The scene was silent.

Everyone's eyes widened.

A thick layer of goosebumps instantly rose on his body.

Don't talk about those ordinary people.

Even if it is Song Linhui.

Tao Guogong.

Even the four gods felt their scalps numb.

They really didn't expect it.

Chen Nan actually directly rewarded the expansion with a big slap in the face in front of the people.

Just by looking at the rapidly expanding red and swollen right face, you can see it.

The force of that slap must have been heavy.

Expanding his eyes widened and glaring at Chen Nan angrily: "You dare to beat the imperial court official? "


Chen Nan slapped him again in the air: "This is a fact, please don't use interrogative sentences!"

"Okay, less nonsense."

"Hurry up and let me see the means to offend your Tuo family!"

He looked calm.

But it vividly interprets arrogance and arrogance.

People have to admire his boldness.

"Young man, you are too arrogant!"

An old voice came from the air.

Then an old man wearing a white robe and white hair came in the air.

He is the grandfather of expansion.

Decree of Guangling Prefecture who took office.

Of course.

His strength is also terrifying.

Reached the second layer of the Ghost Realm.

His appearance made the atmosphere of the scene become solemn in vain.

Even the four famous catchers felt that the air seemed to be a little thinner.

Chen Nan glanced up at him, his eyes full of disdain: "How can you be called a young man if you are not arrogant?" The

old man suspended in the air, overlooking Chen Nan, and did not hide the killing intent in his eyes: "Although you are the head of the Demon Town.

"But you shouldn't be so dismissive of the dignity of my family."

"Anyone violates the dignity of my family."

"All to die!"

His killing intent boiled.

He stretched out a palm and went towards Chen Nan to suppress it.

In a flash.

The terrifying yin qi transformed into an inky palm in the air.

Cover the sky.

It exudes the momentum of destruction and decay.

Expanding, the father and son showed a gloating smile.

Even if Chen Nan's strength is good.

However, Tuoyuan's strength has reached the second layer of the Ghost Realm.

To put it bluntly.

In the entire Guangling City, there was no existence whose cultivation was higher than him.

Obliterating Chen Nan was tantamount to probing for his old man.

Chen Nan looked up at the palm that fell in the air: "Are you the strength of the Tuo family?" If that's the case, then I'll destroy you first!" The

words did not fall.

He soared into the air.

A fiery red longsword appeared in his hand.

The long sword is only two meters though.

But it instantly makes the air boil.


When the long sword cuts through the long sky.

Instantly tore that huge palm.

The azure blue firmament was revealed.

Immediately, the long sword flew out.

It was like a long rainbow submerged into the old man's body.

But not the slightest splash of blood.

"Fire... The Law of Fire? The

old man's eyes were full of horror, and he didn't expect that Chen Nan had mastered the laws of the fire system.

I didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be so terrifying.

Not waiting for him to come to his senses.

The pores of his whole body erupted with blazing flames.

The whole person fell to the ground screaming in the air.

He kept rolling on the ground.

I want to extinguish the flame on my body.

But over time.

His tumbling body suddenly froze in place.

Flames erupted from the Seven Tips.

His body also turned into a dry corpse.

Almost three seconds passed.

The dried corpse was reduced to ashes.

Chen Nan blew out a breath.

In a flash.

The ashes of the expansive vanished into heaven and earth.

was crushed by Chen Nan!

Everyone had a tingling scalp.

This is a strong person in the second layer of the Ghost Realm!

Even if you look at the entire underworld, you are a master among the masters.

But who would have thought.

But he was killed by Chen Nan with a snap of his fingers!

Expanding came back to his senses in horror and let out an angry roar: "Chen Nan, I will not let you go, I will impeach you to the Great Emperor for what you have done!" "

His face was full of anger, his heart was heavy, and he was sad.

He didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be terrifying to this extent.

I knew that.

He categorically would not set up a situation to deal with Chen Nan.

It's good now.

Not only did he not let Chen Nan become a Tuojia alchemist.

There was even a super master on the second layer of the Ghost Realm.

Chen Nan was undaunted: "Go and write the recital!"

"You'd better explain the cause and effect of the matter."

"For example."

"How did an ordinary girl destroy the bandits' nest in Falling Yanshan."

"What means did she use to kill a group of cultivators."

"I think this should be very interesting."

As soon as the words came out.

Many people were taken aback.

They only knew that Wang Lan had killed a hundred people.

But I don't know who the person he killed was.

Which Cheng thought turned out to be a mountain bandit of Luoyan Mountain.

The case is very unreasonable.

It is impossible for a weak woman to destroy the bandit's den in Luoyan Mountain.

After all, there are cultivators among the thieves.

Chen Nan continued, "Of course.

"If Tuoxian Ling's writing is limited, it is not good to write the inside story."

"I can also write a recital and send someone to send it to the capital city."

"It's just that I have a lot to explain in my recital."

"For example, Tuo County Ling is based on dozens of lives of the Wang family."

"Forced Wang Lan to sign a pledge, and made her admit that she destroyed the bandits' den in Luoyan Mountain!"

"Oh, the people of the Wang family that you imprisoned in the Tuo family's private residence have been rescued by the people of the Demon Town."

"They are the best witnesses!"

"It proves that what I say is true."

The dilated pupils trembled violently.

After all, I underestimated this son!

However, he did not show weakness, he hugged his fist to the sky: "I will explain your evil deeds to the emperor, let's ride a donkey and read the record book and see!" Saying

that, he turned around angrily and left the execution ground with his son angry and devastated.

"Take Wang Lan back to the Demon Town!" Chen Nan said to the four gods, and then came to the viewing table and saluted Tao Wenyuan, the Duke of Tao: "Junior Chen Nan, I have seen Tao Guogong!"

"I also ask Tao Guogong to forgive the junior for not being able to visit, this is a junior's faux pas!"

Duke Tao is over seventy years old.

With silver hair, he laughs and gives people a feeling of kindness and kindness.

He said, "Lord Chen has just entered Guangling Mansion, he has just become the head of the Demon Division, he is busy with official business, there is no need to visit the door, as long as he has me, an old man, in his heart, he will be content!" Although

it was the first time he met Chen Nan.

But he also heard Tao Jun say about the Transformation Pill.

Knowing that Chen Nan had shown favor to the Tao family.

Chen Nan: "Thank you Elder Tao for your understanding, when the junior is busy during this time, he will definitely visit the door!"

Tao Wenyuan smiled: "Well, Old Immortal will definitely prepare a feast to entertain Lord Chen!"

Chen Nan bowed to Song Linhui again: "Song Daotai, the junior will write down what happened today one by one, and when the time comes, I hope you can stamp a public seal and play the imperial court!" "

It's more complicated to play.

It is not that Chen Nan can be sent directly to the capital city after writing.

Song Linhui's official seal is needed.

That's how convincing it is.

Song Linhui snorted quietly.

He also didn't know if the music written by Chen Nan could overturn the expansion.


He was willing to help Chen Nan!

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