"This is the Holy Land of Buddhism."

"Or the fuck Qinglou?"

Chen Nan had a strange expression on his face.

He was sure he wasn't in the wrong place.


Who would have thought.

Just got in here.

Is there a girl seducing herself?

Don't say it yet.

The sound is really hooking.

It gives people a crispy and soft feeling.

Thanks to Chen Nan's soul power, it was extremely powerful.


Souls have to be taken away.


A big question mark also rose in his heart.

Could it be that women are being held here?

It's just...

Buddha gate important land.

Women shouldn't be detained, right!

Of course.

Except for the seductive voice that seduced him just now.

He also felt a terrifying demon aura here.

The intensity of this demon qi.

It was stronger than those ninth-level demon emperors he knew when he was in the immortal realm combined.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose.

Immediately go deeper along the channel.

I walked for almost ten minutes.

Two closed stone doors appeared in front of him.

Above the stone door is a golden rune paper.

The runes on the rune paper are ancient and powerful.

Let Chen Nan's soul almost disintegrate.

This is a place of right and wrong.

Although Chen Nan wanted to spy on the secrets.

But the soul is also about to disintegrate.

Good at a critical time.

His soul lit a white flame.

It is the Changming Flame that ranks first in the Three Realms.

The appearance of the Changming Fire resisted the golden light on the rune paper.

"Come on!"

"As long as you can come in, we can be happy together!"

A lazy voice came from behind the stone door.

It sounds like a royal sister.

Chen Nan hesitated, and the soul power drilled through the crack of the door.

He was not seduced in doing so.

I don't want to be happy with the woman inside.


He wasn't interested in that kind of thing.

Just want to find the space magic weapon in the mouth of No. 6.

Obtain the medicinal materials inside to refine the Taiqing Divine Pill.

That's all.

Just after Chen Nan entered the stone gate.

The overwhelming demon qi came to his face, making his soul tremble.

It's like a lonely boat in the ocean.

It will be torn to pieces by these demon qi at any time.


He didn't panic.

The laws of space spread out, resisting most of the demon qi.

At the same time, I also saw the picture in front of me.

A peacock with colorful feathers is standing there proudly, its body exuding colorful light.

At a glance, you can tell that it is not an ordinary thing.

Next to it is a large green cow.

It has a black unicorn on its forehead.

Except for the two of them.

There is also a humanoid monster with hands on the back of his head.

And a green lantern.

And a peach tree, a willow tree.

and a red curved eel more than ten meters long, like a giant python.

In layman's terms...

It's the giant earthworm.

A large red roc bird.

And a middle-aged man with a lewd smile on his face.

Of course.

There were also two women.

One wears a long red dress and looks slightly older, giving people the charm that a mature woman should have.

The other looked a little younger.

What it looks like when he is about twenty years old.

She wore a long white low-necked skirt that revealed her sultry collarbone and looming career line.

Bumpy figure.

Beautiful looks.

Especially those eyes that can capture the soul.

It made Chen Nan feel suffocated.

Chen Nan has seen many beautiful women.

Especially the female emperor, beautiful and peerless, shocking the ancient and shining.

There is one thing to say.

Even if the female emperor was in front of this woman in front of her, the light on her body was much dimmer.

He never thought that there was such a woman in the world who could not extricate herself just by looking at it.

Of course.

His name is Chen Nan.

It can still resist the charm exuded by women.

"Gongzi, you finally came, do you know how many years people have been waiting for you?" The beautiful woman had a trace of resentment in her eyes, with that wet and sticky voice.

Let Chen Nan inexplicably rise a layer of goosebumps.

Chen Nan frowned: "Are you waiting for me?" The

beautiful woman soared into the air and threw herself into Chen Nan's arms: "Yes, the slave family has been waiting for you for many years." "


Chen Nan slapped a palm on her face, and a roar came out of her mouth: "Get out!" The

woman covered her face and flew out more than ten meters.

There was an incredible look flashing in his eyes: "You dare to hit me?

"It's just a nine-tailed fox, do you think it can confuse my mind?" Chen Nan snorted heavily, he had just used the Lookout Qi Technique, and he could clearly see that these people were all transformed into monsters.

"Daji, I just said, you are too conceited, not everyone will be fascinated by you." The mature woman let out a gloating laugh.

Chen Nan's pupils trembled violently: "Are you Su Daji? "

The nine-tailed fox is a ferocious beast.

The most famous nine-tailed fox in mythology is Sudaji.


When he learned that the other party was a nine-tailed fox, Chen Nan did not think that she was Su Daji.

Can be accompanied by the name of a woman.

He instantly guessed the woman's identity.

It is really a scourge for the country and the people.

No wonder King Shun lost Jiangshan because of her.

Su Daji glanced at Chen Nan with cold eyes: "Shi Ji, even if I can't control this man's mind, you can't control him." "

You are all demons in the Feng Shen?" Chen Nan frowned: "Why are you imprisoned here?"

Shiji Niangniang sneered: "Otherwise?

"Although we deserve hell."

"But do you think hell can imprison us?"

"No, no, no!" Chen Nandao, "If I'm not mistaken, among the gods, some of you present did not die, but took refuge in the Buddha Gate. Speaking

of this, he looked at the peacock that emitted a colorful light, as well as the big green bull and the golden roc bird.


The peacock was named Kong Xuan, the general soldier of Shanhaiguan in the list of gods.

The body is a phoenix.

The golden roc bird became the wick of the ancient Buddha.

And that big green bull is the mount of Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Although Yan did not appear in the Battle of Fengshen .

But he is the strongest demon king in the three realms.

If Su Daji, Shi Ji and the others were suppressed here, he could still understand.


He didn't know why Kong Xuan, Dapeng Bird, and Heyi were imprisoned here.

Especially Kong Xuan and Dapeng Bird.

They have already converted to Buddhism!

Da Qingniu spat out words: "My family's master's soul wandering is too empty, and he is not in the Three Realms.

"If you are afraid of my existence, afraid that I will lead the great demons of the heavens to avenge that monkey, you will suppress me here and never see the light of day."

Speaking of this, endless anger was revealed in his voice.

Chen Nan's heart trembled.

Rulai's guts are really not small.

It is said that hitting a dog depends on the owner.

He actually took advantage of the fact that the Yuan Shi Tianzun's soul wandered too empty, and he beat him into the netherworld.

Suppress the place.

Isn't he really afraid of Yuan Shi Tianzun's trouble with him?

Kong Xuan also made an indifferent voice in his mouth: "Although Dapeng Bird and I have converted to Buddhism, we have come to reject dissidents. "

During the vicious battle of the Three Realms, I and Dapeng Bird were already suppressed here."

Chen Nan's face was full of strangeness: "There is no doubt about the use of people, no doubts about people, you have already converted to Buddhism, how could Lao Er do such a shameless act?" "

It's too shameful, isn't it?"

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