Wang Gui was taken aback: "Is this pill strange? "

He worked in Wang's herb store for many years.

My daily job is to deal with rare medicinal herbs and elixirs.


However, he did not notice that this elixir was strange.

Wang Qian'er said lightly: "If I'm not mistaken, this pill and the soul-loving pill sold by Qingyunlou should be the same pill, and it is from the same person.

Wang Gui carefully looked at the elixir in his hand, and then said with admiration: "What the eldest lady said is that this Soul Thirsty Pill is indeed exactly the same as the one sold by Qingyun Lou.

"But what does that say?"

"Could it be that someone spent a lot of money to buy this pill, and then urgently needed the money, so they sold it to us?"

The young man said nervously: "Miss, Steward Wang, the man who sold the elixir said that this elixir was refined by his own hands. The

words came out.

Wang Qian'er and Wang Gui suddenly showed incredible expressions on their faces.

For a long time, the Wang family and Qingyunlou have been bitter rivals.

Although there are strong people in the Lu family who are proficient in the art of alchemy.

But the Lu family disdained the art of alchemy to make money.

They just use alchemy pills to get acquainted with the strong people in the world.

What really monopolized the medicinal materials industry was Qingyunlou and the Wang family.


For more than a year.

Qingyunlou was helped by a mysterious alchemist.


Qingyunlou's influence in the capital city also surpassed the Wang family.

Although they had been investigating the mysterious alchemist behind Qingyun Tower.

But there has been no clue.

Who ever thought.

The mysterious alchemist who helped Qingyunlou refine the elixir would actually come to the Wang family.

And the purpose of coming to the Wang family is to sell elixirs?

Do you dare to believe this?

"Where is that person?" Wang Qian'er struggled to calm her shocked emotions.

She didn't know what the other party's purpose was in coming to the Wang family.

But one thing is obvious.

If you can get along with this mysterious alchemist.

It will definitely break the embarrassing situation of the Wang family.

It can even crush Qingyun Tower.

"Lounge area on the ground floor!"

Wang Qian'er couldn't wait to say, "Take me to meet him quickly." "

Miss, please."

The staff immediately took Wang Qian'er to the rest area on the first floor and saw Chen Nan and the madman sitting in the rest area.

"Senior, this is the Wang family."

"Miss, that Soul Thirsty Pill is from the hand of this senior."

"Qian'er has seen seniors, I don't know what seniors are called?" Wang Qian'er looked very polite.

Although she and Chen Nan are peers.

But she only had a level of cultivation in the Soul Craving Realm.

It is also natural to call Chen Nan a senior.

Of course.

The reason why he was so polite to Chen Nan.

The main thing is that he is too handsome.

I'm afraid no woman can resist his appearance.

Chen Nan said, "Just call me Chen Nan!"

Wang Qian'er remembered this name in her heart, and then said, "Dare to ask Senior Chen, the elixir sold by Qingyunlou is from your hands?"

"Yes, Qingyunlou once helped me find medicinal herbs, so I owe them a favor and want to help them refine four pills for free."

Chen Nan is very frank.

He just helped Qingyunlou refine four pills 'for free'.

It doesn't say that you can't help others refine elixirs.

Knowing that the elixir sold by Qingyunlou came from Chen Nan's hands, Wang Qian'er's eyes flashed with excitement, and she said nervously: "Dare to ask senior, is there anything that our Wang family can serve you?" "

Wang Qian'er is the pearl in the palm of the Wang family.

Not only because she is the little princess of the Wang family.

The main thing is that this woman is smart enough.

So much so that she was responsible for most of the Wang family's business.

That's why.

He concluded that Chen Nan must have something important to do when he came to the Wang family.

As for selling pills...

Who can believe this?

Who believed that an alchemist would be short of money?

That Soul Pill was just the strongest evidence that he revealed his identity.

Chen Nan: "There are many people here, maybe we can change to a quiet place to talk."

Wang Qian'er's face changed, and she hurriedly said, "Don't blame the seniors, it's the juniors who don't think it through!" You upstairs please! Saying that, he personally led Chen Nan upstairs.

Even Wang Gui did not dare to follow.

In the private room on the second floor, Chen Nan was straight to the point: "Dare to ask Miss Wang, does the Wang family have a Putuo flower?"

Wang Qian'er's pupils trembled violently, and then sighed: "Senior Chen's connections are really terrifying, even our Wang family has Putuo flowers, and the younger generation admires!" "

The Wang family's Putuo flower was also just obtained.

Only a handful of people know the news.

Chen Nan continued, "Don't hide Miss Wang, I need that Putuo flower.

Wang Qian'er was slightly embarrassed: "Don't hide from the seniors, the Lu family already has intentions for that Putuo flower." "

If Chen Nan needs something else.

She will definitely give it to the other party without thinking.

After all, being able to become friends with such an alchemist would be beneficial to the Wang family.


The matter of Putuo Flower is very important.

Chen Nan asked, "What conditions did the Lu family give you?"

Wang Qian'er said truthfully: "We provide medicinal materials, ask the Lu family to help us refine a hundred body snatching pills!"

"But the Lu family hasn't agreed yet."

"They think a hundred body snatching pills are too much."

"I've gone back to discuss it."

Chen Nan was relieved, and then said: "In this way, I will help you refine a thousand body snatching pills, and you will give me Putuo flowers, in addition, I can also help you refine a pill for free."

"The number is not limited!"


A simple word.

In Wang Qian'er's mind, it was like a thunderbolt.

She never dreamed that Chen Nan would propose to help the Wang family refine a thousand Body Grabbing Pills.

You know, even the Lu family dislikes a hundred body snatching pills too much.

Not to mention.

He also helped the Wang family refine a pill for free.

This is simply a pie in the sky!

It's just...

Is pie really falling from the sky?

Although Chen Nan gave benefits that made it difficult for the Wang family to refuse.

But she couldn't believe it.

Because she didn't believe that Chen Nan could refine the Body Grabbing Pill at a young age.

Chen Nan saw Wang Qian'er's inner hesitation, and immediately spread out his right hand, and the two body snatching pills lay quietly in his hand: "These two pills were refined by me last night.

"Miss Wang should be able to tell when these two pills were released."


Wang Qian'er gasped.

It's really a body grabbing pill.

And it has just been refined.

This made her unable to calm her heart.

She didn't expect that Chen Nan would really be able to refine the Body Grabbing Pill.

She swallowed her saliva nervously and asked nervously: "Dare to ask senior, why do you have to ask for that Putuo flower?" "

Shocked though.

But she hasn't lost her sense of proportion.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "I see that the Lu family is not pleasing to the eye, is this a good reason?" "

Sure enough, there is some kind of grudge between the Lu family and Chen Nan.

Otherwise, Chen Nan would not have used this means to take down the Putuo Flower that should belong to the Lu family.


She didn't care about specifics.

There are countless grudges and grudges in this world itself.

After hesitating, she said, "I can agree to the senior's conditions and give you Putuo flowers."

"But, I want to know, what is your success rate?"

Chen Nan: "Ten percent!

Wang Qian'er's eyes widened suddenly: "How much?" "

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