In addition, the brother's eyes were also full of anger.

They had indeed been beaten by Taka before.

But that's all old.

Since beating them as adults, they have never been beaten by Tuokai.

After all, they are all adults.

Everything is done in a measured manner.

We all have to take care of each other's faces.

But today.

Tuo Kai but beat them in public, the four brothers fell to the ground, and their faces were unrecognizable.

If it weren't for their inferiority.

It will definitely be desperate with Tuokai.

"Father must be told about this." Song Feiheng endured the pain and stood up: "Although Tuokai is the son of the county order, he can't flout the laws of the imperial court like this and openly beat others."

Song Feipeng: "Yes, we didn't offend him, why did he hit us?" Heal him!

"Go, go home!"

The four brothers supported each other and got on the horse.

It would have been half an hour's journey.

This time it took an hour and a half.

The reason is none of it.

They were not only beaten with blue noses and swollen faces.

Even pain all over the body.

If the horse is too fast, it will directly affect the injuries on the body.

It hurts...

Finally came to the door of the Song family.

Without waiting for Song Feiyang to speak, he asked his subordinates to bring the stool and help them dismount.

A family member shouted at the four brothers: "This is the important land of the Song family, idle people can't wait to get close, the four of you quickly get out!" "

Listen to this.

The four brothers are furious!

But at the same time of anger, a burst of grievances rose in his heart.

Are they really beaten and don't even know their own people?

"Dog thing, quickly move the stool and help us dismount!" Song Feilong forcibly endured the anger in his heart and roared.

Jiading gasped!

How is it the voice of the fourth young master?


The four of them shouldn't be the four young masters, right?

Oh, my God!

Who is so bold.

Dare to beat the four young masters so badly?

Is he tired of living?

Don't think about it.

Jiading hurriedly moved the stool and helped the four brothers to dismount.

Helped them into the house.

Today the wind is beautiful.

When the sun is warm.

Song Daotai, who had just been vomited blood by Chen Nanqi last night, was lying on a lounge chair in the back garden, enjoying the lazy time of the afternoon.

Right at this moment.

He heard a jumble of footsteps.

He was a little upset.

Don't you know if the master needs to recuperate?

When he looked in the direction where the voice was coming from.

I couldn't help but be taken aback.

What the heck?

How did four pig heads appear?

The legendary Rays are no more than that!

Just before Song Linhui could return to his senses, a slightly familiar voice sounded: "Father, you want to do justice for our four brothers!"

Song Linhui's pupils trembled violently.

He stood up incredulously: "You... Are you my son? The

four brothers knelt on the ground.

There was a look of humiliation in his eyes.

Song Feilong cried and cried, "Father, you want to uphold justice for the children!" The

other brothers also lowered their heads and sobbed softly.

"What's going on? What the hell is going on here? Song Linhui's face turned sallow and trembled: "Who is so bold that he dares to hit my son of Song Linhui?"

"Is he a decoration for me to use this platform?"

It is a dotai of Gwangneung Prefecture.

The sixth level of the imperial court is yin.

Song Linhui has never met the unrecognizable appearance of his son being beaten at the same time.

"Father, it's the hand under the expansion!" Song Feiheng's face was full of grievances and said, "You also know that we went hunting in the western suburbs today, but on the way back, we met him." "

He probably had unsatisfactory grades."

"So he took all his anger out on our four brothers."

"He also said that if he met us in the future, he would see us once and fight once."

Song Linhui's brows furrowed, and his eyes were extremely gloomy: "Even if the results are not satisfactory, it won't be enough to vent your anger on the four of you, right?" "

Is there something unknown in this?"

His face was gloomy.

A monstrous anger rose in his heart.

Although Tuokai also beat four sons before.

But it's all fights between small children.

He never took it seriously.

But today is different.

All four sons are adults.

And at the same time, the nose was beaten and the face was swollen.

This is simply hitting him in the face!


He didn't believe that Tuo Kai would trouble his son for no reason.

Song Feiheng said nervously: "This hunt, our results are better than Tuokai, he may be angry, this will make a move on us."

Song Linhui gritted his teeth and asked, "The reason?"

"What is his reason for hitting you?"

Song Feilong's face was full of grievance: "We just stopped to let Tuo Kai go first, and didn't want them to breathe dust in the rear, which was obviously a good intention, but he raked back, saying that we deliberately stopped and laughed at them!"

Song Linhui raised his eyebrows: "That's it?"

Song Feilong nodded repeatedly: "Uh-huh, that's it!"

"Too much deception, too much deception!" Song Linhui almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood again, he didn't expect that the reason why Tuo Kai beat his son was so outrageous!

I really don't put his platform in my eyes!

"Father, you must help the children uphold justice!" Song Feiyang sobbed, "You must participate in the expansion of a book."

"Tell the emperor that his godson has no way, deliberately hurts people, and despises the laws of the imperial court."


Song Linhui roared angrily, and slumped directly on the recliner in anger.

His face was pale, and his body trembled with anger: "Don't you think it's shameful enough to be a father?"

"Why didn't you fight back when he made a move on you?"

"Why didn't you join forces to hit him?"

The four brothers were stunned.

I didn't expect my father to be furious.

They fought back.

But the question is...

They are not opponents of Tuo Kai at all!

Song Linhui gritted his teeth, and his tone was full of disappointment: "You are already adults!"

"Even if you get beaten."

"It has to be done in the adult way, too."

"Instead of being wronged outside like when I was a child, run home and let me help you do justice."

"Don't you think it's humiliating?"

Speaking of this, he glared angrily at Song Feiyang, and a powerful anger erupted from his whole body: "You just said that I should participate in the expansion? "


"You think I'm not embarrassed enough in Guangling Mansion."

"You want me to lose all face in front of the Manchu Dynasty?"

"Tell the Manchu Dynasty that my four sons of Song Linhui were beaten by Tuo Kai and had a blue nose and a swollen face, and ran home crying and crying to complain to their father?"

"Even if you don't want a face, I Song Linhui wants a face!"

The four brothers were full of nervousness and lowered their heads uneasily.

Things are not what they imagined.

Fathers should protect them.


My father was disappointed with their performance!

"This is a fight between your young people, and it is not convenient for us older generations to intervene!" Song Linhui's face was full of weakness: "I really hope that the four of you brothers can take this opportunity to be angry and strong, and then defeat Tuo Kai in an upright manner!"

"If you don't have this ability, you deserve to be humiliated today!"

"me all!"

The four brothers left the backyard with a grimmed face.

Song Feiyang gritted his teeth and said, "Expanding the cultivation of the ninth layer of the Transformation Realm, even if we are angry and strong, we are not his opponents!"

Song Feiheng took out a storage bag with a frantic face: "With the elixir given by Big Brother Chen, why is it difficult to cultivate and expand the super?" "

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