Everyone else felt despair.

Although the volume of this willow tree is countless times smaller than before.

It looks like it's just over three meters tall.


The aura it exuded was far more terrifying than before.

They could barely suppress this willow tree before.

But now.

There is no confidence at all.

Strong despair filled the depths of everyone's hearts, almost suffocating them.

An old man roared angrily: "Lu Jin, blame you for this crow mouth." "

If it weren't for what you said before, Senior Nie wouldn't be able to beat this monster."

"How did things get to the point where they are?"

"I..." Lu Jin's face was full of anger: "Just because I questioned Senior Nie Chu."

"You're going to impose all the faults on me?"

"That's too much of a bully, isn't it?"

"Are you still unreasonable?"


Without warning.

An emerald green wicker is like a divine chain.

Skim through the void.

The hole pierced Lu Jin's chest.

Yin red's blood ran down the wound, and instantly stained the wicker.

Lu Jin looked at the wicker on his chest incredulously.

Eyes full of despair and fear.

Dao wrinkles instantly appeared on his face.

Vitality is also rapidly waning.

He looked at Nie Chu, and his weak voice revealed an unconcealable anger: "Nie Chu, everything today is because of your arrogance.

"If I'm really a crow-mouthed."

"Then I curse you not to die well!"

The words are not finished.

His figure flew out tens of meters upside down.

But no life was lost.

"Any idea why I didn't kill him?" Willow spat out, "Just because he's more awake than all of you."

"So, I'll let him live a little longer."

"I wish to fulfill his curse."

"Let you not die well!"

The words fell.

Those dozen willow branches killed Nie Chu and the others at the same time.

Extremely fast.

Lightning fast.

Lu Jiu urged the Fire Spirit Bead with all his strength.

Nie Chu also controlled the Zhen Demon Seal with a solemn face.

A golden light spread from the Zhen Demon Seal and enveloped the willow tree.

But this time.

Just limited the speed of the willow branches.

No substantial harm was caused to it.

And at this moment.

A fiery red arrow.

Without warning, it came behind Nie Chu.

Lightning fast.

Straight through his chest.

A red blood mist was splashed.

It also made Nie Chu let out a heart-rending scream.

He suddenly looked back at Chen Nan, who was holding a curved bow, and did not hide the killing intent in his heart: "Why did you hurt people with a secret arrow?" "

What benefit do you get by killing me?"

He was furious.

First, he didn't expect Chen Nan's strength to be so terrifying.

Second, in his opinion, they should join hands to kill this willow tree.

It backfired.

Chen Nan actually engaged in a sneak attack behind him.

Chen Nan held a curved bow in his hand and said lightly: "I thought that your strength was very strong.

"At least it can hit this mountain spirit hard."

"Then I'll sit on the fisherman's profit."


"You've disappointed me so much!"

"If that's the case, what's the use of keeping you?"

Speaking of which.

He bent his bow angrily.

A burning arrow quickly appeared above the bowstring.

He now controls the law of fire in twenty ten-thousandths.

This level of fire system law can completely shoot the Heavenly Ghost Realm powerhouse.

Not to mention.

He still uses half a sun-shooting bow.

"Stop, stop!"

Nie Chu let out a piercing scream, and he was terrified: "Chen Daoyou, I am willing to apologize to you, and I am willing to follow you, just ask you to let me live."

"Actually, we can join forces to kill this willow tree."

Before Nie Chu didn't put Chen Nan in his eyes at all.

But now.

He felt a strong sense of suffocation on Chen Nan's curved bow.

This feeling of suffocation was far stronger than what this willow tree brought him!

Everyone else has a numb scalp.

It wasn't just Chen Nan who hit Nie Chu hard.

What's more.

Nie Chu actually opened his mouth to Chen Nan and begged for mercy???

Is this something that a strong person in the Heavenly Ghost Realm can do?

"Nie Chu, Nie Chu, you are really a beast who eats inside and out!" Lu Jin scolded weakly and angrily: "My family master treats you well, why do you want to eat inside and outside?"

Nie Chu snorted coldly: "This is called Junjie, why do you eat inside and outside?" "


Lu Jin spat out a mouthful of blood, and he glared angrily at Nie Chu: "I... I've never seen someone as brazen as you! "

Right now.

Some of the late-stage powerhouses of the Earth Ghost Realm also spoke: "Chen Daoyou, I am willing to be loyal to you, and please raise your noble hand and let me wait for a way to live."

"Chen Daoyou, we are willing to suppress this willow tree with you."

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose slightly, and a disdainful smile appeared: "Kill it, I alone is enough, why do you need these ants?" He

said amazingly.

It made everyone extremely angry.


The arrow in his hand burst out of the air.

Under everyone's incredible eyes, Nie Chu's eyebrows ran through.

Nie Chu fell to the ground.

A blazing flame burned on his body.

In an instant, it turned into flying ash and disappeared between heaven and earth.

And the Zhen Demon Seal in the air also lost its dazzling golden light.

Fall in the air.

But don't wait for it to land.

He flew over and swallowed it directly.

The scene was deathly silent.

Everyone's eyes widened.

A mighty wave rose in my heart.

That was a super powerhouse of the third layer of the Heavenly Ghost Realm.

Looking at the entire netherworld, it is also a master among the masters.


He was shot by a powerhouse of the fifth layer of the Soul Loving Realm!

Do you dare to believe this?

"Well done!" Lu Jin let out a gloating smile.

He felt that Chen Nan was damned before.

But now I find out.

This guy isn't that annoying anymore.

Willow's voice suddenly sounded: "If you want to live, help me kill this young man!"

It was very dissatisfied with Chen Nan's words.

I don't think this son can kill himself.

So let the humans in front of you kill each other.

So as to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Do you think they have the ability?" Chen Nan's face was full of disdain, he pulled away the curved bow again, and an arrow with burning flames appeared on the bowstring again!


The arrow burst out of the air and instantly penetrated the eyebrows of an old man.

But it hasn't gone away.

Instead, he turned a corner and hit another old man again.


The sound of headshots is endless.

In an instant.

Except for Lu Jin, one person.

Everyone else died under the Sun-shooting bow.

Lu Jin looked at Chen Nan dumbfounded.

Even now he can't believe it.

Chen Nan actually did it on his own.

In an instant, all the strong people of the Lu family were destroyed.

Just before he could recover in shock.

He saw Chen Nan's smile: "Go well!" "

The next moment.

Chen Nan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

Lu Jin's eyes darkened.

Completely lost consciousness.

Chen Nan turned his head to look at the willow tree a hundred meters away behind him, and an intriguing light bloomed in his eyes: "Next, it's your turn!" "

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