There is no turning back.

But I felt a hundred miles behind me.

Two strong men are quickly chasing after them.

And in the southeast.

There are also more than twenty powerful breaths.


Di Ting said excitedly: "This time, the Lu family sent a total of twenty-five masters, except for one Heavenly Ghost Realm powerhouse, the rest are all Earth Ghost Realm powerhouses.

"There are also sixteen late-stage Earth Ghost Realm powerhouses here, and the remaining eight with the worst strength are all in the second layer of the Earth Ghost Realm."

"Although this combat power is not enough to destroy that willow tree."

"But it can definitely hit it hard."

"When the time comes, you can kill that willow tree."

Chen Nan pouted: "You just said that you don't want me to pit people, but why are you so excited to see me pit people?" Di

Ting's eyes were full of embarrassment.

Chen Nan picked up speed and continued to move north.

He didn't accelerate.

Because at his current pace.

Invest in the space field.

The experts of the Lu family couldn't catch up at all.

It's not peaceful in the wilderness.

Especially at night.

You can see a lot of wandering undead and ghosts.

Most of them escaped from hell.

In other words, ordinary cultivators would definitely not dare to cross the barbaric wilderness.

Especially at night.

The slightest mistake will lead to the possibility of being taken away.

Although Chen Nan also met some guys who did not have long eyes.

But he was instantly destroyed.

Fight to the stars.

Before you know it, it's dawn.

Wild over the wilderness.

A jade ship carrying twenty-five people flew above the clouds.

At the head was a silver-haired old man with fiery red eyes.

He stood quietly at the front, his eyes looking deep to the north.

He is the strongest offering of the Lu family.

Nie Chu.

Has the three-layer cultivation of the Heavenly Ghost Realm.

"Senior Nie, Chen Nan's speed is too fast, we can't catch up at all!" Lu Jin's face was full of anxiety.

For others.

Even if you can't catch up with Chen Nan, it's not a big deal.

But for him and Riku are different.

If you can't catch up with Chen Nan.

Then you can't get the forgetfulness grass back.

If so.

Their brothers will definitely lose their lives.

Nie Chu looked indifferent: "Do you think the old man really can't catch up with Chen Nan?"


"I just want to see what medicine is sold in his gourd."

Lu Jin looked puzzled.

The same goes for others.

A sneer appeared on Nie Chu Cang's face: "I have heard of this junior Chen Nan, this son has outstanding ability, both in strength and in heart.

"Have you ever thought about one thing?"

"After he obtained the Forgetful Grass, why didn't he leave at the first time?"

"Instead, chose to go deep into the wilderness?"

Lu Jiu thought for a moment and said, "Is he afraid that he will be surrounded by my Lu family experts when he returns to the capital city?" "

The strength of him and Lu Jin is considered to be the bottom existence among everyone.

But because the two are surnamed Lu.

That's why.

They were given the heavy responsibility of escorting the Forgetful Grass back.

Only then did he dare to express his inner opinion in front of so many people.

Nie Chu smiled and shook his head: "It's not that simple.

"Since Chen Nan dares to seize the opportunity that belongs to the Lu family."

"Naturally, there is capital to compete with the Lu family."

"If I'm not mistaken."

"There is only one truth about his deep barbarism!"

Lu Jiu couldn't help but ask, "What truth?"

Nie Chu looked north: "There is some kind of supreme treasure in the barbaric wilderness, and Chen Nan knows the location of that supreme treasure, so he will hide his aura and go deep into the barbaric wilderness to find the treasure!" "It's

a pity that he did all the calculations, and he didn't expect that the old immortal could feel the breath that belonged to him in the air." Speaking of this, a sneer spread on his face.

"As long as we chase him in his direction, we are guaranteed to find that supreme treasure."


"Do you really think that the old immortal can't catch up with him?"


"I just want to put a long line to catch big fish!"

Everyone was relieved.

Someone suddenly patted Nie Chu's: "Senior Nie strategizes, this time not only can he recapture the Forgetful Worries Grass, but he can even get treasures, which is really gratifying!"

"Not bad, with the strength of Senior Nie, what is the wilderness for him? It is completely possible to walk sideways.

"Yes, in my opinion, this dangerous wilderness is like his own back garden for Senior Nie."

The wilderness is a forbidden land second only to the Nai River.

It was fine during the day.

But once it was evening.

Even the Earth Ghost Realm powerhouse must be extremely cautious when they come here.


In front of the Heavenly Ghost Realm powerhouse.

Even in the wilderness, there are very few who can threaten them.

After all, above the heavenly ghosts is the supreme ghost king realm powerhouse.

And look at the whole of Hades.

The Ghost King Realm powerhouses are pitiful.

It is said to be no more than three digits.

Seeing everyone patting Nie Chu's, Lu Jin hesitated and couldn't help but say: "Senior Nie, please forgive the junior for being rude, the junior has a different opinion."

Nie Chu glanced back at him, his eyes as cold as a knife: "What opinion?" "

He doesn't like people refuting his opinions.

Especially his previous views have been recognized by everyone.

Lu Jin refuted his point of view at this time.

It was tantamount to punching him in the face.

Lu Jin endured the tension in his heart and said, "I'm not questioning Senior Nie's point of view, and I also believe that Chen Nan must know that there is a treasure somewhere in the wilderness.

"However, his purpose in going deep into the wilderness is not just to capture that supreme treasure."

"I still want to borrow our hands to get rid of potential dangers."

Listen to this.

Nie Chu was suddenly furious: "Lu Jin, what do you mean by this?"

"You mean to say that Chen Nan has been leading us by the nose?"

"Are you questioning the old man's ability?"

The faces of the others were also full of anger.

I didn't expect Lu Jin to say such a thing.

Lu Jin hurriedly said, "Senior Nie is angry, Senior Nie is angry, and the younger has not questioned your ability."

"I just feel like it's not as simple as it seems."

"You have to guard against it."

He also doesn't know how to explain.

In short, there is a sense of foreboding in my heart.

Nie Chu's angry face showed an intriguing smile: "Not bad, in fact, you are right, the old man also sensed that this was deliberately done by Chen Nan." "

He's laying out an innings that he thinks we can't see."

"The purpose is to borrow our hands to help him remove potential danger."

"The reason why I didn't say it before was to test you."

"Riku Jin, huh?"

"Yes, you didn't disappoint the old man."

Lu Jin hurriedly said, "Senior, praise!"

Everyone else bowed their heads in shame.

Nie Chu said again, "Do you know why the old man deliberately entered Chen Nanbu's bureau?"

Lu Jin shook his head.

The corners of Nie Chu's mouth flashed an intriguing arc: "He thought he could reap the benefits of fishermen, hmph, how did he know that real hunters appeared as prey?"

"No matter what conspiracy he has, or what conspiracy he has."

"I'll crush it in front of him."

Speaking of this, he looked at his clenched right fist, and his eyes were full of cold light: "Under his nose, take the opportunity that belongs to him for himself!" "

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