"I'll open the door!"

Guo Yu quickly got up.

This place is can't stay.

He doesn't have to eat at all, and he, a single dog, can be fed.

A moment later.

Guo Yu came to the restaurant with a storage bag: "Big brother, it's someone from Qingyunlou, and they sent some medicinal materials for refining soul-loving pills.

"That old thing is very efficient!" Chen Nan took the storage bag, and the soul power poured into it, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The storage bag is filled with medicinal herbs that look like a small mountain.

And all the medicinal herbs have already been classified.

"There are actually medicinal materials for refining 50,000 Soul Thirsty Pills!"

Chen Nan couldn't calm his heart.

As the level of elixirs continues to increase.

The medicinal herbs needed are also very rare.


How could Qingyunlou get so many medicinal materials in a short period of time?

This energy is also terrible.

Not to be underestimated!

But none of that matters.

The important thing is that he can deduct seventy percent of the elixir.

Fifty thousand pills, he can deduct thirty-five thousand!

"If I can deduct 35,000 Soul Pills, my strength will definitely be able to step into the peak of the Body Grabbing Realm, and even step into the Ghost Realm!"

Chen Nan's blood boiled.

Sure enough, boys must have a skill wherever they go.

If it weren't for the fact that he was good at refining pills.

It would never have risen so fast in Hades.

"Big brother, can I learn to refine pills with you?" Guo Yu suddenly spoke.

Chen Nan looked at him and said seriously, "Do you think refining elixirs is simple?


"Refining elixirs is even simpler than you think."

"But that's just me."

"There is a specialization in the art industry."

"You can honestly cultivate and practice archery!"

It's not that he doesn't want to teach Guo Yu alchemy.


This guy is really not this piece of material.

Instead of wasting time on alchemy, it is better to do what he is good at.

Di Ting gloated and laughed: "Yes, after all, what you are best at is shooting old ladies."

Guo Yu looked loveless.

He once prided himself on shooting an old lady who had won the pinnacle of the physical realm.

But now I find out.

This seems to have become a terrier that can't be passed...


Chen Nan and Lu Bailing, and the Lu Qingqing sisters returned to the bedroom.

However, Chen Nan did not go to bed.

Instead, he sat cross-kneeled in front of the bed, and a black dan furnace appeared in his hand.

"I need to refine some elixirs, two sisters rest first!"

He can be separated from the Lu family sisters.

But the two sisters are snake demons.

Although they can barely adapt to the daytime temperature in late autumn.

But at night, it was a great ordeal for the sisters.

Even if they are powerhouses of the Body Grabbing Realm.

But racial deficiencies made it difficult for them to adapt to the long cold night.

Because of this, Chen Nan would be able to refine elixirs.

Because for the Lu sisters, he is a humanoid heater.

As long as he is there, the temperature in the room will not be too low.

Not to mention that he also had to refine elixirs.

Seeing Chen Nan concentrate on refining elixirs.

The Lu sisters had no intention of sleeping.

Even if the temperature in the room is right, it makes people drowsy.


When Chen Nan was refining the elixir, he was very engaged and focused.

Especially that handsome side face.

It's heart-wrenching.

Fascinated by it.

Because it was the first time refining the Soul Loving Pill.

There was an accident in the first two furnaces.

There is no Chengdan.

But he was not discouraged and learned from failure.

Finally, he successfully refined the Soul Thirsty Pill in the third furnace.

And he was hot and sweaty, but he looked radiant.

The difficulty of refining the Soul Pill was much smaller than he had imagined.

Right at this moment.

There was a chill in his arms.

Look down.

A small green snake more than one meter long appeared on him.

Immediately, the other party transformed into a human and fell directly into his arms.

The cool feeling made him very refreshed.

Lu Qingqing put her arms around his neck and looked at Chen Nan with affection: "Young Master Chen, have you ever felt bored refining pills?" Or let's have something fun. "

Will you refine our sisters?" Saying that, he showed a coquettish look.

Seeing that the other party was only wearing a thin blue gauze long dress.

A hazy, concave and shaped body was revealed.

That looming feeling.

It made Chen Nan feel dry mouth.

Refining your sisters?

This is no longer a hint.

It's explicit!

He spat awkwardly and said, "Sister Qingqing don't want to be like this, I only have respect for your sisters, and I have no evil thoughts!"

Lu Qingqing giggled and said, "We're not afraid that you have evil thoughts about us, but we are afraid that your evil thoughts are not strong enough!" Speaking of this, he raised his head and kissed Chen Nan on the face.

Lu Bailing spoke: "Qingqing, you must not affect Young Master Chen's refining of elixirs.

"Sister is duplicitous, you obviously want to, but you don't admit it." Lu Qingqing muttered, looking unhappy.

Lu Bailing's face was red: "Young Master Chen don't want to listen to Qingqing's nonsense, I only have respect and gratitude for you." The

corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched.

Lu Bailing is really a duplicitous woman!

Do you have only respect and gratitude for me?


If you have only respect and gratitude for me, why should you lose your soul with me?

Why blow it all the time?

He threw away the mess of thoughts in his head.

Calmed down and continued to refine the elixir.

Spent the night.

He refined three thousand pills.

However, he was not in a hurry to take it.

Although he knew that after taking the pill, he would break through immediately.

But he was a little dazed.

A breakthrough is a good thing.

But for him at this time.

It's not as rosy as you think.

He looked back at the two sleepy figures on the bed.

There was a hint of reluctance in my heart.

Now he.

It is still in a state of being swallowed back by the laws of the fire system.

It's just not life-threatening.

It is necessary to suppress the fire poison in the body with the help of the body temperature of the two sisters.

But if it breaks through...

He can completely control the fire system law of four ten-thousandths.

There is no need for the two sisters to sleep with them at all.


It's quite reluctant.


Although Chen Nan did not want to surpass Xu Xian.

But there is one thing to say.

Sleep with their sisters in their arms.

It's also a very comfortable thing.

Although it is said that after the breakthrough, you can still put the Lu family sisters to sleep.

But it's not justified.

As a man with a face.

How could he perform such shameless behavior?

"Forget it!"

"Let's break through after a while!"

Chen Nan put away the elixir.

He already thought about it.

Wait until the next spring blossoms to break through.


He wants to use his own body temperature.

To warm the body and mind of the Lu family sisters.

So that they can survive the following long winter in peace.

Let them find support and solace in the long cold night.

Let them experience that there is true love in the world.

Let the snake demon sisters like this billowing red dust.

Think of this.

Even Chen Nan was impressed by himself.

"I have this noble character of sacrificing myself for the fulfillment of others."

"Who can not love this kind of man?"

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