"You can't find the laws of the water system."

Chen Nan looked into the distance.

There was a sharp glint in his eyes.

"Don't worry!" Di Ting hurriedly said, "Although you can't find the water system law, you can let it come to you."

"Yes, the law of the water system is the only thing in the law of the five elements that cannot be seen or touched."


"You have the Gonggong Sword in your hand."

"The Gonggong Sword is the inheritance magic weapon of the Water God Sect."

"It's a magic weapon that summons the water god."

"There's still some kind of connection between it and the laws of the water system."

"As long as you cast the Law of Fire and burn the Gonggong Sword."

"It leads to the law of water."

Chen Nan was relieved.

Fire and water are incompatible.

If you use the laws of fire yourself.

It can definitely lead to the law of the water system.

Don't think about it.

A black gonggong sword appeared in his hand.

The next moment, a faint flame appeared in his palm.


Without warning.

There was a deafening sound of terrifying waves between heaven and earth.

Even the Xuan Tortoise at Chen Nan's feet emitted a violent trembling.

It was as if a super earthquake had occurred, making many people unable to stand.

Just before everyone could react.

They feel like their bodies have lost their center of gravity.

I saw the Xuangui turn over sharply and slap them heavily towards Luohe.

And the originally calm Luo River is also choppy.

The wind is raging.

It was as if the river god was roaring.

It gives a strong sense of oppression.

Di Ting's pupils trembled, and he hurriedly said to Bai Yu: "Ride me quickly, hold me tight, and I'll drive you out of here!"

At the same time, he sent a message to Chen Nan: "If I guessed correctly, this Xuan Tortoise should have obtained the laws of the water system, but it can't control this power at all.

"The dog who can do it has done it for you."

"Then it's all up to your creation!"

Saying that, he took off and took off with white feathers in the air.

Of course.

It was not only Di Lian and Bai Yu who escaped.

Other powerful people also fled the place.

Because they can feel it.

At the moment when the turtle turned over.

The ancient formation that shrouded the Water God Sect came to a brief pause.

You can take the opportunity to leave this place of right and wrong.


Chen Nan was heavily slapped down by the Xuangui Luo River.


A huge Xuan turtle appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes.

Chen Nan couldn't see how big it was.


That eye alone is the size of a football field.

Just an eye is that big.

You can imagine how terrifying its body is.

And it carries a huge island on it.

It looks very weird.

Being stared at by such a huge turtle.

Even Chen Nan had a creepy feeling.

He had a feeling of humility.

Feel in front of this turtle.

I am really small.

Seeing the cold killing intent in Xuan Turtle's eyes.

Chen Nan immediately cast the space field and appeared in the air.

Although he has the law of fire.

The laws of space.

There is also a lost wood rule.

But he didn't think he could defeat a powerful turtle underwater.

Of course.

Even in the air, he could not defeat the other side.

However, he did not want to defeat this huge Xuan turtle.

As long as you can control the laws of the water system!

After appearing in the air.

Chen Nan released the Law of Fire with all his strength, causing the Gonggong Sword in his hand to turn dark red.

"With the laws of fire that I control now, even a long sword forged from stainless steel can melt it in an instant."


"I urged the laws of fire with all my strength, and I only made this ebony sword turn dark red."

"This co-worker sword cannot be underestimated!"

Chen Nan couldn't calm his heart.

Unexpectedly, an ebony sword could resist the high temperature of the law of fire.

And right now.

The head of the Xuan turtle gradually surfaced.

When Chen Nan saw it.

I couldn't help but gasp.

It's not just a huge body.

What shocked Chen Nan was.

It actually has a dragon head.

In the Luo River 10,000 meters to the east, there is also a thick snake tail.

The black turtle shell emits a glow.

"This is not a turtle!"

Although the water in the Luo River boiled, huge waves hundreds of meters high rose.

But it was far less powerful than the shock in Chen Nan's heart.

Because he thought of a divine beast with the same name as the Blue Dragon Divine Beast.


Xuanwu is the turtle body, the dragon head, and the snake tail.

It's just that.

How could Xuanwu appear here?

Doesn't it say that the Water God Sect is a turtle?

Just before Chen Nan could react.

Xuanwu opened his blood basin and mouthed.

I saw a thick mist rushing towards me.

Instantly enveloped Chen Nan.

It also extinguished the law of fire above the ebony sword.

Chen Nan's face was as pale as wax.

At the moment when it was shrouded in mist.

He felt like he had fallen into an endless ocean.

There is a feeling of weightlessness.

There is also a feeling of suffocation.

The strong feeling of suffocation made him dizzy.

"This should be the law of the water system, right?"

Chen Nan held his breath and quickly put away the laws of fire.


He also felt that the feeling of suffocation had diminished slightly.

After all, fire and water are incompatible.

As long as he doesn't use the laws of fire.

The influence of the laws of the water system on him was not very strong.

But he still can't get rid of the shroud of the laws of the water system.


Chen Nan knew that it was simply not enough to absorb these water system laws in a short period of time.

But he can put away these water laws.

After all, he has the laws of space.

It is completely possible to compress the laws of the water system.

Xuanwu sensed Chen Nan's intentions.

An indifferent voice came out of his mouth.


Chen Nan held his head and screamed.

Xuanwu's voice sounded in his head.

It was as if a nuclear bomb had detonated in his head.

This kind of intense pain was something Chen Nan had never experienced before.

Even if he is amazingly affordable.

He also almost passed out.

"You can first try refining the Gonggong Sword and avoiding water beads."

"If you can refine those two magic weapons."

"This guy may let his guard down on you."

Listen to the soul.

He also doesn't know why the turtle turned into a genwu.

One thing is obvious, though.

It is estimated that it will be difficult to obtain the laws of the water system.

Don't think about it.

Chen Nan immediately took out the water avoidance bead and the Gonggong sword, and dripped blood on it.

I don't know if it's preconceived or not.

This Xuanwu had a deep prejudice against Chen Nan.

A low roar came out again.

This low roar resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Let the void tremble.

It gives people a sense of déjà vu that is about to disappear.

Directly interrupted Chen Nan's blood to confess the Lord.

He was also shocked, and blood spewed out of his seven tips.

Even the human and animal paths in the depths of his soul shook.

If it weren't for Chen Nan's quick reaction, he used the laws of space to wrap his body.

This low roar just now.

It was enough for him to explode into a blood mist in the air.

"Brother dog, don't look at the excitement, come and help!" Chen Nan asked for help.

The corner of Di Ting's mouth twitched: "I call you Nanye, don't pit me." Mo said that I am still in the recovery period, even if I recover my peak ability, I am not this master's opponent! "

He is the first divine beast of Hades.

Looks like a dick.

But in front of the real four divine beasts, he is only a younger brother.

A strong reluctance rose in Chen Nan's heart: "Do I want to hate this place?" "

And at this time.

The voice of the green dragon sounded in Chen Nan's head: "If you call me Long Ye, I can help you suppress this guy!" "

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