As the saying goes, one mountain does not allow two tigers.

Unless one male and one female.


Guangling Prefecture, however, has four forces intertwined.

Prefect Yuan Zun.

Tao Guogong Tao Wenyuan.

Guangling County Order expanded.

and he Song Linhui.

The existence of these four forces limited the development of Quang Ling Province.

If you can destroy the Tuo family.

Both to them.

It is still a good thing for the people of Guangling Province.

"That junior left first!"

Chen Nan clasped his fists at the two, and then left Caishikou.

Looking at the back of Chen Nan leaving, Tao Guogong showed a meaningful smile: "Lord Song, this young man seems to be a little interesting."

Song Linhui couldn't help but ask, "Why did Tao Guogong say this?"

Tao Guogong smiled: "This son seems to act recklessly, but every move is strategic."

"His personality doesn't seem to fit in the court."

"But there seems to be a magic in him."

"It allows people to let go of their preconceptions about him."

Song Linhui raised his eyebrows: "Listening to this meaning, did Tao Guogong let go of his prejudices about this son?" He

knew that Chen Nan had killed the Wen Bohouliu family.

The case seems to have little impact.

But for the conservatives and radicals in the capital, it was a precedent.

It is said that Tao Guogong, who is a conservative, should be mindful of this.

After all, there are radicals who have always wanted to abolish all titles in the world.

Tao Guogong said: "Putting that matter aside, Chen Nan is still a very likable descendant, and I am looking forward to his next move."

Song Linhui shook his head disapprovingly: "I don't think he can break the spell of the head of the Demon Suppression Division!"

Tao Guogong showed a meaningful smile: "As long as you want him to break, he can break it, can't he?"

Song Linhui did not make a sound.

Although Chen Nan's performance today impressed him.

But he also didn't like Chen Nan.

Of course.

Even if he wanted to help Chen Nan, he might not be able to help him.

After all, no one knows who owns the five-page book of life and death.


came to the town demon division.

Chen Nan met Wang Lan, who had been reunited with her family.

"Thank you Lord Chen for saving your life!" Seeing Chen Nan return, Wang Lan quickly knelt on the ground.

The Wang family also knelt on the ground to thank Chen Nan for his kindness.

"Everyone, please rise, this crisis encountered by the royal family is all because of me, naturally I can't watch you suffer from me!" Chen Nan hurriedly picked everyone up.

The reason why the Wang family is where they are today is because of the sacrifices of expanding the fight with him.

Fortunately, everyone in the Wang family did not suffer any casualties.

Or he'll feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"Madman, you sent some brothers to secretly protect the Wang family and prevent the Tuo family dog from jumping off the wall!" Chen Nan ordered the madman.


Send away the Wang family.

Chen Nan personally wrote a recital.

Write down the cause, process and result of the matter.

Then the big seal of the director of the Demon Suppression Division was stamped.

It was handed over to a member of the Demon Division.

Let him send it to the prefect Yamen and hand it over to Song Linhui to seal his Daotai.

After doing this, he left the town demon division.

Heading home.

These days he spends time in the Demon Division.

First, it is because of consolidating cultivation and controlling the laws of the wood system.

Second, he is evading.

Escape the relationship with the Lu family sisters.

After all, he didn't need the Lu family sisters to help suppress the fire poison in his body now.

But he wanted to sleep with his arms around his sisters.

It's a lot of a struggle...

Although he didn't know how to deal with the relationship between the Lu family sisters.

But he knew one thing.

Whatever you do, rise to the challenge.

Evasion is the act of a coward.


at the same time.

Song Linhui returned to the Song family.

As soon as he returned home, he heard the laughter of his four sons.

This surprised him a little.

Since the beating of the four sons was beaten violently!

Since beating himself up and reprimanding them.

The four guys stayed behind closed doors and kept penance in their rooms.

Even if he wanted to take the four of them to see the bustle today, he was refused.

This would never have happened in the past.

But he was very relieved.

Shame and courage.

After the sons were beaten once, they obviously grew up.

Listening to the laughter coming from the backyard, Song Linhui also showed a shallow smile on his face: "Could it be that these four little guys have broken through?" "

Don't think about it.

He walked straight towards the backyard.

It is said that hope for a son to become a dragon, and a daughter to become a phoenix.

He hoped that his four sons would be better.

Come to the backyard.

Song Linhui couldn't help but be shocked by the picture in front of him.

The third son and the fourth son actually stepped into the Soul Gathering Realm.

Although there is only one level of cultivation in the Soul Gathering Realm.

But it also breaks through the shackles of the Yin Realm.

This is a great event.

Of course.

What shocked him even more were the eldest son and the second son.

They stepped from the peak of the Soul Gathering Realm to the Transformation Realm.

It made him feel like he was dreaming.

Unexpectedly, the four sons broke through at the same time.

This made him more excited than when he took the exam.

Right at this moment.

The fourth son, Song Feilong, saw him and immediately saluted: "I have seen my father!" Song

Feiyang, Song Feipeng, and Song Feiheng also bowed and saluted at the same time.

"Can you tell Father how you broke through at the same time?" Song Linhui had a reassuring smile on his face, even if his son's current strength was not enough to find Tuo Kai for revenge.

But breakthroughs are ultimately good.

Heard my father's inquiry.

The four brothers of the Song family were all a little nervous and uneasy.

Because they knew that if they told the truth, their father would be angry.

Song Linhui frowned, he detected the abnormality in the nervous expressions of his four sons, and immediately said coldly: "Is your breakthrough related to Chen Nan?" "

Zhizi Mo Ruo's father.

Although he was glad that his sons had all broken through.

But he also knew the cultivation talent of his four sons.

It can only be said that it is middle and upper.

Now they all break through.

He didn't believe it when he said there was no hidden secret.

Seeing that the matter could not be concealed, Song Feiheng said calmly: "Back to my father, it was Chen Nan who gave us the elixir for cultivation, and we were able to break through.

Song Linhui's face was full of anger and anger: "Bastard, didn't I warn you to stay away from him?"

"Why don't you listen to the Father?"

"Why did you take his elixir?"

"Why don't you tell your father about the elixir he gave you?"

Song Linhui knew that Chen Nan would definitely not give his sons pills for no reason.

He must have a plan.

Song Feilong looked aggrieved and said, "We originally wanted to tell you about the pills he sent and let you dispose of those pills."

"But you think we're trash."

"I think we can't beat Tuojiao."

"Then we took those pills."

The roots of Song Linhui's angry teeth itched, and then he frowned: "Listen to what you mean, Chen Nan gave you the elixir before you were beaten?"

Song Feilong nodded nervously.

Song Linhui stood in place, like a sand sculpture standing on the seashore.

A miserable and bitter smile appeared on his face: "Chen Nan is really a good means, a good means!"

"I thought everything would be fine if I avoided him."

"But after all, it still didn't escape his clutches!"

"I lost to this person after all!"

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