Chen Nan felt the need to re-recognize the truth.

Because he never thought of it.

Hearing this, he actually hid the treasure in... Valley Road.

This fetish made him think of a lot as the 'fourth uncle and five essences'.

Why did he hide his treasure in the valley?

Never mind!

This cannot be thought about.

Otherwise, it turns yellow with itself.

I'm going to become a pervert like him.


But Chen Nan still came behind Di Lian for the first time.

The next moment.

His face changed drastically.

A strong feeling of vomiting swept over, making him almost not vomit out the overnight meal.

I saw that Di Lian actually pulled out a golden Xiang...

Thick and thick.


And it also emits a golden glow.

Chen Nan looked at the picture in front of him blankly.

He had never been so averse to gold as he was now.

Di listened to the summons, and his tone was full of solemnity: "Don't be stupid, I forcibly refined the Zhen Demon Seal."

"With this thing, and the Sun Shooting God Bow."

"You can shoot this willow tree!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched fiercely: "You really know how to play!" The

words fell.

The laws of space roared out.

It wrapped the Zhen Demon Seal that had been refined by the True Hearing.

Let it take the shape of an arrow.

Then ghostly appeared behind the willow tree.

Take arrows.

Open the bow.

Locks in the origin of the willow tree.

"Give me death!"

Golden arrows tore through the sky.

It's like an aurora.

Instantly hit the origin of the willow tree.


Willow let out a heart-rending scream.

It didn't expect.

I would actually die on a lump

of corn... The arrow that was transformed into a canon caused a fatal wound to it.

The few willow branches that resisted the truth suddenly withered.

Immediately shrouded in golden light in the mouth of the Di Hearing.

Chen Nan directly spread the space field.

Before Willow's consciousness is about to disappear.

Directly forcibly plundered the wood laws contained in the willow tree.

Take the rules of wood for yourself.

Di Ting grinned and showed a bright smile: "Look, Brother Dog said that he can solve this willow tree."

Chen Nan rolled his eyes.

Use it as a weapon.

This kind of thing really only dogs can do.

He collected the storage magic weapons on the ground, as well as the fire spirit beads scattered there.

After doing this, he rode on the back of Di Ting, and then looked at the distant southeast: "I want to refine some wood laws first, and let's strive to return to the capital city in the shortest possible time." "

He knows.

The Lu family will soon be able to know about the tragic deaths of all the experts of the Lu family.

That's when it really comes.

If you want to return to the capital city, it will be difficult.

Even if you can go back.

In case Qiye and the others did not find Lu Bailing and Lu Qingqing sisters.

Their sisters are bound to be in danger.

"Brother Dog is very fast, I promise to arrive in the capital city before dawn." A golden auspicious cloud appeared under the hooves of Di Ting, carrying Chen Nan into the air, and disappeared into the night in an instant.

Chen Nan sat on the back of Di Listening.

The power of the soul shrouded those wooden laws.


With his current strength, he didn't dare to refine it all at all.

It's just about 20 out of 10,000.

"I now get the law of space, the law of fire, the law of water, and the law of wood."

"As long as you can get the soil system law, and the gold system law."

"There will be a huge increase in strength."

As the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

He knew the power of the Five Elements Rule.

Of course.

Even if you don't get the soil and gold laws, it's not a big deal.

As long as it can go deep into the eighteenth level of hell.


capital city.

Lu family.

"Sir, it's not good!"

"It's not good, sir!"

A subordinate stumbled into Lu Yuan's room.

Lu Yuan looked displeased: "What is so alarming?"

Zhang Xi's face turned sallow, and he trembled and said, "Back to the master, the soul jade butterflies enshrined in our Lu family are all shattered!" "


A simple word.

Let Lu Yuan stand up suddenly.

His face was full of disbelief: "What did you say? The soul jade butterflies enshrined by the Lu family were all shattered? "

Lu Yuan knows what the Soul Jade Butterfly Shattering means.

In layman's terms.

The Lu family's offerings are dead.

It was too much for him to bear.

After all, it was all the offerings of the Lu family!

Among them, there was also a Heavenly Ghost Realm powerhouse.

"Not only those offerings, but even the soul jade butterflies of Lu Jin and Lu Jiu were shattered." Zhang Xi said truthfully.

Lu Yuan was dumbfounded.

A moment later, he came back to his senses, slumped in his chair weakly, and waved his hand at Zhang Xi woodenly: "You go down first!" "


Zhang Xi hurriedly left Lu Yuan's room.

"Father, what happened?" Lu Zheng heard the news and asked with concern: "I heard that Zhang Xi came to your side with an anxious face just now, did something happen?"

Lu Yuan looked at Haoyue outside the window.

The moonlight is like water.

It was like a thin veil covering the heavens and the earth.

He was expressionless: "Dead!"

Lu Zheng's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Dead?" Is Chen Nan dead?

"Father, it's a good thing that Chen Nan died!"

"But why do you seem so sad?"

Lu Yuan sighed, his eyes full of coldness: "I don't know if Chen Nan is dead or not."

"I only know that our Lu family's offering is dead!"

"All dead!"

"Not a single mouthful!"

Lu Zheng's scalp was numb, and his pupils trembled fiercely: "No, no, no, how is this possible?"

"Our Lu family's offerings are all Earth Ghost Realm powerhouses."

"In addition, there are Heavenly Ghost Realm powerhouses."

"If you don't say anything else, let's talk about Senior Nie!"

"With his strength, he is completely capable of rampaging through the wilderness."

"How can this kind of strong man fall?"

"Can a strong man kill him in the wilderness?"

This incident was too strong for him.

It was hard for him to accept.

Lu Yuan's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of panic and anxiety: "These are not important, what matters is whether Chen Nan is still alive!"

Lu Zheng's heart trembled.

Oh, yes!

Chen Nan had previously snatched away the forgetful grass and Putuo flowers that should belong to the Lu family.

If you can't get it back.

Then the Lu family would not be able to refine the Taiqing Divine Pill.

This would definitely offend the terrifying being.

At that time, the Lu family will definitely be in great trouble.

There may even be doom.

"I'll go to the Imperial Master's Mansion."

Lu Yuan also had many questions in his mind.

For example, why did the Lu family's offerings die?

Did he die at the hands of Chen Nan?

And in front of the eyes.

The only one who can solve the confusion is Emperor Master Zheng Yu.

After all, he has the ability to know the past and know the future.

As long as he divination, he can solve the doubts in his heart.

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