Hearing Chen Nan's words.

Kong Xuan made a puzzled voice: "Wait."

"Why do you say that Rulai is too shameful?"

"Why do you think he's a man with a face?"

"He doesn't have a face, you can't say he doesn't have a face."


Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

As if he's right.

Da Qingniu said, "You should have been deceived by the history books."

"It's not as bright as you think."

"That's just the appearance of him."

"In reality he is an extremely insidious, despicable villain."

"Unscrupulous means for the end."

After a pause, he said, "You should know that Rulai is not from our Middle Continent, right?"

Chen Nan thought for a moment about the Buddha and Daoist families, and then said, "Rulai is a foreign monk at best. "

Buddhism originated in Indo-Brahma.

Not from the Middle Continent in the mouth of the big green bull.

The so-called Middle Continent refers to today's Chinese civilization.

Da Qingniu continued: "You are right, foreign monks can chant, and it is precisely because foreign monks live well and will please people, so they have been appreciated by those powerful people.

"Let Rulai become the helmsman of the Three Realms."


"Who would have thought that it was because they were credulous and hypocritical that the Three Realms faced extinction."

"If it is not my race, its heart will be different!"

Although a cow said that it is not our race, its heart must be different, which sounds a little ridiculous.

But he's right.

Words to go back to the roots.

Chen Nan and these big demons present are all of the same race.

Rulai, on the other hand, belongs to an alien race.

Mo said that Rulai has bad conduct, extreme hypocrisy, and yang and yin.

Isn't today's 'third brother' also this virtue?

Although I know Kong Xuan, Dapeng Bird, and the reason why Da Qingniu appeared here.

But Chen Nan still had some questions in his mind.

He locked his gaze on Su Daji, who was casting a charm on him, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Believe it or not, you continue to hook me up and I will kill you?" "

Although the sealing of gods is a trial arranged by Hongjun Laozu.

Although he knew that Su Daji was also following orders.


Her evil is unspeakable.

This woman has a skin bag that makes people rush and their heartbeats faster.

Nothing else.

Even if she threw a wink at Chen Nan, Chen Nan was still indifferent.

A trace of resentment appeared in Su Daji's eyes: "I don't know how to pity Xiang Xiang and cherish jade at all!"

Da Qingniu saw the curiosity in Chen Nan's heart and explained, "They should have been reincarnated after they died.

"But because they were all fierce beasts and demons when they were alive, they thought of suppressing them and subduing them."

"It's just."

"After the chaos of the Three Realms, Rulai also gave up the idea of subduing them."

"And they will suppress this place all the time."

Chen Nan was relieved.

Demon is warlike by nature.

Same with that monkey.

Rulai must be afraid of these monsters.

It suppressed them.

"You should be here for this space magic weapon, right?" The big green bull said and spit out a ray of light in his mouth, transforming into a storage ring.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "Yes, the junior is here for it." Da

Qingniu: "The contents are useless to me and the others, you take it!"

"Thank you, senior!"

Chen Nan was overjoyed, he didn't expect the other party to give this spatial magic weapon to himself so easily.

Although the medicinal herbs inside have existed for ten thousand years.

But there is still a big difference between the space magic weapon and the ordinary storage magic weapon.

In layman's terms...

Space magic can keep fresh for a long time.


Kong Xuan spoke: "Little friend, can you help remove the rune on the stone door?"

Those big demons all looked at Chen Nan in unison.

Eyes full of nervousness and expectation.

They are eager to get out of here.

But the rune at the door has always sealed this place.

Chen Nan shook his head: "I naturally want to remove that rune and let all the seniors leave this place."

"But the power on that rune is too terrifying."

"With my current strength, it's simply not enough to compete with it."

Chen Nan didn't want to owe favors to others.

If he could remove the rune at the door.

Certainly not hesitant.

But that's not the case.

He is still too weak.

Not enough to remove the runes.

Seeing the disappointment on everyone's faces, Chen Nan added: "In this way, I promise you that when my strength becomes stronger, I will definitely remove the runes and let you leave here."

"But I have a condition, after leaving, you must not do anything that endangers your life."

Sealing God is a trial arranged by Hongjun Laozu.

This is except for the big green cow.

The other yokai are all actors in the Fengshen Seal.


But why let be evil?

Are they really innocent?

Not exactly.

Just like on Earth.

Who would let a respected old drama bone, decent professional performance artist play the villain?

Some identities cannot be deduced.

These demons are all true colors.


There is still a lot of risk in releasing them to leave.

This must be stated in advance.

He didn't want these monsters to be released and they would do something harmful.

If so.

He has to bear all the cause and effect.

"Xiaoyou rest assured, even if we do something harmful to heaven and reason, we will not stay in Zhongzhou." Kong Xuan took the lead in expressing his attitude.

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows.

This has another deep meaning!

Never mind!

As long as it doesn't harm Huaxia.

What does the rest have to do with him?


after the soul is returned.

Chen Nan got up and left the Daxiong Treasure Hall.

And just as he walked on his front foot.

The eyes of the statue of the Fudo King suddenly lit up with a golden light.

It's like coming to life.

And all this.

Chen Nan didn't know.

He left here like he had nothing to do.

After returning home.

He took out the medicinal herbs in the spatial magic weapon.

The medicinal herbs inside were piled up.

All of them are rare medicinal herbs.

He successfully found the four auxiliary medicines that refined the Taiqing Divine Pill.

Then spread out his right hand and took out the Dan furnace.

He had previously obtained the pill for refining the Taiqing Divine Pill in the hands of the Wang family.

And he had already remembered the refining steps of the Taiqing Divine Pill in his heart.

Even if he had never refined the Taiqing Divine Pill.

Even if there is only one medicinal herb for refining the Taiqing Divine Pill.

But his heart is ancient.

In order, he put the seven medicinal herbs into the Dan furnace.

It is different from refining ordinary elixirs.

It took forty-nine hours to refine the Taiqing Divine Pill.

And in these forty-nine hours.

Chen Nan could not make the slightest mistake.

Otherwise, the achievements will be lost.

Forty-nine hours later.

It was originally clear and clear.

Suddenly, dark clouds were overlooking.


The sky above the huge capital city was shrouded in black-pressed thunderclouds.

A mighty heavenly power descended from the sky.

Let a sense of foreboding rise in the hearts of Wubai.

The sleeping Di Ting walked outside the courtyard and looked at the thunderclouds rolling in the air, with a solemn gaze flashing in his eyes: "The Divine Pill descends, I am afraid that it will cause big trouble!" "

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