Dotai Province.

The Song family put on a bright lantern to express their welcome to Chen Nan.

In Song Linhui's study.

He looked at the book in his hand and said expressionlessly to an old man in front of him: "Elder Mu, I regret about Grandma Ji's affairs."

"I didn't expect her to fall into the hands of that junior Chen Nan."

The old man's name was Mu Yifeng.

It is the worship of the Song family.

It is also Grandma Ji's Taoist couple.

Although both of them are at the pinnacle of the physical realm.

However, Mu Yifeng has reached the realm of great consummation of the body realm.

To put it bluntly.

He has already stepped into the Ghost Realm with one foot.

With such strength, even Ji Taimei was not his opponent.

"Adults don't need to blame themselves, if they want to blame, blame the old woman for being too conceited!" Mu Yifeng's face was full of sadness, he knew what kind of personality his woman was.

Too arrogant.

There is no one in sight.

Otherwise, it would not have been doomed.

Song Linhui: "I have already sent the butler to pick up Chen Nan, and he will arrive at the Song family soon."

"If you want to kill him."

"I won't stop it."

His tone was flat.

He didn't put Chen Nan's life and death in his eyes at all.

Hear this.

Mu Yifeng, who was full of white hair, suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes, and he subconsciously clenched his fist, and his whole body erupted with an icy killing intent.

So much so that the candlelight in front of Song Linhui almost went out.

Mu Yifeng gritted his teeth and said, "Of course, Old Immortal wants to kill Chen Nan to avenge the old woman, but this son is a sixth-level Yin Difference, or the head of the Demon Division.

"If I kill him in the Song family, it will inevitably affect the entire Song family."

Mu Yifeng knew what the end of killing Chen Nan was.

Even the Song family will be affected.

Song Linhui showed a sinister smile: "Who said that if you kill him in my Song family, our Song family will be affected?"

Mu Yifeng was puzzled.

Song Linhui said, "If you blatantly kill Chen Nan."

"My Song family will indeed usher in a catastrophe."

"But what if someone assassinates me at a dinner party?"

"Accidentally affected the innocent and killed Chen Nan."

"Do you think the imperial court will still blame our Song family?"

Speaking of this, he took out a storage bag: "There are a hundred Xuanyin stones inside, and after killing Chen Nan, Elder Mu will leave the Song family!"

"After the dinner begins, you hide in the secret, I break the glass as a trumpet, you listen to my instructions!"

"I'll poison his drink then."

"Guaranteed to get you hit the shot." Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Mu Yifeng: "Old Immortal obeys orders!" "


around seven o'clock in the evening.

Chen Nan arrived at Daotai Mansion.

Just stepped off the carriage.

He saw the Song family waiting here.

Song Linhui waited here with his wife and concubines, as well as his children.

Show respect for Chen Nan.

In addition, there are the patriarchs of the two families who have befriended the Song family.

They are the Wei family and the Xu family.

They are all rich businessmen with heads and faces in Guangling Province.

Everyone has the wealth of an unrivaled country.

The reason why Song Linhui invited the Wei family and the people of the Xu family were present.

It comes down to wanting them to be a witness.

Chen Nan's death in the Song family was all accidental.

It has nothing to do with the Song family.

Of course.

And the girl Chen Nan wanted to see.

The girl is as weak as a willow, a small face is as white as jade, the green silk is only combed with a small pinch, the hairpin is clouded with a silver hairpin, and she is wearing a long aqua blue skirt.

The bright eyes are full of anticipation and excitement, giving people a feeling of pity.

I saw Song Ziwei again after several months apart.

Chen Nan's mood was also very excited.

After all, this is the first time that the host has been separated from Song Ziwei for such a long time.

"Young Master, you are finally here!"

Song Ziweifei threw himself into Chen Nan's arms.

Hot tears wet Chen Nan's clothes.

It makes him feel very grounded.

Although speechless.

But she expressed her inner lovesickness with practical actions.

Seeing Song Ziwei ignoring the presence of so many people, she hugged Chen Nan in public.

Song Linhui's eldest son, Song Feiyang, had a gloomy face and said in a low voice: "This mean girl really doesn't understand the rules more and more."

"Unexpectedly, regardless of everyone's presence, he hugged the surname Chen!"

In the eyes of the big households.

Women who have not yet left the cabinet should pay great attention to their words and deeds.

Physical contact with the opposite sex should be avoided.

Now Song Ziwei's behavior has caused many people to be dissatisfied.

A strong killing intent rose in Song Linhui's heart, but he couldn't get angry at this time.

He said plainly: "Chen Nan and Ziwei have lived together since childhood, although the two are not related, but they are like relatives, and now it is reasonable for relatives to meet and hug each other."

The second elder, Song Feipeng, said, "What my father said is very true.

"But compared to hugging Chen Nan in public."

"I can't even accept this mean girl calling Chen Nan a young master."

"She is also a child of my Song family."

"How can you degrade yourself like this?"

"She called Chen Nan Young Master, has she ever considered the face of our Song family?"

Song Linhui glanced at his son viciously.

Mess around with things.

You think it's humiliating that Lao Tzu doesn't know this?

There are some things that everyone knows.

Why do I have to say it?

Do you still think Lao Tzu is not angry enough?

Why do you have to add fuel to the fire?

"How was life in the Song family during this time?" Chen Nan looked at the girl who was crying with joy in his arms, she had not seen her for months, she looked a little thinner.

"It's good, I don't have to worry about eating, I don't have to worry about dressing, and there are maids to serve." Song Ziwei forced a smile.

For her, maybe her life has changed.

But this kind of brocade may not be what she wants.

Because while getting.

Also doomed to lose something else.

She lost an emotion called happiness in the Song family.

Since beating her to come to the Song family.

I gradually forgot how to laugh.

Chen Nan touched her head distressedly: "Don't worry, since I am here, I will protect you from anyone."

"Who dares to bully you."

"That is to be the enemy of me Chen Nan."

"Enemies of the Demon Town."

He didn't lower his voice.

Instead, it is sending a very unfriendly message to the Song family.

As long as you dare to bully Song Ziwei.

That's my enemy.

Not even your Song family.

"The virtuous nephew is serious, Ziwei is my daughter, our Song family loves her too late, how can we bully her?" Song Linhui stepped forward with a warm smile on his face.

This is a typical duplicitousness.

Punch Chen Nan hard in the court and place him in the position of the head of the Demon Division.

In private, they are virtuous and nephews.

It seems very kind and easygoing.

Although Chen Nan did not like this kind of person.

But because of Song Ziwei's face, it can't happen.

"Junior Chen Nan, I have seen Uncle Song!" He bowed and saluted and greeted Song Linhui as a junior.

No matter what the relationship between the two above the court is.

But now it's private.

To put it bluntly...

It should still be installed.

For nothing else.

Just for Song Ziwei.

"We are not outsiders, so there is no need to be so polite."

"Come and come, please Fuzhong, I have asked people to prepare a feast!"

"Let's not get drunk tonight!" Song Linhui's face was full of enthusiasm, but the killing intent in his heart intensified.

As long as you enter the Song family.

Just want to leave alive!

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