Those more than ten powerful Ghost Realm powerhouses looked at each other.

They didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

After all, whether it is the co-working sword.

Or avoid water beads are the inheritance magic weapon of the Water God Sect.

But Chen Nan's strength is too strong.

Continuing to be an enemy of him is at risk of life.

Pay for one's whistle.

Think of this.

An old man took a few steps back.

Although it did not make a sound.

But also shows attitude.

And the moment the old man retreated.

The herd effect is also fully manifested.

The others all backed away.

chose to give up the opportunity to be a witness for Chen Nan.

Chen Nan smiled heartily, and then turned his head to look at Wan Duzhi, who had been watching the lively in the rear: "After the calf, it's time to settle the account between us, right?" Wan

Duzhi became embarrassed and angry: "The surname Chen, even if you are extremely talented, you still want to kill the old man!" "

He has the four-layer cultivation of the Ghost Realm.

Although Chen Nan is very strong.

But he also didn't think that Chen Nan could easily erase his life.


Without warning.

The earth shook violently.

Followed by.

An aura of terror enveloped the island.

An inexplicable fear rose in everyone's hearts.

Fear of the unknown.

"The island moved, the island moved!" An old man exclaimed, he could feel the island under him moving, and it was fast.

The thousands of people on the island all feel like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

No one expected it.

The huge island under your feet can actually move.

This upends people's worldview.

An old man's face was as pale as wax, and his voice was full of horror: "This island is heading towards the east!"

"Damn, the East is the Nai!"

Hear this.

Everyone was ashen.

Oh, yes!

The Lo River links the Nai River.

And the Nai River is the first forbidden place in the underworld.

If humans accidentally fall into the Luo River, their souls will be scattered.

If the island really goes to the Nai River.

All of them had to be gone.

"No, I can't die like this!" A body realm powerhouse with a frightened face on his face, took off and left the island, thinking of flying back to the shore.

But he had just flown out of the confines of the island.

A huge black shadow flashed in the air.

Cover the sky.

Instantly swallow that body snatching realm powerhouse.

"Turtle... Turtles... The head? An old man lost his voice and screamed.

They all have powerful ghost realm cultivation.

I can clearly see that the huge black shadow just now is the head of a huge turtle!

You know, it's like a mountain!

How can there be such a huge turtle in this world?

"The turtle is revived." Di listened to the soul transmission to Chen Nan: "If I'm not mistaken, this isolated island under us is the Xuan Tortoise!"

Chen Nan only felt that his scalp was numb and


A thick layer of goosebumps instantly appeared on the body.

When you first landed on an isolated island.

He had released the space realm to perceive the size of this isolated island.

But with his current spiritual power, it was not enough to cover the entire island.

To know.

His current ability can envelop a radius of 20,000 meters in the space realm unleashed.

You can imagine how huge the size of that turtle is.

To put it bluntly.

The size of this Xuan Tortoise far exceeded all the species that Chen Nan had seen in the Immortal World!

Chen Nan soared into the air and came to the side of Di Ting and Bai Yu, his expression solemn: "What now?"

"Does he really want to enter the Nai?"

Di Ting shook his head: "It's better not to go to the Nai River, or everyone will die except you!" "

He once followed Chen Nan to the Nai River to fish for Nai River fish.

It was known that the princess of the Naihe Fish Clan had given Chen Nan a piece of golden scales.

With that scale, it can guarantee that Chen Nan will not die when he enters the Nai River.

But others don't have that luck.

Even if it's it.

He also had to die tragically.

"White girl, now only you can save everyone's lives." Di Ting looked at Bai Yu, his eyes full of solemnity.


Bai Yu's face was full of incredulity: "Can I save everyone's lives?" Do I have that much ability?

Di listened, "No, to be precise, your belly pocket can change the direction in which the turtle swims."


"If I'm not mistaken, this turtle is unusually."

"Especially fond of women's intimate clothing."

Not only Bai Yu looked stunned.

Even Chen Nan looked confused.

For a while, he was a little confused.

In the end, it is the genjutsu who is.

Or listen to lustful.

Di Ting's eyes were solemn: "In fact, with the ability of the Water God Sect, it would not have been attacked by the Anti-Heaven Sect ten thousand years ago, after all, this Xuan Tortoise is invincible. "

Mo said that against the Heavenly Sect, even the Emperor of the Imperial Capital would be difficult to break through the defense of the Water God Sect in a short time."


"The tenth hall master of the Anti-Heaven Sect is a woman, and she knows the lecherous nature of the Xuan Tortoise."

"Therefore, he lured away the turtle with intimate clothing."

"Otherwise, how could the Water God Sect be attacked by the Anti-Heaven Sect?"

Bai Yu did not refute.

She also thought of the ancient books.

It is said that the reason why the Water God Sect was destroyed was related to the tenth hall master of the Anti-Heaven Sect.

She only knew that the tenth parish master was a woman.

I don't know the details.

Which Cheng wanted the Water God Sect to be destroyed.

It's because of women's intimate clothing...

It's quite unexpected.

Think of this.

She blushed and took out the intimate clothes she had changed before.

"Chen Nan, you hit this thing to the southwest." Listen to the opening.

Doing so can change the direction of the turtle and thus get closer to the shore.

This protects more than 1,000 people on the island.

Chen Nan took the intimate clothes in Bai Yu's hand.

Don't say it yet.

It's soft and skin-friendly...

Instill Yin Qi.

Then hit the southwest.

Next second.

Xuan Turtle seemed to feel something.

Instantly change direction and swim towards the southwest.

Di listened to the summons Chen Nan: "First solve Wan Duzhi, after solving him, I will teach you how to find the laws of the water system!" "

Finding the laws of the water system is dangerous.

This hidden danger must be solved.


Chen Nan promised.

Instantly disappear to the top of the mountain.

In the next second, he appeared in front of Wan Duzhi.

He had to get rid of this old thing.

In case of danger while looking for the laws of the water system.

This old thing is very likely to kill itself while he is not prepared.

Wan Duzhi never expected that Chen Nan would attack him.

Seeing Chen Nan appear out of thin air, he secretly shouted in his heart.

In a panic.

He punched out.

The terrifying Yin Qi crashed into Chen Nan like a decay.

But the flames on his body were instantly burned out.

Next second.

A flaming palm choked his throat.

The feeling of suffocation swept over, making Wan Duzhi terrified, and he lost his voice and screamed: "I am under King Qin Guang, if you kill me, King Qin Guang will not let you go!" "


Chen Nan did not take his threat to heart at all.

The right hand exerts force in vain.

Directly crushed Wan Duzhi's neck.

The laws of the fire system roared out, directly covering Wan Duzhi's body.

Even his soul was enveloped.

Let him go away.

After destroying Wan Du, his soul sent a message to the truth: "Say, how can we find the last opportunity?" "

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