Song Linhui snorted violently.

Turning his head to look, he saw that Chen Nan didn't know when he grabbed the wine glass that should have fallen to the ground and shattered.

He laughed: "When you are older, you can drink more, don't blame the virtuous nephew, don't blame the virtuous nephew!" Saying that, he quickly took the wine glass in Chen Nan's hand.

Chen Nan also smiled.

Before, he didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Song Linhui's gourd.

But now.

He realized!

If nothing else.

Wait for the glass to fall to the ground.

There will be masters entering the banquet hall.

Take his life.

Of course.

The real purpose of the other party is not their own.

It's Song Linhui.

But he will accidentally kill himself.

Then flee the place.

Although he died in Daotai Mansion.

But Song Linhui will not be implicated in any way.

The reason is none of it.

He was very kind to himself.

Wei Shengjin, Xu Binglong, and Fu Yanjie can all be used as witnesses to this point.

All can prove his friendly attitude to himself.

Especially the lease contract he signed with Wei Shengjin.

It can also clear all suspicions on his body.

It has to be said.

The IQ of this opponent is still very online.

If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to break the cup, even Chen Nan wouldn't have seen his true intentions.

Now that he knew what Song Linhui had in mind, the next stage should also be handed over to Chen Nan.

"Uncle Song is not very old!" Chen Nan took the initiative to pick up the wine jug and poured a glass for Song Linhui: "What, the junior is coming to the door for the first time, this glass of wine is for Uncle Song!"

"I hope your elder will not remember the villain, and forgive the junior for the disrespectful words in the prefect Yamen today."

"I'm done, you feel free!"

Saying that, he craned his neck and drank the drink in the glass.

Song Linhui also drank the wine in the cup.

Although he wanted to kill Chen Nan.

But this cannot be rushed.

If you deliberately break the wine glass, it will definitely cause others to notice.


Even if you break the glass, you have to pretend to be careless.


The stakes are high.

Even his son could not know about his plans.

Chen Nanman got up and looked at Fu Yanjie after the drink: "Patriarch Fu, I am a cultivator.

"As we all know, the most inseparable thing for cultivators is all kinds of medicinal materials."

"This is no exception, even for juniors."

"I will definitely have to deal with your Fu family in the future."

"I also hope that Patriarch Fu can give the junior a discount in Uncle Song's face!"

"Come, I toast you with this drink."

"I'm done, you feel free!"

Chen Nan likes wool.

Not to mention that a fat sheep has appeared in front of you now.

Even if the other party is shriveled to death.

He also had to find a way to get two handfuls.


He must be able to use the identity of Song Linhui to Fu Yanjie's wool.

"Yes, this is all what the grass people deserve." Fu Yanjie was flattered and quickly picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass.

An intriguing light flashed in Song Linhui's eyes on the side.


This son wants to use his reputation to bully people outside!

It's just that.

Do you think you can live today?

"What kind of token does Patriarch Fu have?" Chen Nan continued: "I am also the director of the Demon Suppression Department, it is not convenient to go to Fu's house to get medicine, you give me a token, and when I need it, I will send someone over, and you will give some discounts appropriately."

Fu Yanjie quickly took out a piece of jade pendant and said, "Master Chen only needs to order someone to bring this item to my Fu family pharmacy, and all the medicinal materials will be given away for free."

Chen Nan frowned slightly: "This official is also an official of the imperial court, so I'm afraid it's inappropriate to ask for the Fu family's medicinal materials for no reason, right?"

Song Linhui said, "I can't ask for the Fu family's medicinal materials for no reason, but the cost price of medicinal materials is very low.

"In this way, from now on, all your medicinal materials will be contracted by my Song family."

Chen Nan was taken aback.

Oops, lying groove.

And this kind of good thing?

He forcibly endured the joy in his heart, and quickly said: "Uncle Song's kind junior has received it, but..."

Before he finished speaking, Song Linhui interrupted him and said, "Chen Nan, your mother and son help me raise Ziwei as an adult."

"This is a great favor, this favor our Song family will definitely return."

"Just do as I said before."

"What medicinal materials do you need, let people go to the Fu family to get them directly."

"I'll pay the bills for you."

"If you refuse, then you will inevitably look down on Uncle Song!"

When he said this, he made people think that he treated Chen Nan as his own.

For the sake of Chen Nan, after his death, he could better clear up the relationship.

Chen Nan stood up and bowed deeply to Song Linhui: "The junior thanks Uncle Song for his cultivation grace!"

Song Linhui said with a smile: "Let's not say so many polite words between us, work hard in the future, and strive to have a place in the capital city as soon as possible!"

Chen Nan said solemnly: "The junior will definitely not live up to Uncle Song's expectations!" "

Right now.

The butler walked in nervously.

"You guys drink first, I'll come when I go!" Song Linhui knew that if there was nothing important, the butler could not come nervously.

After leaving a word, he got up and walked outside the banquet hall.

The butler whispered, "Sir, I just received intelligence. "

The Emperor Master once sent a powerful Ghost Realm powerhouse to intercept and kill Chen Nan along the way."

"And that expert has died in the hands of Chen Nan!"

A simple word.

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Song Linhui was stunned in place.

A layer of cold sweat instantly appeared on his forehead.

Chen Nan was actually able to kill a powerful Ghost Realm powerhouse?

Is this person's strength so terrifying?

He really couldn't believe that Chen Nan's strength was so terrifying.

The steward continued, "Not only that, Chen Nan went to the Town Demon Division to take up his post today, and he instantly defeated the three Divine Capturers, as well as more than three hundred Town Demon Division powerhouses.

"With his own strength, even a powerhouse at the peak of the Body Grabbing Realm has no power to fight back in front of him."

Song Linhui's scalp was numb.

He didn't believe that Chen Nan had killed a powerful Ghost Realm powerhouse.

But he was able to crush the entire Demon Town Division with his own strength.

You can imagine how terrifying this person's strength is.

He was glad that the wine glass that fell before was caught by Chen Nan.

If Mu Yifeng heard it, he rushed in.

He will definitely be counter-killed by Chen Nan.

Although the wine was poisoned.

But he knows.

That kind of poison can only affect cultivators below the Ghost Realm.

And Chen Nan's current strength is above the Ghost Realm!

A layer of cold sweat appeared behind him.

I'm really glad that Chen Nan caught the wine glass that fell to the ground!

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath.

Gave up the idea of killing Chen Nan.

Because with Mu Yifeng's strength, he was not Chen Nan's opponent at all.

Just thinking that I had done so much for him in order to please him.

I was very upset!

It made him feel like stealing chickens and not losing rice.

After the mood has completely calmed down.

He turned and entered the banquet hall.

At this time, Chen Nanzheng, Wei Shengjin, Xu Binglong, and Fu Yanjie pushed the cup and changed the cup.

Seeing Song Linhui return to the banquet hall, Chen Nan quickly picked up Song Linhui's wine glass: "Uncle Song, today's drink is almost the same, how about we have wine in the cup?"

Song Linhui smiled and said, "Okay, just listen to the virtuous nephew."

Chen Nan nodded and handed Song Linhui's wine glass to the other party.

But just when Song Linhui reached out to take the wine glass.

Chen Nan slipped his fingers.

The wine glass fell to the ground in Song Linhui's terrified, shocked gaze.

This moment!

Song Linhui only felt that his scalp was numb.

It's as if cut off from the whole world.

Only the sound of the wine glass shattering echoed in his head like heavenly thunder!

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