Lu Jiu only felt that his scalp was numb, and his head was buzzing: "Oh lying groove, why did my storage bag disappear?"

Lu Jin on the side was also covered in hair.

It's not scary to lose the storage bag.


But in that storage bag was the forgetfulness grass.

If the forgetfulness grass is lost.

Their brothers' lives were lost.

"It must have been stolen by someone surnamed Chen." Lu Jiu's face was full of anger, and he immediately said: "Hurry up, you must catch up with the surname Chen, and you must take the storage bag back." "

Don't think about it.

He manipulated the magic weapon and chased after him.

Although Chen Nan has long disappeared.


But there was his breath in the air.

"Seventh brother, I feel that I should inform the patriarch of this matter and surround and suppress Chen Nan together." Lu Jin gave his opinion.

Although after informing the patriarch of this matter, he will definitely be scolded.

But he didn't think that Chen Nan could be found with the strength of the two alone.

And reclaim the forgetfulness grass.

After all, the wilderness is too big.

If Chen Nan hid, they wouldn't find it at all.

And the most important point.

Chen Nan was able to snatch the storage bag under the noses of the two.

It can be seen that the strength of this son is far more terrifying than they imagined.

"This is the end of the matter, and I can only report it truthfully!" Riku sighed.

He knows.

There must be a scolding.


late at night.

Lu Yuan sat cross-kneeled in the room and cultivated.


A black paper man on the desk actually stood up slowly, his eyes radiating green light.

As if alive.

Lu Yuan slowly opened his eyes and asked, "When will you be able to return to the capital city?"

Lu Jiu's nervous voice came from the paper population: "Sir, we are ineffective, and the Forgetful Grass was snatched away by Chen Nan!" "

What?" Lu Yuan's eyes revealed an incredible gaze: "Are you kidding? "

How did Chen Nan know your route?"

"How can he snatch the Forgetful Grass from your hands?"

He didn't believe it.

I can't accept it.

After all, he was self-righteous and divided the people looking for the forgetful grass into two teams.

A swagger returned.

The other team chose to take a detour.

Just in case.


He couldn't accept that Chen Nan had seen all his plans.

And it also took away the forgetful grass.

Lu Jiu: "I don't know how he knew our route, but it is."

"Now that he has fled to the wilderness, Lu Jin and I are following him."

Lu Yuan jumped like a thunder: "Waste, you and Lu Jin are waste!"

"If you can't even do this little thing, why don't you die?"

Lu Jiu did not dare to speak.

Lu Yuan roared angrily, "You guys continue to follow Chen Nan, you must not lose it."

"I'll let the army join you."


"If you can't bring the Forgetful Grass back, you won't have to come back."

Lu Jiu hurriedly said, "Guarantee to complete the task!" The

words fell.

The black paper man slowly lay down, like an ordinary paper man.



The golden afterglow falls in the quiet wilderness.

This primeval forest with towering trees adds a little more tranquility.

Chen Nan looked back behind him and sighed: "The villain is also a strong person in the Earth Ghost Realm, and the speed is too slow, right?"

"It's not that I said that they can't eat at this speed."

Di Ting looked at Chen Nan and asked innocently, "Do you eat?" I'll give you.

Chen Nan caressed his dog's head and said seriously: "Dog master, do you know that even your eldest brother does not dare to talk to me in this tone?"

Di Ting quickly clamped his tail and wanted to cry without tears: "Just kidding, there's no need to take it so seriously, right?" "


Chen Nan slapped the head of the dog who listened, and scolded angrily: "Quickly help me find the whereabouts of the Blood Spirit Root." "

Listen to the croaking teeth.

Would love to get angry.

But think about it...

Or hide the anger in your heart.

This world is too unfair to Chen Nan.

He couldn't change that.

And the only thing he can do right now.

It is to help Chen Nan take fewer detours.

He closed his eyes.

Listen carefully to the wild winds and grass.

A moment later.

He opened his eyes and looked far north: "A hundred thousand miles to the north, there is a black forest.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Blood Spirit Root is there."

"It's just that there is a terrifying existence there."

"You can't necessarily fight."


"In addition to the Blood Spirit Root, there is also a great creation."

"You can take a hand."

Chen Nan glanced behind him, and a sinister smile appeared on his face: "Even if I can't beat that terrifying existence, what if I add the master of the Lu family?"

Di Ting's body exploded, and he looked at Chen Nan with jealousy: "So, you deliberately entangled with those two people in order to attract them to chase you, so that they can help you attract firepower and become your cannon fodder?"

Chen Nan grinned: "The Taiqing Divine Pill is very important, and the Lu family will definitely send all the masters for me, although I don't know what the Lu family's background is."

"But there will definitely be some means."

"So many masters are pouring out, can't you make good use of it?"

The Blood Spirit Root is the greatest treasure in the world.

One thing is obvious.

There must be a powerful presence living near this supreme treasure.

This was also the main reason why he came because of the Lu family master.

The voice turned.

Chen Nan asked, "What is the chance you are talking about?" Di

listened: "The law of wood."

Chen Nan's pupils trembled violently: "The terrifying existence you are talking about should not be a willow tree, right?"

He thought of the cruel words that the other party had said when he killed the man-eating vine in Jinyang Mountain.

He said that even if he killed him, he would not let him go.

The same are mountain spirits.

He naturally thought of what the man-eating vine had said.

"It's it."

"The wood laws controlled by that willow tree are far above you."

"Even if you have the law of fire, you may not be able to extinguish it."


"If the Lu family has a strong person, you can use their power to help you kill that willow tree."

"Then you will be able to control the laws of the wood system!"

Chen Nan: "It's not a big problem!" "

His strength has improved too much.

Even if that willow tree is terrifying.

He also had the power to fight a war.

Even if you can't beat it...

Isn't there also a truth?

This dog thing hasn't shot for a long time.

It's not hard to know.

The strength should also improve a lot.

Di Ting suddenly said, "Can I discuss something for you?"

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows: "What happened?" Di

Ting sighed helplessly: "Can you change the problem of your pit people?"

"I'll be with you soon!"

"Pure as I have been."

"I can't change the color I have changed."

"I just wish not to be like you."

Chen Nan was amused: "It is nature that turns into color, after all, the origin of the universe is yellow."

"But do you think you'll turn into a pit?"

"Don't take it for granted!"

"If you want to be a pit product, you must first have extraordinary wisdom, which you don't have."

Di Ting breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it doesn't turn into pit goods.

Wait a minute.

That's not right.

Why does it feel like this guy is scolding the dog?

Right at this moment.

Chen Nan's excited voice sounded: "The Lu family's cannon fodder has caught up!" "

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