Chen Nan thinks he has experienced many winds and waves.

I have also seen some sinister and cunning people.

But right now.

He was stunned and couldn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Song Linhui's gourd.

This old thing has already poisoned the wine.

This is to kill yourself.

But why help yourself to fight for so many benefits?

Say nothing else.

That 1.3 million acres of fertile land alone.

It will allow him to completely gain a foothold in Guangling Mansion.

300,000 acres of fertile land were used to build cultivation rooms.

One million acres of fertile land is used to grow potatoes, cabbage and other vegetables cultivated with penicillin.

This is really helping yourself!

There is a saying.

If Song Linhui hadn't poisoned the wine.

He will even regard Song Linhui as someone he can trust.

Seeing that the two signed the contract.

Song Linhui showed a satisfied smile, and then looked at Xu Binglong: "Old Xu, if I'm not mistaken, your in-laws should be the largest medicinal herb merchant in Guangling Mansion, right?"

Xu Binglong hurriedly said, "The reason why my in-laws' family is today is thanks to Lord Song's care."

Song Linhui said: "Tomorrow, when you go to see him, just say that Chen Nan is my junior, and when penicillin enters Guangling Mansion, let him promote it." "

Everything he did was paving the way for Chen Nan.

Xu Binglong said respectfully, "Tomorrow, I will relay Lord Song's words to my in-laws."

Song Linhui seemed to have thought of something, and shook his head: "It's not appropriate."

"Forget it, butler."

"You go to the Fu family now and invite Patriarch Fu over."

"Some things are said in person, more sincerely."

"We can't bully people just because we're a courtier."

The butler said respectfully: "Yes, the slave will send someone to the Fu family to invite the Fu patriarch." With that, he bowed and retreated.

"Come on, let's keep drinking." Song Linhui raised his glass with a smile, invited everyone to raise a glass and drink together, and then asked Chen Nan if he had any taboos about eating.

Take care of everything, completely treat him as his junior.

In order to bring the relationship between the two closer, he even told the past of his acquaintance with Song Ziwei's mother, and his face showed a trace of sadness: "Don't hide from you."

"Actually, we are also half fellow countrymen."

"I came from a humble family, and my grandmother's house is in Pingyang Town."

"Yes, the place where you were born and raised."

"When I was a child, I faced a drought that was not the last in a thousand years, and my parents starved to death."

"Then I went to live at my grandmother's house."

"And met Ziwei's mother, Yanru, there."

"She accompanied me to study and encouraged me to study."

"That's why I won the exam when I went to Beijing to catch up with the exam."

"That's where I am today."

"When I became famous, I returned home to marry her, but I accidentally learned about it."

"She passed away."

Speaking of this, his face was full of sadness.

Even crystal tears appeared in his eyes.

"After that, I left that sad place in Binh Duong Town."

"Step by step, I got to where I am today."

"But some time ago, I accidentally learned that Yanru gave birth to a daughter for me."

"It was because she gave birth to this daughter that she suffered from heavy bleeding and died accidentally."

"After that, I sent Ji Taimei to investigate this matter."

"Finally found Ziwei's whereabouts."

"You know what happened after that."

"I sent Ji Taimei to Tongcheng to pick up Guangling Mansion."

"That's why."

"Just to make up for the grievances she has suffered for so many years."

Song Ziwei's eyes were red: "Father, I have not been wronged in the Chen family, whether it is the young master or the lady, they regard me as their own." She

wasn't lying about that.

Even if she considers herself a maid in the Chen family.

But neither Chen Nan nor Wang Mengqing treated her as a maid.

Song Linhui came back to his senses in sadness and scolded with a smile: "It's thanks to this guy that he didn't let you be wronged, otherwise my father would have to teach him a hard lesson." "

Speaking of which.

Song Linhui's voice changed: "Chen Nan, have you ever been married?"

Chen Nan looked embarrassed: "I once had a history of marriage, and now I am single."

Song Linhui nodded slightly, and then he glanced at his daughter and showed a meaningful smile: "How do you feel about my daughter?" You two have grown up together since childhood, and it is not too much to say that the two of you are not guessing, right? The

words came out.

A blush appeared on Song Ziwei's face inexplicably.

She seemed to understand her father's meaning.

He wanted to give himself to the young master.

For this proposal.

Song Ziwei was supportive in her heart.

After all, she has always had a good impression of Chen Nan.

It's just that she felt that she was from a humble background and was not worthy of the young master.

And now it's different.

She is the daughter of Song Daotai.

And the young master can also be regarded as a doorman, right?

Chen Nan frowned.

A strong sense of antipathy rose in my heart.

Not to mention that Song Ziwei is just a sister in his heart.

Even if he really has a good impression of Song Ziwei.

Song Linhui should not have mentioned this matter.

Because he poisoned the wine.

He wants to harm himself!

And when he said this at this time, he just wanted to gain his favor.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu of treating themselves as if they were their own.

To put it bluntly, he is using Song Ziwei.

A father who will stop at nothing to use his daughter for the sake of his ends.

This approach is too inferior.

Song Ziwei didn't know what Chen Nan was thinking, and seeing that he hesitated, she immediately said: "Father, my daughter has just returned to the Song family, and she has not considered the issue of personal feelings yet. Although

she wants to marry Chen Nan.

But she didn't want Chen Nan to be so passive at this time.

Song Linhui saw what was in her daughter's heart, and sighed with a smile: "It's really a big girl!" "

That's it!"

"Affection, the father does not force it."

"Look at the fate between you!"

After that, everyone fell into small talk for a while.

Almost half an hour later.

A middle-aged man in a black costume trotted all the way and came to the Song family excitedly.

He came to the dining table, knelt on the ground with a pop, and said reverently: "Caomin Fu Yanjie, meet Song Daotai."

Song Linhui said: "Today is a family banquet, Patriarch Fu does not need to be polite, come and come, introduce you, this person next to me is the new director of our Guangling Mansion."

"It's also the beloved junior of old age!"

Fu Yanjie just stood up, and knelt in front of Chen Nan for the first time: "Caomin Fu Yanjie, meet Lord Chen!"

Chen Nan frowned.

Fu Yanjie?

Why is this name so familiar?

"There is nothing else to do with inviting Patriarch Fu over today." Song Linhui said, "Have you heard of penicillin?" That miracle medicine was developed by Chen Nan. "

That kind of miracle medicine will soon enter Guangling Mansion, and I hope that Patriarch Fu will help promote it at that time."

Fu Yanjie was flattered and said, "It is an honor for the grass people to help Lord Chen promote the divine medicine.

Song Linhui nodded slightly.

A flash of essence flashed in the depths of his eyes.

I have already brought in so many witnesses.

They all proved that they were friendly to Chen Nan and had a supportive attitude.

At this point, someone assassinated me and accidentally killed him.

The imperial court shouldn't think of me, right?

Think of this.

Silently, he touched the wine glass on the edge of the table with his elbow.

This is the cup wrestling that he and Mu Yifeng agreed on.

But just after the wine glass fell.

But he didn't hear the sound of shattering.

Instead, he heard Chen Nan's voice: "Uncle Song, why are you so careless, the wine glass almost fell to the ground!" "

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