Chen Nan was completely speechless!

I never expected the green dragon who ranked first among the four divine beasts.

He would actually control his physical body to pick up a girl in a bar.

You listen to what he says.

If you believe in me, it only takes one night to avoid the bloody calamity of your next ten months.

He couldn't even say such shameless words...

It will pull down his whole person's pressure.

And most importantly.

Chen Nan didn't believe he was so brave.

Otherwise, why did he have so many women, but only gave birth to a daughter with the female emperor?

"Stop eavesdropping on that yellow dragon's voice!" Chen Nan sighed secretly.

He had already arrived in the capital city and had also become an eighth-level Yin Difference.

As long as he completes the task of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital, he can become a ninth-level Yin Difference.

Then go to the eighteenth level of hell and hand over the human path and animal road to Houtu Niangniang.

At that time, he can return to the sun.

And before that.

All information related to Blue Dragon.

will directly affect his state of mind.

Chen Nan asked, "Can you sense the whereabouts of the Forgetful Grass?" Di

Ting grinned: "You question the dog master again?"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "Yes, I shouldn't talk to you in this tone, your boss has a large number, take me to find that forget-me-not grass, okay?"

"That's pretty much it!" Di listened to the high spirit, and then looked to the northwest: "Along the northwest, the forgetful grass is in the northwest, in the hands of the two Earth Ghost Realm ants."

Chen Nan immediately changed the direction of his flight.

Follow the guidance of the Dharma and fly quickly through the air.

In the evening of the next day.

His soul power felt the breath of the two Earth Ghost Realm cultivators in Di Ting's mouth.

The two of them only had the cultivation of the early stage of the Earth Ghost Realm.

In Chen Nan's eyes, he was like an ant.

With his current strength.

It is completely possible to obliterate the two without knowing it.

However, Chen Nan did not intend to do so.

All he wanted was forgetfulness.

How can you do murderous business?

If so.

What is the difference between that and bandits?


"I feel that the patriarch is too cautious!"

"It's just a junior, how dare he rob our Lu family's medicinal herbs?"

"Even if you lend him a hundred dog galls, he will never dare to rob our Lu family's medicinal herbs in person."

Under the setting sun.

A flying magic weapon flew through the air.

On the magic weapon sat two old men.

One of them was silver-haired and in good spirits.

His name is Lu Jin.

Has the second layer of the Earth Ghost Realm cultivation.

The other person was thin and small, with a wrinkled face, and was wearing a black brocade robe, giving people a feeling that the limit was approaching.

His name is Riku.

There are three layers of cultivation in the Earth Ghost Realm.

Lu Jiu looked to the southeast, his eyes were as flat as water: "The patriarch ordered his own intentions like this, we just do it, and the most urgent thing is to send the forgetful grass back as soon as possible."

"It's just..."

"For some reason, I have a sense of foreboding!"

"It always feels like something is going to happen on the road."

Lu Jiu didn't know why he felt this way.

But I felt faintly uneasy in my heart.

Lu Jin smiled and said, "How can something happen along the way?" "

We took that long detour."

"Even if that guy named Chen Nan wants to intercept us."

"He can't possibly know our route."


"Even if it's really him, with the strength of our brothers, he can crush it."

"If that's the case, our brothers will have done a great job."

"You'll be rewarded when you go back."

"Seriously, I really want to meet Chen Nan!"


A magnetic voice came from heaven and earth: "Then do as you wish!" "

A simple word.

Let Lu Jin, Lu Jiu and the two suddenly had serious faces.

There was jealousy in his eyes.

The next moment.

A tall figure flew from the southeast.

He was eight feet tall.

Wearing a white brocade robe.

Sword-eyed stars.

Three-dimensional facial features.

It's masculine.

I saw him behind his back with one hand.

A look of indifference.

It's like a fairy coming.

Beside him is a thin dog.

It stretched out its long tongue and his eyes were full of fierce light.

It was as if treating the two of them like food.

Feeling that Chen Nan only had the fifth layer of Soul Loving Realm cultivation.

Lu Jin's eyes showed a contempt: "In the fifth layer of the Soul Craving Realm, you dare to block the way of our brothers, are you tired of living?"

"If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "Didn't you just say that you want to crush me and bring it back to the Lu family to receive the reward?"

"How did you forget this so quickly?"

As soon as the words came out.

Lu Jin, and Lu Jiu suddenly felt numb in their scalps.

There was deep horror in his eyes.

Although they were still talking about Chen Nan just now.


No one expected that Chen Nan would appear in front of them.

Lu Jin stared at Chen Nan incredulously: "You are Chen Nan?"

Chen Nan smiled brightly: "It's Chen!"

Lu Jin subconsciously swallowed his saliva and couldn't help but say, "How do you know our line?"

Chen Nan showed a harmless smile: "The matter has come to this, it doesn't seem to be important, right?"

Lu Jin also smiled: "It's really not important, although I don't know why you found here, but one thing is obvious, you are going to die soon!"

"As long as we kill you, our brothers will be rewarded by the Lu family!" Saying that, he squeezed his hands, and a terrifying yin qi gushed out from his body, condensing into a black long sword in the void.


Lu Jin's eyes froze, and the long sword tore through the void and slashed towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan's eyes were full of disdain.

When he did not step into the fifth layer of the Soul Thirsty Realm, he could kill the powerhouses of the second layer of the Ghost Realm.

Not to mention his current cultivation.

He could instantly obliterate a master of the second layer of the Earth Ghost Realm.


His purpose is only to snatch the forgetful grass.

I don't want to kill...

He made a move to resist and fought with Lu Jin.

Lu Jin's scalp was numb, and he exclaimed in a lost voice: "Damn, you, a cultivator of the fifth layer of the Soul Craving Realm, can actually resist my attack?" How is this possible?

Lu Jiu on the side was also shocked.

Although there are also some Heavenly Vertical Wizards in the cultivation world who can leapfrog the level and kill enemies.

But in general, the level of Yue will not be too high.

If Chen Nan had the peak of the Powerful Ghost Realm, they might be able to accept the difficulty of fighting with Lu Jin.

But the question is...

This guy is just a junior of the fifth layer of the Soul Craving Realm!

Cultivators of this realm are really ants in their eyes.

This made it difficult for the two to let go.

He also understood why Lu Yuan attached so much importance to this person, and did not hesitate to send the Lu family to worship Chen Nan before and after.

There's really a lot going on with this guy.

Without much thought, Lu Jiu also sacrificed a long sword: "I'll help you!" The

two manipulated flying swords to assassinate Chen Nan.

Chen Nan resisted with some difficulty.

The stalemate lasted for almost ten minutes.

Gradually, there was a situation of physical exhaustion.

He looked at the two breathlessly, his eyes full of anger: "I didn't expect you two to be so difficult, although I can't beat you, if I escape, you will definitely not be able to catch up." Immediately

, it turned into an afterimage and disappeared in front of the two people.

Fly into the distant wilderness.

A cold light flashed in Lu Jin's eyes: "Seventh brother, go, let's catch up, no matter what, we will kill this person!"

"No!" Lu Jiu's eyes were solemn: "Although I don't know how Chen Nan knows our route, the priority is to send the Forgetful Grass back, and the rest is not important." Speaking of this, he subconsciously touched the storage bag on his waist.

only to find.

Touched the void.

Look down.

The storage bag is gone!

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