Chen Nan glanced back at him and said with a smile: "Although this guy of yours is a little stupid, he is still very self-aware!"

"At least you know you're a little stupid!"

The corners of Guo Yu's mouth twitched.

Are you praising me, or hurting me?

Chen Nan walked out of the hunting ground, rode his horse, and walked side by side with Guo Yu towards Guangling Mansion.

At the same time, he opened his mouth to explain his previous behavior: "Song Linhui is cautious in life, even if I gave the four brothers of the Song family some elixirs to improve the realm.

"They will definitely also inform Song Linhui about the elixir."

"But Song Linhui will definitely not let them accept my kindness."

"Because he knows that I definitely have some intentions in this move."

Guo Yu grinned: "Weasels give chickens a New Year's greeting, I understand this." "

Chen Nan really wants to hit someone.

Although this is the truth.


Do you need to translate like this?

You are rude!

He gave Guo Yu a blank look, and continued: "Song Linhui is very face-loving, otherwise he would not have sent someone to intercept me, the reason is very simple, when I was in the Chen family, Song Ziwei always called me Young Master."


"When he saw his four sons being beaten by Tuo Kai."

"Will he be angry?"

"At this time, the fourth son of the Song family will definitely hold back."

"I won't even say anything about the elixir."

"Because of this, they can improve their cultivation and seek revenge."

"Although this matter cannot be hidden for long."

"But when the fourth son of the Song family found out, the wood was already a boat."

"Even Song Linhui will definitely not end the fourth son of the Song family from interacting with me."

"Because no one can refuse their son to grow up."

"He will stop the loss in time."

"Find a way to help me find the clues of the mysterious and tragic death of the director of the Demon Division."

"Because as long as I'm alive."

"His four sons will become better and stronger."

"Although he is the Daotai of Guangling Mansion."

"But also a father."

"As a qualified father, who doesn't want his son to become a dragon and his daughter to become a phoenix?"

Guo Yu suddenly realized: "In other words, you deliberately provoked Tuo Kai, but you actually wanted to borrow his hand to help you achieve your goal?"

Chen Nan nodded undeniably.

Guo Yu hesitated and couldn't help but say, "Big brother, take the liberty to ask, do you not calculate that others will die for a day?" Aren't you tired? "

Chen Nan is tired or not, he doesn't know.

Anyway, he sounded like his head hurt.

"Non and none!" Chen Nan said with a smile: "People with low IQ will feel tired of calculating others all day.

"Only people with high intelligence can experience the thrill of playing games with others by IQ!"

The corners of Guo Yu's mouth twitched violently.

He felt that Chen Nan was scolding him.


was not long after Chen Nan's front foot left.

The four brothers of Song Feilong also bowed their farewell to Tao Jun.

Then he rode towards Guangling Mansion.

The four brothers were all smiling.

Because they have participated in similar gambling more than once.

But none of them have won a good ranking.

So much so that my father often called them waste.

But today they got third place.

He was rewarded with 200,000 taels of gold.

If nothing else...

When they go back, their father will definitely praise them.

"Mistress, what do you think about the elixir?" Song Feiyang suddenly spoke: "Do you want to inform your father about this?" "

The third of their four brothers, Song Feiheng, is the most reticent.

But he is also the smartest of the four brothers.

Although he ranks third.

But the right to speak can be compared to the boss Song Feiyang.

Song Feiheng hesitated and said, "Brother Chen is true to his words and is a true gentleman.

"Just as the so-called gentleman's friendship is as light as water, he definitely doesn't mind us informing our father about the elixir."

"On the contrary, if we take Big Brother Chen's elixir behind our father's back."

"When my father finds out, he will definitely be angry."

"Although my father doesn't like Big Brother Chen..."

"But how to dispose of these pills, you still have to ask your father's opinion."

The other brothers nodded one after another.

I feel that what the third man said is reasonable.

And right now.

A hurried sound of horses' hooves came from behind.

The four brothers subconsciously turned back.

I saw Tuo Kai's face full of gloom, and he was angry and corrupted and came with some little brothers quickly.

Seeing this scene, Song Feiheng said in a low voice: "Hide."

"If we raise the horse in front, let Tuo Kai eat dust in the back."

"It is very likely that he will use this as an excuse to attack us."

"After all, we got third place this time, and the limelight overshadowed them."

They are the sons of Song Daotai.

In Guangling Province, it is almost sideways.

But that's not the case.

In Guangling Mansion, there are people they dare not offend.

A descendant of the Tao family.

The second is broadening.

Although Tuokai's father was the prefectural commander of Quang Ling Province.

But with strong connections and influence.

Even if they hit them, they can only admit bad luck.


Similar things happened several times when the brother was four children.

All four of them had been severely beaten by Tuokai.


They are very jealous of expansion.

It can't compare with strength.

You can't spell it out.

You can only hide away when encountered.

Just as the four brothers stopped their horses and waited for each other to pass by the side of the road.

Tuo Kailema stopped in front of the four brothers, he raised his eyebrows and asked coldly: "Why did you four brothers stop suddenly?" "

How many meanings?"

"It's to see that I finished fourth in the game and wanted to deliberately stop and watch me joke."

"Laugh at me, right?"

One listen to this.

The four brothers of the Song family were immediately stunned.

We're obviously letting you go first.

When did it laugh at you?

Without much thought, Song Feiheng hurriedly said, "Young Master Tuo, we don't have the idea of laughing at you or watching your jokes.

"We're just out of respect and want you to go first, that's all."

Tuo Kai suddenly realized: "So it is, this is indeed not a mockery."

Then the voice changed sharply: "This is humiliation, you are humiliating Lao Tzu!"

"You finished third in the competition."

"Third place respects fourth place?"

"Isn't this humiliation, what?"

"A group of villains with good intentions, look how Xiaoye repairs you today!" Saying that, he flew up and swept towards the strongest Song Feiyang.

He was in a bad mood today.

I have never held back like today in my life.

All this is because of Chen Nan.

It's just that Chen Nan is the head of the Demon Division, and he doesn't dare to make a move on Chen Nan.

But the four brothers of the Song family are just like that in his eyes.

Even if it hits, what?

Can't beat Chen Nan.

Then hit people who are closely related to Chen Nan.

As long as you can vent your unhappiness!


ten minutes later.

Exhausted, Tuokai was helped to ride a horse and left without any end.

But it suffered the four brothers of the Song family.

They were all beaten with blue noses and swollen faces, and their faces were unrecognizable.

It looks miserable.

Song Feilong's eyes were full of humiliation, and he said vaguely: "Tuo Kai deceived people too much, I must go to my father to sue him!" "

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