Imperial Master's Mansion.

An old man in his seventies wore a linen robe.

Sitting alone under the moonlit night.

Crane hair childlike appearance.


Long silver-white hair casually draped behind him.

It gives a feeling of floating out of the dust.

There was a chessboard in front of him.

Above is a game of broken chess that he has not solved for nearly 10,000 years.

He was the emperor of the dynasty.

Emperor Yudu's enlightenment teacher when he was a child.

Teach him the law of benevolence and righteousness.

Four books and five sutras.

When the new Emperor of the Imperial Dynasty succeeded to the throne, he was also appointed as an imperial master.

Of course.

The reason why he became an imperial master.

It's not just about teaching the young Emperor of the Capital.

There is also the art of divination that knows the past and knows the future.


There is a game of chess.

He spied for ten thousand years.

I couldn't find the answer I was looking for.

There is no way to crack it.


The housekeeper walked behind Zheng Yu and said respectfully, "Sir, Lu Yuan asks for a meeting."

Zheng Yu: "Let him in!" "


The housekeeper exited the yard.

A moment later.

Lu Yuan came with a nervous face, and he bowed to Zheng Yu and saluted: "Caomin Lu Yuan meets the emperor."

Zheng Yu shifted his gaze to Lu Yuan's face on the chessboard, and a shallow smile appeared on Gujing Wubo's face: "There is no need to be so polite between you and me!" "

His sister is the main mother of the Lu family.

By generation.

Lu Yuan had to call Zheng Yu uncle.

Zheng Yu asked: "Say, come so late, but what happened?"

Lu Yuan immediately said, "The grass people are incompetent, and they accidentally lost the auxiliary medicinal materials for refining the Taiqing Divine Pill..." Then he told him what happened.

The Lu Zheng family is a family friend.

This time refining the Taiqing Divine Pill was also secretly pulled by the Zheng family.

Otherwise, with the influence of the Lu family.

It was simply not enough to contact a powerhouse of the level of the Ten Temples Yan King.

"Adult, juniors want to know whether Chen Nan is alive or dead!" Lu Yuan knew that if Chen Nan lived, the Lu family would still be able to complete the task of refining the Taiqing Divine Pill.

Just kill him and take away the creation in him.


If Chen Nan died.

Then the forgetfulness grass and Putuo flowers on his body will also disappear.

Until then.

The Lu family is in big trouble.

"Unexpectedly, after that guy resigned from his official position, he actually came to the capital city!"

"I underestimated him!"

I learned that Chen Nan came to the capital city.

A cold light flashed in Zheng Yu's eyes.

He had never met Chen Nan.

But this son is like a thorn in his side.

A thorn in one's flesh.

After all.

He first killed Ma Sanyuan's father and son.

Then he killed An Xuanmo.

Although he did not expect that Chen Nan resigned his official position and came to the capital city.

But he knows.

The most urgent task is to investigate whether Chen Nan was related to the murder of all the Lu family worshippers.

He squeezed it with both hands.

A golden light floated in front of him.

It was an ancient star map.

Zheng Yu looked at the star map with solemn eyes, pinching his hands.

It gives a mysterious feeling.

With the passage of time, Zheng Yu's originally relaxed appearance gradually became a little dignified.

Fine beads of sweat also appeared on his forehead.

After all, looking at the star map and inferring whether someone is alive is a very mentally draining thing.

A moment later.

He spoke: "The death of the Lu family is indeed related to Chen Nan!"

"Except for him, though."

"He also has a powerful helper by his side."

"It's really him." Lu Yuan is overjoyed.

Although he had always wanted to kill Chen Nan before.


How much I wanted to kill him before.

At this moment, he wished that Chen Nan was alive.

Only in this way can he seize the forgetful grass and Putuo flower on his body.

In order to refine the Taiqing Divine Pill for King Yan.

Zheng Yu said slowly: "Chen Nan did not hesitate to resign his official position and come to the capital city for the sake of that pair of snake demons.

"You can see the weight of the pair of snake demons in his heart."

"As long as that pair of snake demons is still under the control of your Lu family."

"Chen Nan will show up."

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up.

Oh, yes!

As long as the pair of snake demons are still in the hands of the Lu family.

Chen Nan will be pinched by the Lu family.

All they had to do now was wait for Chen Nan to appear.

Kill it.

Then seize the medicinal herbs on him.


is just as the truth says.

He's fast.

Before dawn, they arrived at the capital city.

This speed is beyond even Chen Nan's reach.

Even if he rushed back to the capital city as quickly as possible, it would take at least three days and three nights.

Feel Chen Nan's breath.

Qiye and the others walked out of the bedroom to greet Chen Nan as soon as possible.

Now Seven Nights and the madman have also stepped into the Earth Ghost Realm.

Chen Nan asked, "Have you ever found the whereabouts of the two sisters of the Lu family?"

"The subordinates were incompetent and failed to find the whereabouts of the Lu family sisters." Seven Nights was ashamed.

They haven't been idle these days.

It almost dug the capital city three feet into the ground.


Still haven't found the hiding place of the two sisters of the Lu family.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Lu family should have a magic weapon of the space system, and they locked up the Lu family sisters inside!" Di Lian gave his opinion.

"No hurry!" Chen Nandao: "Although the Lu family sisters have been arrested, as long as I don't show up, they won't be in danger of their lives."

"And vice versa..."

"The Lu family is very likely to jump off the wall."

Although Chen Nan was worried about the safety of the Lu family sisters.

But compared to him.

The Lu family will definitely look everywhere for his whereabouts.

After all, you can afford to wait.

But the Lu family...

Can you afford to wait?

They were helping the King of the Five Temples to refine elixirs.

Do not refine pills in one day.

They would have a hard time sleeping and would not be able to send a message to the king of Yan.


The only thing Chen Nan can do now.

It is to secretly look for several auxiliary medicines for refining the Taiqing Divine Pill.

It would be good if you could find several other medicinal herbs.

Even if you can't find it, you can force the Lu family to mess up.


The real confrontation between Chen Nan and the Lu family has only begun.

Unlike a head-on duel with a blade.

Rather, it is an invisible psychological warfare.

Who can hold their breath.

Whoever wins the winner is the ultimate winner.

Go back to the room.

Chen Nan calmed down.

Thinking of finding the other four medicinal herbs for refining the Taiqing Divine Pill.

Those four elixirs were not particularly rare.

But it is not common in the market.

If you let Qingyunlou, or the Wang family help you find it.

It is very likely that the Lu family will find out their intentions.


You have to think of a cautious, prudent approach.

Think of this.

Chen Nan took out the anti-Heavenly Sect's teleportation card.

"Guys, I need several medicinal materials to refine elixirs."

"I don't care what you do."

"It must be found within seven days and delivered to the capital city."

He sent a message to the old monsters of the Anti-Heaven Sect.

He did not ask them to help find medicinal herbs.

Because Yue Shan, the master of the five halls of the Anti-Heaven Sect, is a strong character and a big grinning existence.

Saying that asking them to help is not in line with Yue Shan's personality.

What Chen Nan didn't expect was.

Not long after the message was sent.

He received a reply from No. 6: "Coincidentally, I know the whereabouts of these medicinal herbs.

"Fifth brother, where are you?"

"In my opinion, let's meet and talk!"

"If my brother tells you the location of those kinds of medicinal herbs, and there are internal traitors among us, won't it push you to a place of irreparable disaster?"

See the information on the wooden sign.

Chen Nan was suddenly stunned.


Why don't you just read my ID number?

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