: "The old man will tell..."

Before she finished speaking, Chen Nan interrupted her: "No need!

"I want to personally feel the end of offending Song Daotai."

"Isn't that more intuitive than you say?" Speaking of this, he grinned and revealed a sinister smile that made Ji Tai's eyebrows creepy.

"You're just crazy!"

Ji Tai's eyebrows were numb.

I didn't expect Chen Nan to have such boldness.

Don't think about it.

She hurriedly said, "If you are an enemy of Song Daotai, have you ever thought about the situation of the young lady?" Do you want her to watch you and her loved ones become enemies?

Chen Nan's face showed a chill: "Make it clear, it's not that I want to be an enemy with Song Daotai."

"It's Song Daotai who wants to kill me!"

"Did Song Daotai ever think how sad Ziwei would be after he killed me?"

"Has he ever thought about Ziwei's feelings?"

"He didn't even care about Ziwei's feelings."

"You think."

"Will Ziwei care about the father-daughter relationship between them?"

Speaking of this, a long knife appeared in Chen Nan's hand.


Ji Taimei's first level flew high in the air.

The headless corpse was spraying blood wildly.

Ji Tai's eyebrows looked crazy, and a hoarse scream came out of his mouth: "You ignored the magical power of the powerhouse of the Body Grabbing Realm, even if you cut me off the first level, I can take your body for myself."

"Although you are a man."

"But I also want to feel the happiness of men."

Chen Nan looked at her quietly.

The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

It's really perverted.

You said that this old woman gave up her body.

What will she do?

A powerful soul flew out from Ji Tai Mei's head.

She rushed towards Chen Nan with a cold glare.

But right now.

The illusion turns into a murderous appearance.

Open the blood basin and open your mouth.

The terrifying devouring power erupted in its mouth.


"Divine Beast True Listening?"

"Why would you follow Chen Nan?"

Ji Tai's eyebrows let out a heart-rending scream.

Hearing is the supreme beast of Hades.

It is a divine being.

But how could she have thought.

This supreme divine beast would actually recognize Chen Nan as the master.

It's hard to do...

Could it be that Chen Nan is the future lord of the netherworld?

Without waiting for her to come to her senses.

Her soul was swallowed directly by the truth.

"Sir, don't be an enemy of Chen Nan!"

Before dying, Ji Taimei thought of Song Daotai's idea of killing Chen Nan.

If Song Daotai insists on doing so.

He will surely pay a terrible price.

After swallowing Ji Taimei's soul in one gulp.

Di listened and hiccuped: "Don't say, this old lady's soul is quite moist, that is..." My brain door hurts a little. "Speaking of which, stretch out the unicorn foot to scratch the brain.

Chen Nandao: "There is a black bulge in your brain.

"If nothing else, you'll soon be growing horns!"

Speaking of this, even Chen Nan's heart beat faster.

If the truth grows horns.

Dragon scales appear on the body again.

Then it really grows into a true listening!

To put it bluntly.

If it really gets to that point.

Even if you are an ordinary person, you can ride it to the eighteenth level of hell.

Meet the Houtu Niangniang.

"I have to sleep, listen to my advice, and it's better to return the same way." Di Ting's eyes looked to the north with trepidation: "I can feel that there is still danger there." "

The strength of the other party is very strong."

"Stronger than this old lady of Guo Yushi."

Guo Yu's mentality exploded: "Why do you have to emphasize the words of the old lady who was shot by me?" Di

Ting ignored him and resumed his dog form.

Lying on the ground, he fell into a deep sleep.

Guo Yu looked at Chen Nan nervously: "Big brother, what should we do next?"

"Return the same way, or continue north?"

Chen Nan looked north.


Trapping and seizing the ninth layer of the Body Realm was already his limit.

If you meet a strong person above the body realm.

Even if he has no chance of survival.


He doesn't like to sit still.

And there will be no turning back.

In any case, he was also going to Guangling Province.

No matter what dangers await him ahead.

None of them will make him take a step back.

"If I'm not mistaken, there's a town ahead, let's go there for one night first."

"Wait until tomorrow to find a caravan to blend in."

"Follow them into Guangling Mansion."

Chen Nan made up his mind.

As long as he converged his breath, it would be difficult for even a strong person above the Body Grabbing Realm to probe his cultivation.

Following the caravan into Guangling Mansion is a solution.

After all, as long as it is mixed into Guangling Mansion.

No one dared to kill him in the face.


Guo Yu didn't think about it, and answered.

Then he lifted the hearing above his head with both hands.

Ride a horse and gallop through the night.

"Why are you lifting it above your head?" Chen Nan was puzzled.

Guo Yu: "I'm afraid to carry it, it has ideas for me."

Chen Nan looked stunned: "You don't have ideas about it, how do you know that it has thoughts about you?" "



not long after Chen Nan and the two left.

Two beautiful figures appeared in front of the official post.

Look at the burning flames.

The woman in the cyan dress looked slightly haggard and said, "Sister, it seems that we shouldn't enter the red dust at this season."

"We should stay in the mountains and hibernate."

The woman is no one else.

It was the snake demon Lu Qingqing on Snake Mountain.

Lu Bailing gave her a resentful look: "If you hadn't taken the wrong way, we had already entered Guangling Mansion at this time, how could we continue to rush on this cold and bleak night?" "

Snakes are different from people.

Snakes need to hibernate.

Even if the Lu Bailing sisters had already cultivated to the realm of seizing the body.

But you also need to stay in warm places in winter.

Lu Qingqing showed a playful smile: "This is also an inevitable thing for Red Dust training, it's not a big deal."

Lu Bailing shook his head helplessly: "Then you say, where are we going now?"

Lu Qingqing looked to the south: "Guangling Mansion is in the northwest of Snake Mountain, and I feel that the direction of Guangling Mansion is ahead."

Lu Bailing nodded slightly: "Okay, let's go in the opposite direction." "

Huh?" Lu Qingqing's face was full of strangeness: "Sister, why are you going against me?"

"Because along the way, any decision you make is wrong." Lu Bailing said, "Therefore, using the elimination method, walking in the opposite direction can lead to Guangling Mansion."

Lu Qingqing looked embarrassed: "Sister, can you just believe me once?" I can guarantee that the front must be Quang Lingfu.

"I've believed you three times." Lu Bailing sighed lightly: "Can you believe me once?"

Lu Qingqing just wanted to speak.

Seeing Lu Bailing's eyes lit up, his eyes were excited: "Sister, have you felt the breath of Young Master Chen?"

Lu Qingqing's spirit shook: "It seems..." It seems that there is indeed the breath of Young Master Chen. Said and looked north: "My sister is right, the decisions I made are all wrong."

"This time I listened to my sister, let's go in the opposite direction."

"It doesn't matter if you can meet Young Master Chen."

"The important thing is that we can reach Quang Lingfu."

Lu Bailing's face turned slightly red, and he murmured: "If you can meet him, won't it become a chance to meet him for a thousand miles?" "

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