Looking at Nie Chu, he looked like he was in hand.

Lu Jin hesitated and asked cautiously, "What if you can't beat it?" Everyone

else's faces changed.

There was a deep uneasiness in his eyes.

No one expected it.

Lu Jin openly questioned Nie Chu's strength.

Nie Chu's face was gloomy: "Lu Jin, are you questioning the strength of the old man?" "


"Although the strength of the old man is not very strong."

"But the villain is also a three-layer powerhouse of the Heavenly Ghost Realm."

"I don't believe there are opponents in this wilderness that I can't beat."

Lu Jin obediently closed his mouth.

For fear that after offending Nie Chu, he would kill himself in anger.

Although he is a member of the Lu family.

But he is the Lu family offering.

Even if he kills himself.

The patriarch will not turn his face with him for himself.

The depths of the wilderness are full of dangers.

Everywhere are some towering giant trees.

There are also some powerful monsters and ghosts running amok.

However, after feeling the breath of Nie Chu and the others, they were all lying on the ground and shivering.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

A lush black forest appeared in front of Nie Chu and the others.

A weeping willow is about 10,000 feet tall.

Standing quietly between heaven and earth.

Although it's already winter.

But this weeping willow exudes vitality.

Emerald green willow branches sway gently in the wind.

It is like a divine chain hanging upside down above the nine heavens.

It gives a strong sense of oppression.

"How can there be such a terrifying mountain spirit here?" On the jade boat, an old man felt a strong unease.

Everyone else was also full of solemn faces.

Although this mountain spirit is in a sleeping state.

But the breath released made them shudder.

I can't wait to turn around and run away now.

Nie Chu's face flashed with disdain: "It's just a mountain spirit, it's not worth mentioning!"

Speaking of this, an indifferent voice came out of his mouth: "Chen Nan, show up, the old immortal has already spied on your plan, you just want to get rid of this mountain spirit with our hands."

He could feel Chen Nan's breath disappear when he reached the Black Forest.

You don't have to think about it.

This must be hidden.

This is the same as what Lu Jin guessed before...


It's the same as I thought.

Chen Nan just wanted to use his strength to get rid of this mountain spirit.

"Wow!" Chen Nan's voice came from heaven and earth: "I really didn't expect that you would spy on my intentions, not a group of brainless people." The

words fell.

Chen Nan appeared above the canopy of a large tree in the distance, with a playful smile on his face.

As soon as the words came out.

A flash of essence flashed in Nie Chu's eyes, and his face was indifferent: "Although I don't know what is hidden here, it is not difficult to guess that there must be some kind of supreme treasure here."

"For the sake of you leading the old to find a supreme treasure."

"As long as you hand over the forgetful grass."

"Old age will let you live!"

Chen Nan grinned: "Do you really think that you can fight this mountain spirit?" "


An old man roared angrily: "Nie Chu senior, but he has the cultivation of the three layers of the Heavenly Ghost Realm, with his cultivation, he can cross the barbaric wilderness, a mountain spirit, what's the big deal?"

Chen Nan was stunned: "Wicked beast? How could anyone call that? "


Everyone gasped in unison.

Chen Nan's guts are too fat!

He dared to openly ridicule the name of Nie Chu's senior.


He's done!

"The surname Chen, you successfully provoked the old man!" Nie Chu burst out with monstrous killing intent, and his eyes were as cold as a knife: "I will cut those thousand cuts, cramps and peel the skin."

"Only then can I vent the hatred in my heart."

"Not now, though."

Saying that, he angrily looked at the weeping willow that towered between heaven and earth: "I will kill this elf, seize the opportunity that should belong to you, and let you know that everything you have done is just to make a wedding dress for me."

"I'm going to make you feel hopeless, helpless!"

"Let you know the end of being my enemy."

"And then cut off your flesh and blood with a knife."

"Only then can you vent on me..."

"Stop, stop!" Chen Nan hurriedly called a halt, and then looked at him innocently: "Senior, aren't your words a bit much?"

"Don't you know the law of villains dying from talking too much?"

Nie Chu was embarrassed and angry.

He turned his fingers into swords with one hand.

Cut directly at that willow tree.


The sword qi that destroyed the decay tore through the void.

Exudes the breath of destruction of the world and the earth.

Makes everyone hold their breath.

Is this the strength of the Heavenly Ghost Realm powerhouse?

It's terrifying.


When Nie Chu's sword qi was still hundreds of meters away from that willow tree.

I saw an emerald green glow rising from the willow tree.

Directly blocked Nie Chu's sword qi.


The weeping willows seem to come to life.

It was as if a sharp sword locked Nie Chu and the others at the same time.

Then a hoarse voice with anger came from heaven and earth: "Human, you should not set foot in my territory, this is not where you should come!" "

Shemales have different paths.

Since ancient times.

Shemales all live in their respective territories.

It seems to have become an invisible law.

Nie Chu's eyes showed a cold light: "The old man is not only here, but also destroys you!" "Speaking of these hands sealing, a terrifying palm was slapped.

In an instant, it was dark.

The wind is raging.

I saw a black palm that covered the sky appear in the depths of the nine heavens.

It's like the wrath of the gods.

Exudes an almost suffocating aura.

"Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

The voice of that willow tree revealed endless anger, like thunder echoing in everyone's ears.

I saw countless willow branches turning into green light and rising into the sky.

A vicious battle begins!

"This is the time!"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

He had to take advantage of this willow tree to fight Nie Chu.

Find the Blood Spirit Root.

Only in this way can we ensure that the Blood Spirit Root is not affected.


Chen Nan's figure mysteriously disappeared from the air.

The next moment.

He appeared a hundred meters underground.

I saw a blood-red spirit root.

It looks like ginseng.

Lie there quietly.

Exudes a refreshing medicinal fragrance.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

As long as you can get this blood spirit root.

He would have the opportunity to refine the Taiqing Divine Pill.

Thus avoiding Lu Bailing, the Lu Qingqing sisters were refined into elixirs.


Around that Blood Spirit Root.

But there are countless willow rhizomes.

Those rhizomes seemed to have become a prison cage, blocking Chen Nan's progress.


At the moment when Chen Nan appeared, he felt a terrifying force coming from the soil.

It's like it's been consolidated.


The willow tree had sensed his presence.

I don't want him to touch this blood spirit root.

Immediately, countless fine rhizomes appeared around Chen Nan at the same time like steel needles.

Even Chen Nan felt a trace of pain sweeping over.

But he didn't panic at all.

The spatial realm covered that Blood Spirit Root.

Next second!

He and the Blood Spirit Root disappeared into the ground at the same time!

There is a space field to assist.

Why is it difficult to seize that blood spirit root under the eyes of the willow tree?

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