"Ten percent."

Chen Nan had already expected Wang Qian'er to be so shocked.

After all, both on Earth.

Or the fairy world.

Except for him.

No alchemist has yet had a ten-percent completion rate.

Although he could say less.

Like the king of Keng Qingyunlou, say three percent, or four percent of the completion rate.

This way you can earn a lot of discounts.

But he didn't want to pit each other.

This will appear to be of poor character.

"You should be talking about a four-percent pill rate, right? The rate of four percent into pills is really not low! Wang Qian'er's beautiful eyes were full of shock: "As far as I know, even if the alchemist of the Lu family refines the Body Grabbing Pill, the rate of becoming a pill is only two percent. The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

He thought about ten, and the pronunciation of four is different!

But why does this girl listen to four percent?

How embarrassing!

Shall I continue to emphasize the 10% completion rate?

If so.

Will she take me for a liar?

What am I going to do?

Online and more!

It's urgent...

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said, "Yes, my Chengdan rate has indeed reached forty percent, and if I am in a better mood, the Chengdan rate can be higher." "

Four makes four percent!

Anyway, it's not that I want to pit her subjectively.

Wang Qian'er was overjoyed and said, "Then according to what the seniors said before, our Wang family provides medicinal materials, and you help us refine pills."

Chen Nan: "Good."

Wang Qian'er cleared her throat and asked cautiously, "If we provide more medicinal herbs, you won't be angry, right?"

Chen Nan almost didn't laugh out loud.


Am I the kind of man with a small belly?

Even if you take out 10,000 copies of the elixir that refining the Body Grabbing Pill.

We can't give you an urgent eye!

If you have the ability, you will exhaust me....

Wang Qian'er spread out her right hand, and a purple-red flower appeared in her palm, exuding a light medicinal fragrance.

This is Putuohua.

It looks like a morning glory in the sun.

It's just that the petals are the size of a bowl.

Wang Qian'er said, "Then according to what the senior said before, this Putuo flower is given to you, and you help us refine the Body Grabbing Pill."

"You give the junior an address."

"After the junior collects the medicinal materials for refining the Body Grabbing Pill, it will be sent to your mansion."

She is responsible for most of the Wang family's business.

You can still make your own decisions about this.

After getting Putuo flowers.

Chen Nan told Wang Qian'er his address.

Then he left the Wang Medicinal Herb Store with the madman.


Lu's grandchildren.

Lu Zheng, one of the eight evil young people in the capital city, also returned to the Lu family.

Looking at his father Lu Yuan indignantly, he said, "Father, I went to the Wang Medicinal Herb Store and met Wang Qian'er, but the other party opened a hundred Body Grabbing Pills.

"Otherwise, she wouldn't have flowered Putuo to us."

Lu Yuan was over fifty years old, and a sneer appeared on his face that was not angry and threatening: "One hundred body snatching pills? Such a big appetite, aren't they afraid of being held up to death?

Lu Zheng said, "They definitely know that we need Putuo Flower to refine some kind of elixir, and this medicinal material can only be taken out by the Wang family at present."

"Because of this, they will have no fear, and the lion opened his mouth and asked the ancestor to help them refine a hundred body snatching pills."

Lu Yuan snorted coldly and said, "Don't reply from the Wang family's side first, the more indifferent we are to them, the more panic they will become, and even have the idea that we don't need Putuohua."

"That's when the time comes..."

"It's not that they're pinching us."

"It's us who pinch them!" Speaking of this, a sneer spread on his face.

Although the Lu family needs that Putuo flower very much.

But not so in a hurry.

After all, even with Putuo flowers.

That lacks a medicinal herb called the Forgetful Herb.

And the Forgetful Worries Grass is the first auxiliary medicinal material for refining the Taiqing Divine Pill.

He looked at an old man in front of him and asked, "Is there any news from the Forgetful Grass in the north?" The

old man shook his head: "Although some people have seen the forgetfulness grass in the wilderness.

"But it was thousands of years ago."

"Our people have gone deep into the wilderness."

"They will be the first to hear when there is news."

Lu Yuan snorted.

The gaze gradually deepened.

They had to find Putuo flowers and forget-me-not grass.

In this way, he can refine the Taiqing Divine Pill for King Yan.

If it can be successful.

The Lu family will become the number one family in the netherworld.

Even the descendants of the Lu family can live forever.


the other side.

After Wang Qian'er and Chen Nan separated, they returned to the family as soon as possible.

Father Wang Yunlong asked with concern: "Daughter, did the Lu family agree to our request?" Are you willing to help our Wang family refine the Body Grabbing Pill? "

Wang Yunlong did not think of carrying forward the Wang family to glory.

After all, what the ancestors of the Wang family had not done, how could he do it?

He didn't want to do it either.

He thought simply.

In the words of the earth, that is lying flat.

Anyway, his daughter is so capable that she can help him manage the family business.

He listened to music every day and teased the birds.

Wouldn't that be comfortable?


When Qingyunlou started selling pills, he panicked a little.

Because after that, the Wang family's business declined sharply.

Wang Yunlong was a little unwilling.

According to family rules.

He has one more year to go in his position as patriarch.

In a year he will step down as patriarch.

Do you say that it is not good for Qingyunlou to sell pills after one year?

Why did he sell elixirs when he was the patriarch?

He just wanted to lie flat.

I don't want to be the most unproductive patriarch of the Wang family!


After learning that the Lu family needed Putuo flowers.

He used all his contacts to get one.

The purpose is to let the Lu family help refine some body snatching pills.

Let people know too.

Not only Qingyunlou can sell pills.

The Wang family can too.

And the level is higher than that sold by Qingyun Tower.

Wang Qian'er smiled and revealed a beautiful face: "Father, the Lu family has not agreed to help us refine pills.

"However, a being that you didn't expect

... Saying that, he said Chen Nan's affairs.

Wang Yunlong gasped after hearing this.

He had tried to investigate the information of the mysterious alchemist behind Qingyun Tower.

But there is not the slightest clue.

Which Cheng thought.

The person he had been looking for would find the Wang family.

And willing to help the Wang family refine the Body Grabbing Pill.


He even helped the Wang family refine any kind of elixir for free.

Wang Yunlong quickly calmed down, his eyes full of depth: "As you said, Chen Nan and the Lu family should have a hatred that is difficult to resolve.

"Otherwise, he wouldn't have paid a lot of money to get that Putuo flower."

"In that case."

"Then we can push the boat along the water and help Chen Nan."

"If he can bring down the Lu family."

"Our Wang family is expected to replace the Lu family's current position."

A trace of horror flashed in Wang Qian'er's eyes: "Chen Nan's purpose is to bring down the Lu family?"

"I don't deny his attainment in alchemy."

"However, how can he fight the Lu family?"

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