I saw Chen Nan sitting proudly in front of a Tai Shi chair.

I don't know when.

He stopped refining.

In front of him was a small offering table.

Tea was placed on the serving table.



He rested his legs on the offering table and held a jade plate in his hand.

The plate contained some brown pills.

As if eating a snack, throw one into your mouth from time to time.

Qiye stood behind Chen Nan with a flattering face and squeezed his shoulder.

The madman and Qiu Shui knelt on Chen Nan's left and right sides to help him beat his legs.

And in front of Chen Nan's eyes.

Two people were playing an instrument.

There are also four big men dancing the dance they learned from the Qinglou girl.

Twist and pinch!


This scene is too spicy for the eyes!

It was hard for her to accept.

This is still a frightening demon town!

Which is still the strong of the Demon Destroyer!

It's simply the male and female branches in the green building!

"What are you doing?" Bai Yu was furious, and looked at Chen Nan angrily: "The surname Chen, didn't you say that you are compared to the Trial Pill with me?"

"If that's the case, why don't you refine the elixir?"

"Why did you let a group of old men dance for you?"

Speaking of this, look at the seven nights, madman, and Qiushui three: "And you."

"You guys are the Demon Hunter."

"Now it's reduced to giving people a massage?"

"Cheap or not?"

"Do you know that all of the faces of the Demon Commander have been lost by you?"

Chen Nan threw a Transformation Pill in his mouth.

Nothing was explained at all.

After all.

He is the head of the Demon Division.

There are some things that my subordinates can do.

Qiye said expressionlessly: "Old Fourth, Lord Chen has already finished refining the elixir, he sees that it is too time-consuming for you to refine the pill, so I will let my brothers dance to the adult."

"What? He finished refining the elixir? Bai Yu's face was full of incredulity: "Impossible, how could he refine the Yin Harvesting Pill before me?"

Qiye sighed: "It is true that the adult did not refine the Yin Pill, but what he refined was the Transformation Pill. "


A simple word.

It's like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Let Bai Yu instantly stunned in place.

She is an alchemist.

How did you not know that the refining of the Transformation Pill was extremely difficult?

She used her extraordinary performance this time to refine the Caiyin Pill.

Even the Soul Gathering Pill couldn't be refined.

However, Chen Nan refined the Transformation Pill.

It's clear who is strong and who is weak.

Qi Ye continued, "Moreover, Lord Chen has refined a hundred Transformation Pills at a time. "


"What he is eating now is the elixir he refined before."

Although he knew that saying this, Bai Yu would definitely be hit hard.

But that's the truth.

Because of this blow they also took just now.

After seeing Chen Nan refine a hundred Transformation Pills in one furnace, they were also extremely shocked.

There was a feeling of shock.

Even if there are many famous alchemists recorded in the ancient books of the Zhen Demon Division.

But no one can go against the sky like Chen Nan!

It's just not human!

Bai Yu looked at Chen Nan dumbfounded.

A mighty wave rose in my heart.

Refining a hundred Transformation Pills in one furnace?

And he is also refining pills while signing autographs for others.

Isn't this guy supposed to be an animal?

Why didn't he do some personnel?

Qiye sighed softly, and said seriously: "Old Fourth! "

To be a man is to be true to his word."

"From now on, you will be an adult's personal maid!"

Bai Yu came back to his senses in shock and sneered: "Even if his ability to refine pills is above me?"

"Have you forgotten the rules of the competition?"

"We are comparing refining and harvesting Yin Pills."

"Has he ever refined the Yin Harvesting Pill?"

"Where is the elixir he refined?"

Everyone was speechless.

They had long known that Bai Yu would play tricks.

After all, this woman is in addition to being good-looking.

There is no merit in it.

The best at trickling.

She looked at Chen Nan, and a hint of playfulness appeared at the corner of her mouth: "So."

"I won this round."

"Even if you are willing to gamble and lose."

"That's you as my servant!"

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Okay, I'm the most obedient!" "

More shameless than whom?

In this matter.

He has not been afraid of others.

Watching Chen Nan directly agree to be his own servant.

Bai Yu felt overwhelmed.

She hoped that Chen Nan would lose to herself.

Then he himself called him as a servant.

But this game is obviously she lost...

The last thing she wanted to see at this time was Chen Nan.

Not to mention that Chen Nan was dangling in front of his eyes as his servant.

Thinking of this, she snorted coldly: "Grandma is generous, I don't know you today, don't appear in front of my aunt's eyes in the future!" Saying that, he walked outside angrily.

"Adult, the fourth is like this, knife-mouthed tofu heart, don't see her in general." Seven Nights said with a smile.

The madman also said: "Yes, my lord, the fourth girl is not bad in nature, but she is a little strong in character." Qiu

Shui: "Don't look at her as a female stream, but her strength is very strong, especially the ability to judge cases, sometimes even our brothers can't compare."

Chen Nan kowtowed with medicine: "Don't worry, I won't see a girl like a girl."

Speaking of this, he looked at the four strong men who were dancing before, and grinned: "Come and come, then play music, continue to dance!" Chen

Nan felt that he was quite perverted sometimes.

Until just now.

These guys propose to dance.

He just realized.

In this world, there are still some guys who are more perverted than themselves!


took down a hundred Transformation Pills.

The yin qi in Chen Nan's body was a little thicker again.

He emptied the Danfang of those people.

Sat cross-kneeled and began the sprint.

Old routine.

Nine light and one ruthless.

The good news is that he broke through.

Stepped into the ninth layer of the Transformation Realm.

But the bad news is.

After he broke through, he did not restrain the fire poison in his body.

Even if he breaks through, he can only control the three-ten-thousandth fire system.

At present, he is still in a state of being eaten back.

"If you want to completely restrain the fire poison in your body, you must step into the soul-loving realm!" Chen Nan was not discouraged, even if he could not restrain the fire poison in his body.

But you can also take the opportunity to continue to sleep with the Lu family sisters.

After all, it's really comfortable to sleep with them...

No, no, no!

Not sleeping with their sisters in their arms.

Instead, he wanted to help the two sisters resist this long winter night.

They must not be exposed to the cold.

After all, they are new to the red dust.

You have to make them feel the warmth of the world, don't you?

In the evening.

Song Linhui sent a carriage to the Zhen Demon Division.

I want to take Chen Nan to the Song family for a banquet.

Qiye's expression was solemn: "Sir, this person of Song Daotai is extremely deep, acts extremely, and is particularly vengeful.

"You slapped him in the face in public today, so that he couldn't get off the stage, I estimate that there will be a change in the banquet tonight!"

"Or the subordinate will accompany you!"

Chen Nan chuckled: "Private dinner, what are you going to do with it?"

"Do you think I'm afraid something will happen?"

"I wish they would dare to do something to me." Saying that, he walked out of the town demon division and got into the carriage of the Song family.

Watching the carriage gradually move away, a wry smile appeared at the corner of Qiye's mouth: "The strength of the adult is fierce, and no one below the ghost realm is invincible." "

If the Song family really dares to move adults."

"I must know the horror of adults!"

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