Chen Nan asked, "What is the Superintendent Heavenly Division responsible for?"

Yuan Zun shook his head: "The Superintendent Heavenly Division only obeys the orders of the Great Emperor, and as for what the Great Emperor is specifically responsible for, he doesn't mention it, I think it should be to monitor some people and investigate some old cases!"

"I have a hunch that the Great Emperor should want to weaken the power of the Emperor Master and the King with a different surname."

"If you can complete this task."

"Baozun can become a ninth-level yin."

There is only one level difference between level eight and level nine.


If you want to become a ninth-level yin difference, it is definitely more difficult than expected.

A golden token appeared in Yuan Zun's hand.

On the front is a writ word.

And on the back is the totem of true listening.

After all, Divine Hearing is the first divine beast in the netherworld.

The status of the dragon in the hearts of the people of the Yang is comparable.

Yuan Zun said, "This is the Order of the Son of Heaven, and it is the personal object of the Great Emperor.

"As long as you carry this token, it will be like the emperor himself."

"No matter where you go."

"You can all gather the forces of the major state capitals for your own use!"

"Of course."

"If the Great Emperor has any decree, he will also summon you through the Son of Heaven's Order."

"Oh, and."

Yuan Zun said, "The Great Emperor has a decree to let you take over the Son of Heaven Order and form a force within ten days, and then enter the capital city.

"This force doesn't need too many people."

"But the strength must be strong."

Chen Nan was a little reluctant.

He didn't want to be the head of the Heavenly Supervision Department.

He only felt that Jiantiansi was the East Factory in the history of Yangma.

And if he becomes the head of the Heavenly Supervision Department.

It is equivalent to becoming the metropolitan governor of the East Factory.


Lu Bailing and Lu Qingqing sisters were arrested by the Lu family.

With the identity of the director of the Heavenly Supervision Department.

He can then reach the capital city and rescue the Lu family sisters.

If you don't have this identity...

If he wants to enter the capital city, he must quit the yin and become an ordinary person.

After all, if there is no order.

No call to Beijing.

Complicity in rebellion.

The consequences are serious.

Yuan Zun said seriously: "Since the rebellion against the Heavenly Sect, although the underworld seems to be peaceful, the undercurrents are intertwined, and many forces are entangled.

"It seems to have become a dark cloud over the underworld."

"It prevents ordinary people from seeing the sun."

"Always living in the shadows."

"The meaning of the existence of the Superintendent is to clear this dark cloud."

"Your duties are heavy and long!"

"But there's one thing to keep in mind."

"The existence of the Heavenly Supervisor shall not be informed to others."


after returning home.

Chen Nan locked himself in his room.

He is about to leave Guangling Province.

Before leaving, though.

He wanted to keep his promise and help Steward Wang finish refining those soul-loving pills.

The next morning.

Chen Nan came to the Zhen Demon Division.

"I'll go to the alchemy room to refine the elixir, and after the four gods catch the point, let them come to the alchemy room to find me!" Chen Nan ordered a member of the Demon Township Division, and then entered the alchemy room to continue refining pills.

Emperor Yudu asked him to form the Superintendent of Heaven.


There was no one around him who could use it.

As a last resort, he would set his sights on the four gods of Demon Town, Heaven and Earth, and Xuanhuang.

The cultivation of the four of them did not seem to be very high.

But in the town demon division for many years.

He has rich experience in solving cases and is thoughtful.

Full of tacit understanding.

If they are willing to join the Heavenly Supervisor.

Then he can enter the capital city at any time.

Almost an hour later.

Seven nights, the madman, Qiushui, and Bai Yu came to the alchemy room.

"I've seen adults!"

Foursome salute.

Chen Nan had just finished refining a potion of elixir, and seeing the four of them coming here, he went straight to the point: "Have you four ever thought about changing jobs?" "

Listen to this.

All four frowned in unison.

They finally got to where they are today.

They never thought about changing jobs.

Chen Nan saw the answer in their hearts in their eyes, and although he did not make a sound, he was silent and sound.

He shook his head, his words full of disappointment: "I thought you were a group of people with lofty ideals who took the protection of mountains and rivers and the people as their own responsibility.

"But I didn't expect that it was a vulgar person who was content with the status quo, greedy for life and afraid of death, and only cared about pleasure!"

"Very good."

"You guys are staying in this position for the rest of your lives!"

"It's okay."

"Let's all hang out!" Said and waved his hand, looking impatient.

Qiye spoke, his eyes full of anger: "Sir, why are you slandering me and waiting?" The

madman also said: "Not bad, Mo said that I will wait for four people, you go and ask the other members of the Demon Division, but there is a greedy person who is afraid of death?"

Bai Yu looked at Chen Nan with a sneer: "The surname is Chen, what does your use of the Agitation Method mean?"

"What do you mean by changing jobs?"

Seven Nights and the madman also calmed down.

That's right!

Why do adults use the method of agitation?

Chen Nan did not speak, and silently sacrificed his Yin Order.

The black yin caused suspension in mid-air.

The eye-catching 'eight' character made the scalp of the four people tingle.

There is a creepy feeling.

They didn't expect it at all.

Chen Nan actually stepped directly from the sixth-level yin difference to the eighth-level yin difference.

You must know that the entire netherworld eight-level yin difference is only a handful.

Not to mention that he is still so young.

"I have a job here, but I can't tell you what it is right now." Chen Nan put away the Yin Messenger Order and said calmly, "But what I can assure you is that your future work will definitely be more interesting than in the Town Demon Division.

"Of course."

"There are also great dangers in this job."

"It is very likely to lose your life."

"If you're interested in this job."

"I can tell you the nature of the job."

The four looked at each other.

Then the madman grinned: "Sir, you don't know something, there is no brother of the Zhen Demon Division, if you say that the job eats and drinks all day, we will definitely not be interested."

"But to say that this job is very dangerous, then I am not sleepy."

The other three did not say anything.

But also acquiesced to the words of the fanatics.

If you want to become a member of the Demon Division.

The prerequisite is not to be afraid of death.

Seeing that the four were so interested.

Chen Nan spread out his right hand.

The Son of Heaven Ling appeared in his hand.

The pale gold token made all four of them gasp.

Don't think about it.

All four fell to their knees at the same time.

After all, this is the order of the Son of Heaven.

Seeing it is like the arrival of the Emperor of the Capital.

Although they didn't know why Chen Nan had the Son of Heaven order.

But one thing is obvious.

It seems to be getting more and more interesting.

"The Great Emperor asked me to set up the Heavenly Superintendent Division."

"The duty of the Superintendent is to uphold justice, eliminate demons, and protect the world."

"This does not conflict with your beliefs."

"It's just."

"The Heavenly Supervisor is a sharp sword carefully polished by the Great Emperor."

"When this sword is not shown in the eyes of the world, we must all forge ahead in the darkness!"

The four of them said in unison: "I am willing to work for the world, and I will die without regret!"

Chen Nan put away the Order of the Son of Heaven and looked at the far north: "Then get ready, in three days we will get up and go to the capital city!" "

This moment!

A strong anticipation rose in his heart!

After coming to Hades for almost a year, I finally have to go to the capital city.

As long as you go there, will you be far from entering the eighteenth level of hell and meeting Houtu Niangniang?

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