Di laughed unkindly: "As long as you figure it out." "

What a practitioner cultivates is not a realm.

And the mind.

Both are indispensable.

Now Chen Nan was about to cross the invisible barrier in his heart.

About to open his pattern, mind.

This was his first step in rebuilding the Heavenly Court.

As for the rest, it doesn't matter.

Bought ten pounds of shochu.

Chen Nan bought some cooked food on the street again.

Then he carried the wine and meat towards the house.

He had already thought of when the Lu family sisters saw him.

Threw himself into his arms and asked for a warm picture.

Don't say it yet.

It's really nice to have someone looking forward to coming home.

But when you get back to your doorstep.

Chen Nan's face suddenly looked difficult.

The gate actually collapsed.

It looks like it's under attack.

"Something happened!" Di listened, his eyes solemn.

Don't think about it.

Chen Nan's soul power instantly enveloped.

Guo Yu, who was seriously injured, was found in Guo Yu's room.

But there was no figure of the Lu family sisters.

This gave him a sense of foreboding.

He instantly appeared in Guo Yu's room.

On the bed, Guo Yu was seriously injured and fell into a coma.

Chen Nan immediately injected the Wood System Law into his body.

After waiting for the wood system to swim in Guo Yu's body for a short time.

Guo Yu, who was originally unconscious, opened his weak eyes.

After seeing Chen Nan, he almost didn't cry: "Big brother, you have finally returned!"

Chen Nan hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"Who is so bold and dares to come to our house to find trouble?"

He is a sixth-level yin of the imperial court.

He is also the director of the Demon Division.

And whether it is with Tao Guogong or Song Linhui, the relationship is good.

To put it bluntly.

In this Guangling Mansion, no one dared to offend him at all.

But that's not the case.

Others didn't just break into his home.

He even injured his brother.

This is unbearable for him.

Guo Yu sat up with difficulty, his eyes full of killing intent: "It's the people of the Lu family in the capital city, they say that they are the enlighteners of the Lu family sisters, and the Lu family sisters are all part of the Lu family!"

Chen Nan frowned: "What is the Spirit Enlightener?" Di

Ting explained: "The Spirit Enlightener is the surname of the ancestor of the Lu family sisters, and in the Lu family tree, the name of the ancestor of the Lu Bailing Lu Qingqing sister can be found.

"At this point, the Lu sisters belong to the Lu family."

Chen Nan was relieved.

When he was investigating the tragic death of the director of the Demon Division before, he once talked to the Lu family sisters about the origin of the demon surname.

But I didn't expect that the Lu family found here.

He looked at Guo Yu and asked again, "Did the Lu family forcibly take away the Lu family sisters?"

Guo Yu snorted, and continued, "They came here to arrest the Lu family sisters, saying that they want to bring the Lu family sisters back to the Lu family to refine the elixir.

Chen Nan's pupils trembled violently.

As an alchemist.

He naturally knew that the demon race could be medicated.


He didn't expect that the Lu family would actually refine Lu Bailing and Lu Qingqing sisters into elixirs.

It made him feel a sense of crisis.

He definitely couldn't let the Lu family sisters be refined into elixirs.

"The Lu sisters just left Snake Mountain."

"In other words, the Lu family has just learned of their existence."

"Even if they want to refine the two sisters into elixirs."

"But it also takes time to collect medicinal herbs."

"In a short period of time, the sisters are not in any danger of life."


"Life will definitely not be good."

A strong anger rose in Chen Nan's heart: "My people, how can they allow the Lu family to refine into elixirs?"

Di Ting sighed lightly: "If you take down the Lu family sisters as soon as possible, even if the Lu family wants to put them in medicine, they will not be worthy of medicine." "

There is a prerequisite for the demon race to enter the medicine.

That is to maintain the perfect body.

If Chen Nan had passed through the Lu family sisters before.

Even if the Lu family found it, it would be in vain.

Categorically nothing will happen in front of you.

Guo Yu suddenly said: "Big brother, Tian Bo came here three days ago, saying that he would let you go to the prefectural Yamen after you returned, it seems that Lord Yuan has returned." "

Chen Nan cracked the case of the mysterious and tragic death of the director of the Zhen Demon Division.

He killed and found the five pages of the lost book of life and death.

Afterwards, Yuan Zun took the five-page life and death book to the capital city.

"You rest first, I'll go to the prefect Yamen." Chen Nan tried to calm his emotions, then took off into the air, and a moment later arrived at the prefect Yamen.

Seeing Chen Nan's face full of displeasure.

Yuan Zun raised his eyebrows: "How many meanings?"

"Why do you look so frowning?"

"You should know that there must be good news when I let you come."

"The two snake demons around me were forcibly taken away by the Lu family to refine them into elixirs!" Chen Nan did not hide this either.

Yuan Zun's face changed suddenly, and then said: "The Lu family is a well-known family in the capital city, and the Lu family's mother's surname is Zheng, and she is the sister of Emperor Master Zheng Yu!"

"I don't rule out that this is a means taken by the Emperor Master to take revenge on you."

He knew that Chen Nan was from the Yang Realm.

Know that he has many means.

Know his weaknesses better.


Women are his weaknesses.

"Emperor Shi is really like a mad dog!" Chen Nan's face was gloomy: "I can't wait to peel him alive!"

Yuan Zun smiled bitterly: "Stabilize your mentality, stabilize your mentality first!"

"What, let go of the Lu family sisters' affairs first."

"Let you come over this time, mainly to tell you that the emperor will reward you for cracking the Tuo family case and finding the book of life and death!"

"Have you not watched the Yin Cha Order in the past few days?"


Chen Nan has been busy cultivating Xuanwu Transformation these days.

Busy mastering the laws of the water system.

There was no attention to Yin Cha Ling at all.

Yuan Zun smiled and said, "You can take a look at the Yin Cha Order!"

Chen Nan's heart moved.

The Yin Difference Order is immediately suspended in the palm of your hand.

"Level eight?"

"I actually became a level eight Yin Difference?"

See the eye-catching eight characters on the yin difference.

Rao is Chen Nandu's eyes are shining, and his breathing is short.

At this moment, he even forgot about the danger encountered by the Lu family sisters.

You must know that he was a sixth-level yin difference before.

Now it is directly becoming an eighth-level yin.

The goal of being able to enter the eighteenth layer of hell is really getting closer and closer!

It's a little exciting...

Yuan Zun smiled and quipped: "There is one thing to say, now I see you all have to bow down."

"After all, in the entire court, there are only a handful of eighth-level Yin differences."

"How about I give you a knock?"

Chen Nan pouted: "Don't tease me here, you also know that my goal is to become a ninth-level yin difference, and then go deep into the eighteenth layer of hell."

Yuan Zun's expression became serious: "The Great Emperor has given you a task, as long as you can complete this task, you can become a ninth-level Yin difference."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "What task?"

Yuan Zun said, "The Great Emperor wants to set up a special institution, this institution is called the Superintendent Heaven Division, and you are the director of the Superintendent Heaven Division!"

"This institution is only at the behest of the Emperor."

Chen Nan frowned.

How do you feel that this so-called Jiantiansi is so similar to the East Factory?

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