After breakfast.

Chen Nan left home and came to the Zhen Demon Division.

After all, he is the head of the Demon Town.

You need to sit in the town during the day.

He turned to a young man and said, "Call Seven Nights to meet me!" The

young man said respectfully: "Lord Hui, Lord Seven Nights has gone out on a mission, and he is not in the Town Demon Division!"

Chen Nan: "Then call the madman." The

young man said, "Lord Madman and Lord Qiushui are also participating in that mission, and they won't be back until noon at the earliest."

"Now that only Lord Hakuba is in the Demon Town, do you want to call her here?"

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "Then let Bai Yu come to see me." "


Almost five minutes later.

A long red tunic, willow leaves bent eyebrows, and white feathers full of frost appeared in the hall.

She did not salute Chen Nan, but asked coldly: "The surname is Chen, what is the matter with your aunt?" "

She doesn't like Chen Nan herself.

Especially yesterday, Chen Nan tore open the clothes on his chest in public, revealing his huge chest muscles, saying that she was inferior to him.

This deeply stimulated Bai Yu's arrogant character.

It hurt her self-esteem.

This woman really has a vendetta!

Chen Nan sighed secretly.

Then he disappeared like a ghost on the throne in the middle of the main hall.

Appeared in front of Bai Yu and said, "Bai Yu girl, you and I have to work together, I don't want a lot of unpleasant things to happen during our work together."

"What about me, write a book for me before and repeat your name."

"I solemnly apologize to you for the impact on your reputation." Say bow and salute.

"I also hope that for my sake, I only have half a year to live."

"Don't be like me a dying man."

Being a man.

You have to be generous.

He didn't want people to think that he was in a dealership with a woman.

Of course.

Writing a book with a duplicate name affects Bai Yu's reputation.

Even if it's a coincidence.

But he also had to apologize to her.

This is the temperament that a man should have, Bai

Yu did not expect Chen Nan to apologize to himself.


But it was still difficult to understand the hatred in her heart.

Let's just say that yesterday Chen Nan showed his huge chest muscles to humiliate him.

This is inexcusable.

She said impatiently: "Say, what are you looking for me for?"

A piece of paper appeared in Chen Nan's hand: "You follow the information above, go and find the people of the Wang family and protect them." "

In order to prevent the Tuojia dog from jumping off the wall.

He must protect Wang Lan's relatives.

Bai Yu said coldly: "This kind of thing is not under the control of the Demon Commander!"

Chen Nan snorted heavily: "You have to make it clear, I am the head of the Demon Suppression Division, and all you have to do is obey my orders!" "

The official level crushes people.

Although Bai Yu didn't want to help Chen Nan do things.

But she was helpless.

Only reluctantly take orders.

Then he left the hall in a fit of rage.

After she left.

Chen Nan went to the alchemy room.

A boring alchemy began.

And it was late afternoon.

There was a sound of chaotic footsteps, and Seven Nights ran in covered in blood.

After seeing Chen Nan refining pills, he hurriedly saluted: "Subordinates don't know that adults are refining pills here, please forgive me for offending."

"What's with the blood on you?" Chen Nan asked curiously.

You must know that Seven Nights has the cultivation of the peak of the body realm.

There are absolutely only a handful of people who can hurt him.

Qiye gasped and said, "We received a report before that a man-eating mountain spirit appeared in Jinyang Mountain in the west of the city, and then I and the madman, Qiushui, went there last night.

"I was thinking about killing that mountain spirit."

"But I didn't expect the other party to be strong."

"Even if our brothers join forces, we haven't fought it."

"And Qiu Shui also lost an arm, although he recovered it, he urgently needs intermittent ointment, otherwise his right arm will be completely wasted!" Saying that, he hurriedly went to a room next to the alchemy room, where there were many pills.


The cabinet of intermittent ointment was empty.

Qiye's mentality collapsed, and after coming to the alchemy room, he knelt down on one knee to Chen Nan, his eyes filled with tears: "Please master refine the intermittent ointment to heal autumn water!"

Chen Nan: "I haven't refined the intermittent ointment..."

"However, I can solve the broken arm injury."

"I'm refining pills here, and I can't get out."

"You let Qiushui come to see me."

"This injury can still be healed."

The laws of space are simply a perfect match for a doctor.

Even if the arm is broken.

It can also be connected instantly.

After all.

When Tongcheng was flooded, the people went to dig the river, and some injured people appeared.

He used this method to heal many wounded.

Seven nights quickly brought Qiushui over.

His right shoulder was empty.

Blurred flesh and blood.

It looks miserable.

His face was as pale as wax.

Trembling all over.

The left hand also tightly gripped the entire arm.

Chen Nan released the spatial realm, and the arm that exceeded Qiu Shui's control flew to his shoulder.

Immediately, the power of space turned into thin silk threads.

Stitch Qiu Shui's arm well.

Of course.

It's just not enough.

And to attach his broken bones.

But right now.

Chen Nan was shocked to find out.

There was a special energy on Qiushui's broken arm, which actually affected the continuation of the arm.

As the former lord of the immortal world.

The existence of the power of controlling the seven laws.

He keenly felt that the energy at the broken arm of Qiu Shui was very familiar.

Although very weak.

But it is the power of the law of the wood system.

"Hey, that's interesting!"

Chen Nan pinched the trick with one hand and quickly controlled the pill in the Dan furnace into a pill.

Then he looked at Seven Nights: "What is that mountain spirit you met?"

Qiye said, "Lord Hui, it's a man-eating vine."

"The opponent's strength is transcendent, and it has an amazing healing speed, even if the three of us fight with it for more than ten hours, we can't kill it!" His face is full of shame, this is his biggest defeat since his debut.

Chen Nan said, "The Wood System Law itself has amazing healing power, and it is difficult for you to kill that man-eating vine.

The madman asked nervously, "Sir, can Qiushui's broken arm still heal?"

"It's not a big problem, it's just a little painful!" Chen Nan pinched the trick with one hand, and a fire system law directly submerged into the wound of the autumn water.

Huoke wood, whether it can drive away the wood system law at the broken arm of autumn water.

This allows the wound to heal.

Next second.

A faint flame burned at the wound of Qiu Shui.

The fire was not very strong though.

But it made Qiu Shui let out a heart-rending scream.


It hurts!

But Qiu Shui had a crazy smile on his face and looked very excited.

Because he could sense the presence of the arm.

As the flames weakened.

His arms also completely regained their mobility.

Everyone who watched this scene was full of shock.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan still had this kind of means.

Chen Nan waved his hand casually.

The Dan furnace opened, and all the pills inside flew out.

After putting the pill away, he said to Qiye: "Let's go, take me to the Golden Sheep Mountain Meeting that man-eating vine!" "

He originally thought that he would go home after refining the elixir.

But now he changed his mind.

He was going to Jinyang Mountain to destroy the man-eating vine.

And plunder its woody laws and take it for themselves.

If you can get the wood rule.

His strength will definitely go further!

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