Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "If your life is a mess, what are you going to do?"

Yuan Zun thought for a while and said, "I will calm down first, only if my mind is like stopping water, can I crack that mess one by one." "

He was a member of the radical faction though.

But in life, he is a very stable person.

Chen Nan said disapprovingly: "I'm different, I will use the sharpest knife to cut off these messes!"

"That's right."

"Do you have a clue to the book of life and death here?"

Chen Nan diverted the topic.

Although Wang Lan's situation is very bad.

But he had already figured out how to deal with it.

What he really cares about now is the clues of the book of life and death.

Yuan Zun said, "I do have a clue here.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

But then Yuan Zun's words made him scornful: "When Song Daotai first entered Guangling Mansion, he was still a third-grade literary official.

"His first job was to revise the books in the library."

"There's something you probably don't know."

"When the anti-Heavenly Sect rebelled, they were the first to attack the library buildings of the major state capitals."

"Because they know."

"They don't necessarily succeed."

"So, how can it be worse?"

Chen Nan: "Burn books!"

"Yes!" Yuan Zun said, "The anti-Heavenly Sect people burned the library buildings of the major prefectures of the netherworld at the same time.

"Purpose..." Obvious.

"They want to break the culture of Hades."

"After all, nothing is an eternal and immortal existence."

"If I had to say one."

"That's definitely words."


"All the books you see in the library now."

"All of them are records of what happened after the anti-heavenly sect was pacified."

"Very few people know what was written in books 10,000 years ago."


"Song Linhui has outstanding ability, and he spent more than ten years revising all the books in the library."

"Therefore, it became a sixth-level yin difference and became a Daotai of Guangling Mansion."

"If I'm not mistaken."

"He must know something old from 10,000 years ago."

Chen Nan nodded slightly.

Ten thousand years ago, the anti-heavenly sect rebelled.

Although there was no fault line in the culture after the rebellion.

But a lot of books were burned.

And those books most likely contained some information he wanted.

After all.

After the rebellion against the Heavenly Sect, the director of the Demon Zhen Division began to die mysteriously.

He can be sure.

Song Linhui must know something unknown.

It seems that the behavior of wooing the four brothers of the Song family before is very reasonable.

"The four brothers of the Song family have just obtained the Yin Pill, and the Soul Gathering Pill, and their cultivation will not improve too quickly in a short period of time."

"Just let the bullets fly for a while."

"Wait until Song Linhui sees that his four sons are so promising."

"Even if I don't come to the door."

"He will also tell me some untold stories from 10,000 years ago."

A few brief chats.

Chen Nan left the prefectural Yamen.

After returning home, Guo Yu also prepared dinner.

And by this time it was already evening.

Four dishes and one soup.

Meat and vegetarian combination.

Looks appetizing.

But dogs don't eat it.

Di Ting complained: "I said can you kid be more attentive when cooking?" Can you eat this dish without salt?

"Guo Gongzi is a little absent-minded today, forget it, I'll go put some salt!" Lu Bailing gave Lu Qingqing a look, and the sisters went to the kitchen with four dishes.

"Don't be in high spirits, with me, even if you expand, you don't want to kill Wang Lan!" Chen Nan knew that Guo Yu was as serious as himself, and he must be worried about Wang Lan's situation.

Guo Yu's eyes lit up: "Does the eldest brother want to rob the prison?" Let's go to the prison now! "

Bastard stuff! How could a person who is usually quite smart say such nonsense? Di listened to hatred and iron did not become steel: "The court is not a river, you can't fight and kill, and you can solve everything by force." "

Prison robbery? You can figure it out.

"Are you trying to hurt your eldest brother?"

Guo Yu was immediately stunned.

Although the eldest brother is a sixth-level yin difference.

Although he is the director of the Demon Division.

But now Wang Lan has signed the pledge.

If you rob the prison, even the eldest brother will be in great trouble.

After all, no one can compete with the law of kingship.

Not even the ninth-level yin difference.

If there is a violation, there is a dead end.

"I heard that I am right, you can't rob the prison!" Chen Nandao: "We are also the director of the Demon Division, and the sixth-level yin difference of the Eighth Classic of Zheng'er."

"How can we sneak up on this reputation-damaging thing?"

"If you want to rob, let's go to rob the court in a big way."

"That's my style!"

Guo Yu's eyes instantly burst out with a dazzling essence: "Big brother, do you really want to rob the court?" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "Is there any problem?"

Guo Yu swallowed his saliva wildly: "There is no problem, I just feel that with my eldest brother, I can live a fearful, no, tense and exciting day every day!" He

didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Chen Nan Gourd.

Because it's not that you don't want to know.

It's too lazy to guess.

After all, the big brother city is extremely deep.

But he knows a little.

No matter when and where, Chen Nan always strategizes and wins.

That's enough!

Di Ting's eyes were solemn, and he admonished: "Your step is too big, too hasty.

"It's easy to pull the egg!"

"I advise you to think twice."

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "The water in Guangling Mansion is too deep, Tao Guogong, Song Linhui, Expansion, and a mysterious existence that can obliterate the director of the Zhen Demon Division at any time."

"I have to fry the fish once!"

"Completely muddy the pool of water in Guangling Mansion!"

"Robbing the court is the best way."

The expansion is the order of Guangling County.

It has a transcendent status in Quang Ling Province.

It's not too much to say first.

He will certainly be present in three days of execution.

At that time, as long as he robbed the court in public.

It can make him faceless.

Thus disturbing the pool of water in Guangling Mansion.

Then he may have one more ally.

As the old saying goes.

More friends, easy to go.

He still understands this.

Di Ting asked, "Even if you rob the court, have you ever thought of a way out?"

Chen Nan clenched his fists: "Everything is under control!" He


The Lu sisters came to the restaurant with salted dishes.

The two demons and the three demons began to eat.

Thinking that the weather was gradually getting colder, Chen Nan said to Guo Yu: "Tomorrow, you go out to find two masons and build a kang head in the bedroom, so that the two sisters of the Lu family will endure the cold."

Lu Qingqing suddenly muttered: "Young Master Chen, are you going to sleep with our sisters so early?"

"We prefer to sleep in your arms than Kang Tou!"

Chen Nan almost didn't vomit blood: "I'm going to the town of the Demon Division during the day, and I can't accompany you, so I want to build a kang to help you keep warm!"

Lu Qingqing's eyes lit up, and he keenly grasped the meaning of Chen Nan's words: "That is, you still want to sleep with us at night?"

"Actually, you want to sleep with your arms around our sisters, right?"

Chen Nan was embarrassed and couldn't wait to find a seam to drill into.

If you understand it that way.

But can you stop saying it so directly?

Is it bad to give me some face?

At this moment, an unfamiliar voice came from outside: "Is this Lord Chen's mansion?" "

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