"You don't shoot me, okay?"

"I'm really scared!"

Willow shivered with fear.

It was as if there was a naughty bear child shaking it wildly.


Chen Nan looked stunned.

Something is wrong with this willow tree.

A little yellow!

Just before he could react, Willow made another disdainful voice: "Your strength is much stronger than I thought."

"But I don't think you can kill me."

"Even if you master the laws of fire and space."

"It's still not enough to kill me!"

It mastered the laws of the wood system.

Naturally, he could feel the chance in Chen Nan.

"Who said I only mastered the laws of fire and space?"

Chen Nanhu's body was shocked.

The power of four laws appeared behind him.

The laws of space.

The Law of Fire.

The law of the water system.

and a very weak wood rule.

The power of the four laws floated behind him, making him look powerful.

It was as if the gods had come.

"Have you been to Golden Sheep Mountain?" Willow suddenly roared: "You killed that man-eating vine?" It

could clearly feel the breath of the Wood Law on Chen Nan's body.

It is the man-eating vine from Jinyang Mountain.

And that wisp of wood system law was given to the cannibal vine family by himself.

Chen Nan nodded undeniably: "Yes." The

willow tree swayed, and the light of the Dao rose into the sky.

Stained the night.


It also exudes an aura of terror.

"The ancestor of the Cannibal Vine was kind to me, if you kill its descendants, I will help the Cannibal Vine avenge it!"

The words did not fall.

The emerald green light in the sky swallowed towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan stood there quietly.

The laws of space transform into an invisible barrier.


The emerald green light is like a storm beating on the windows.

Over time.

A slight crack also appeared on the barrier in front of Chen Nan.

"Sure enough, your strength is above mine."

Chen Nan quickly dodged behind the willow tree, his eyes calm: "But I also want to know how big the gap is between you and me!" The

words fell.

He pinched it with one hand.

Heaven and earth were instantly enveloped in flames.

Whether it's air.


Or are the surrounding trees all set on fire at this moment.

Willow said disdainfully: "Although fire can burn wood."

"But you seem to have forgotten a little."

"Wood makes fire!"

Its willow branches swung in the air.

Between heaven and earth, the flame was extinguished in an instant.

When Lu Jiu cast the Fire Spirit Bead before, it was affected.

But it was because the Zhen Demon Seal had too strong an impact on it.


It doesn't mind showing its rhizome roasting fire...


A willow branch was like a whip passing through the air.

Exuding an aura of destruction and decay, it appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes.

"Get out!"

Chen Nan punched out.

This punch not only contains the law of fire.

There are even the laws of space.


But he couldn't resist the willow branch.

Blasted out thousands of meters by willow branches.

Look down at your hands.

A bright red mark appeared.

I feel a hot pain in my right fist.

Thanks to the fact that he used the laws of space and the laws of fire with one punch just now.

Otherwise, they would not be able to withstand Willow's blow at all.

It hurts though.

But this pain is nothing to him.

Without waiting for Chen Nan to breathe.

Another willow branch greeted us.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

Apply the laws of the water system immediately.

In a flash.

A faint blue wave appeared in front of him.

Directly blocked the attack of the willow branch.

Water is buoyant.

There is also resistance.

And water is the softest thing in the world.

It can play the role of four or two jacks.

"It's useless, none of your means can stop your death!" Willow's voice was cold, and his body was full of light, and the willow branch that was originally blocked by Chen Nan seemed to open the thruster and suddenly accelerated.

Chen Nan immediately used the space field and fled to the distance.

Look at the space he was in before.

That space has been annihilated.

You can imagine how terrifying Willow's blow was just now.

"Brother dog, let's do it!"

Chen Nan spoke.

He just wanted to test his strength.


As expected.

Even if he has obtained the power of multiple laws.

It's not enough to compete with this willow tree.

You have to ask the truth to listen.

Willow said disdainfully: "Just with a thin dog, do you think it can hurt me?"

He was furious: "You are the fine dog, and your whole clan is a small dog." "Speaking of which, it directly manifests the ontology.

It was a head ten meters long.

A ferocious beast about five meters tall.

The whole body exudes a monstrous anger.

The huge tiger's head resembles a house.

There was a chill in his eyes.

The unicorn on the forehead exudes a metallic sheen.

"What the hell?"

Willow let out a piercing scream.

Even if it is a hegemon-level existence in the wilderness.

But I haven't seen such a weird-looking guy.

An inexplicable sense of crisis arose in my heart.

A wave of qi erupted from Di Listen's nose: "Listen, my name is Di Listen!"

Willow: "Oh, I haven't heard of it. His

eyes widened angrily.

This willow tree didn't even know it existed?

It's really bullying dogs!

A terrifying sound wave came from its mouth.

Let this void tremble.

A dazzling golden light erupted from its mouth.

Tear the darkness.

Swept towards the willow tree.

Willow felt a sense of foreboding.

It knew that this was the power of the Zhen Demon Seal.

The power exerted by the Zhen Demon Seal in Di Ting's hands was far stronger than in Nie Chu's hands.

Don't think about it.

One by one, willow branches burst out of the air.

Resisted that terrifying golden light.


The truth was incomprehensible.

It's not that the truth is too weak.

Instead, it is still recovering.

It has not returned to peak strength.

Take 10,000 steps back.

Although Divine Beast is a divine beast, it is not known for its powerful attacks.

He was able to stalemate with this willow tree for so long.

Already strong.

Chen Nan appeared behind the willow tree, pulled the curved bow in his hand, and in an instant.

A fiery red arrow condensed on the originally empty curved bow.

Tearing the firmament and shooting at that willow tree.

Willow is fully resisting the attack of Divine Listening.

I didn't expect that Chen Nan would put a cold arrow behind his back.

It's too late to dodge.

Let that arrow penetrate the torso.

But that's all.

Although caused a certain number of injuries.

But it was instantly repaired by the laws of the wood system.

"The five elements are living together, and with the power of the laws you currently have mastered, it is not enough to cut me!" Willow's voice was indifferent, and he didn't put Chen Nan in his eyes at all.

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Chen Nan's eyes...

It seems like.

I really can't destroy this willow tree.

Willow suddenly spoke: "Or you guys go, that blood spirit root will be given to you as a gift!" "

It doesn't want to continue fighting with Di Ting.

Because it is difficult to distinguish between winning and losing.

Di Ting let out a belly voice: "No, I will kill you and take your creation!"

Willow said disdainfully, "However, with your current strength, it is not enough to kill me!" Di

listened to the soul summons Chen Nan: "Chen Nan, come behind my ass, I'll show you a treasure."

"With it, cut down this willow tree."

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched fiercely.

Perverted huh, huh?

Actually hiding treasure in the ass?

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