Stayed at a caravan for one night.

Early the next morning.

Chen Nan and Guo Yu, as well as Di Ting, who had recovered his strength, continued on foot.

In order to avoid the interception of the strong.

Guo Yu went out last night and stole clothes from two farmers' homes.

Of course.

It's not stealing.

The two cloth clothes left two taels of silver.

After putting it on, the temperament of the two suddenly changed.

It looks like refugees fleeing the famine.

In fact, wearing cloth clothes can hardly hide Chen Nan's handsome appearance.

After all, he is handsome.

In desperation.

He got some dust to rub on his face.

The handsome appearance is concealed.

But he looks more like a downtrodden rich young master.

The reason for this outfit is to travel.

At the end of the day, I still want to blend into the caravan.

If you wear a Chinese costume and ride a horse, how can the caravan take care of it?

Chen Nan broke the quiet atmosphere and looked at Guo Yu beside him: "You don't say this, is there something on your mind?" Di

Lian spoke: "He's thinking about the old lady he shot."

Guo Yu subconsciously snorted, then came back to his senses and glared angrily: "Can you not emphasize the old lady who was shot by me?" "

The truth is itself, you are indeed the old lady who wants to be shot by you."

"Don't worry."

"Don't say that the old lady has been shot by you."

"Even if she were alive, she would never like you."

Guo Yu wanted to get angry.

But he didn't dare.

After all, this is the truth of the divine beast.

Chen Nan looked like he suddenly realized: "It turns out that you have an idea about the old lady!" This taste, unique enough.

"Big brother, I don't have an idea about the old lady." Guo Yujian scratched his ears and cheeks: "I'm thinking about an extremely esoteric thing, involving yin and yang." "

Hear that.

Di Ting suddenly revealed an incredulous gaze.

Talking about yin and yang so early?

Could it be that this product awakens the memories of the past life?

Just when the truth has not yet returned to God.

Guo Yu's voice sounded, his face was straight, and he had a serious expression: "Last night, Ji Taimei said that he wanted to take away your physical body and feel the happiness of a man, right?"

"Have you ever thought about it."

"If she does succeed in taking away your body."

"So who are you?"

"Are you?"

"Or her?"

"If you go to the Qinglou to find a girl."

"Is that you looking for a girl?"

"Or is she looking for a girl?"

"If it's you."

"But you're not you anymore."

"If it's her."

"But she has long been you."

"If she is looking for a sister, it is a combination of yin and yang."

"Or a combination of yin and yin?"

"Or is it a combination of yin and yang?"

Chen Nan looked at him dumbfounded.


What an esoteric topic.

I was speechless...

The corners of his mouth twitched.

There was a flash of contempt in his eyes.

Co-authorship is I overestimating you.

Mistakenly think that you have awakened memories of a past life.

Co-authorship is the gene that you have awakened to the old color batch...

Looking at Guo Yu's curiosity to explore the mysteries of yin and yang, Chen Nan patted him on the shoulder and said seriously: "This answer is very simple.

"When we meet a powerful female enemy, let her take your body."

"Isn't the answer just about to come out?"

Seeing that there was a caravan resting in front, Chen Nan diverted the topic: "There is a caravan ahead, let's hurry up and try to let them take us for a ride."

Guo Yu snorted and followed listlessly.

The caravan in front had twelve wagons, all loaded with some goods.

In addition to this, there was a group of people responsible for the security of the caravan.

There were more than 20 people as far as the eye could see.

The leader is a man in his twenties, wearing a black power suit.

Melon seed face, willow leaf curved eyebrows, danfeng eyes of the woman.

She is expressionless, giving people a feeling of heroic and sassy.

A flagpole was erected in the carriage beside her.

A black flag fluttered on the flagpole with the word king written on it.

"Where are the beggars? Roll on! When Chen Nan and the two had just stepped forward, a middle-aged man drove the two with a straight face and a look of disgust.

Chen Nan smiled and said, "This eldest brother should not be angry, our brother wants to go to Guangling Mansion, but he doesn't know how to go, I don't know if I can go with you?"

"Don't worry, our brothers don't have any other skills."

"The strength is still quite large."

"And I can also help you guard the carriage at night."

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up after hearing this.

It's autumn now.

It's still cool at night.

And for the safety of the caravan, they will all send brothers to take turns on duty.

He was on duty last night.

Tired and cold.

If only these two could help them guard the carriage.

They can take it easy.

"I don't care if I say this, I have to ask the eldest miss!" The middle-aged man said and walked towards the woman in black: "Miss, there are two homeless people who want to follow us to Guangling Mansion, and they also said that they are willing to help us carry our belongings and guard the carriage."

Wang Lan looked at Chen Nan and Guo Yu in the rear, seeing that the two were dressed in ordinary clothes and very sloppy appearances, and a pang of unbearability rose in his heart: "Let them follow us on the road."

"However, the matter of guarding the carriage is over!"

She knows that when she is away from home, she should help people in need more when she has the ability.

But I also know that it is indispensable to guard against people.

Let two strangers guard the carriage.

She couldn't let go.

That's it.

Chen Nan, Guo Yu, and Di Ting successfully blended into the caravan.

Sitting in the truck at the rear, dangling your legs, basking in the sun, it is also beautiful.

Walk until after 4 p.m.

The caravan suddenly stopped.

A lot of oncoming people appeared one after another.

Wang Lan only found out after asking.

The bridge on the official road ahead collapsed for unknown reasons, so that the caravan could not pass normally at all.

But if you are alone, you can still swim in the river.

Although someone has already summoned the official office.

But it will take at least three months to repair the bridge.

"Miss, the road ahead is not accessible, what should we do?"

"If the delivery time is delayed, we will pay ten times the cost of the goods!" A middle-aged man looked at Wang Lan with an anxious face.

His name is Wang Fu.

It is Wang Lan's home.

Served as a steward in the Wang family.

Knowing how much the royal family will suffer if the delivery time is delayed.

Wang Lan looked at the mountains in the northwest, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes: "Since the road ahead is not passable, let's take a detour to Luoyan Mountain!"

Wang Fu said nervously, "But there are bandits on Luoyan Mountain!"

Wang Lan: "Even if there are bandits?" Do we still have a choice? "

Speaking of which.

She rode to the rear of the caravan, looked at Chen Nan and said politely: "This big brother, the road ahead is not passable, we need to detour to Luoyan Mountain." "

There are bandits out there."

"To be safe, let's go our separate ways!"

Chen Nan looked stunned.

Finally mixed into the caravan, do you want to drive us away now?

The voice of Di Lian sounded in Chen Nan's head: "Follow them to Luoyan Mountain, there is a treasure there!" "

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