The emperor's words were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Let the last glimmer of hope in the hearts of everyone in the Lu family instantly turn into a dream bubble.

They thought.

The emperor master will definitely save them.

But who would have thought.

He actually said that when his sister died, he would plant a patch of flowers in front of her grave?

"My lord, the Lu family is arrested."

"Seventy-six should be arrested."

"Fifty-two people are arrested!"

Those Heavenly Ghost Realm and Ghost King Realm powerhouses went and returned.

A chill flashed in Hei Impermanence's eyes: "Everyone, there is no mercy for killing!" "

He knows.

The Lu family has died many masters during this time.

These fifty-two people were members of the entire Lu family.




Watch as familiar faces are slaughtered.

Lu Xun was dumbfounded, and he raised his head to the sky and roared: "Chen Nanxiaoer, even if I am a ghost, I will not let you go!"

"I curse you not to die well!"

The reason why the Lu family was tragically exterminated.

All this is because of Chen Nan.

If it weren't for his tricks on the Taiqing Divine Pill.

Why did the Lu family end up in a state of slaughter?


after the entire Lu family was killed.

Hei Impermanence said: "Let's go, go back to life!"

A playful smile appeared in Bai Wuchang's eyes: "Don't you want to meet that guy named Chen Nan?" The

corners of Hei Impermanence's mouth rose slightly: "You are right, I am very curious about that guy named Chen Nan." I really want to see him, whether he has three heads and six arms, he would be so bold and use King Yan Luo as a knife to get rid of the Lu family. Speaking

of this, he looked at those Heavenly Ghost Realm and the Ghost King Realm powerhouse: "Wait to return to hell first to regain your life, and I will go to meet that guy named Chen Nan for a while!" "



Emperor's Mansion.

It's dawn.

But Zheng Yu still sat alone in the courtyard.

Night viewing.

There were two faintly visible tear tracks on the numb face.

"Sir, find out clearly!" The butler appeared behind Zheng Yu and said nervously: "Xiangrui appeared in the capital city earlier because Chen Nan refined the Taiqing Divine Pill.

"After that, the Lu family forced Chen Nan to hand over the Taiqing Divine Pill and honored it to King Yan Luo."

"It is said that King Yan Luo was injured after taking the Taiqing Divine Pill and lost his thousand-year Dao."

"If the old man is not mistaken."

"Chen Nan must have made a move on that Taiqing Divine Pill."

"Otherwise, the Lu family will not offend King Yan Luo, and thus usher in a catastrophe."

Zheng Yu clenched his fists, and his eyes radiated angry flames: "Chen Nan, it's this guy again, don't kill this old man and swear not to be a man!" "

Anger at the same time.

A strong fear rose in his heart.

Finally, I knew why the previous bloody light disaster had a tendency to spread to the Zheng family.

If he meddles in this...

Even if he is a dynasty emperor.

A great courtier.

Hades will also destroy him in a fit of rage.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, the status of the emperor master is higher than that of the ten halls of Yan King.

But he knew it.

His rights as an imperial master were limited to this corner of the underworld.

Compared to the Ten Temples Yan King, it is nothing at all.

The butler said, "Sir, Chen Nan used King Yan as a knife to get rid of the Lu family, and this matter is obvious.

"With the character of King Yan."

"Even if we don't do it."

"He will also get rid of Chen Nan."

"After all, there are not many people who dare to use King Yanluo."

"And Chen Nan didn't just take advantage of King Yan Luo."

"It even caused King Yan Luo to lose a thousand years of Dao."

"He can't end well."

"It is very likely that you will be sent to the eighteenth level of hell."

Zheng Yu's eyes flashed with icy killing intent: "If King Yan makes a move to teach Chen Nan a lesson, if he doesn't make a move, I will let Chen Nan know the end of offending me Zheng." ------

Chen Nan stayed awake all night.

Breakthrough in the first half of the night.

In the second half of the night, I did shameful things with Lu Bailing and Lu Qingqing's sisters.

This made the Lu sisters miserable and happy.

It was just dawn.

There was a strange feeling in the order of the Son of Heaven.

His eyes lit up.

Immediately took out the Son of Heaven Order, which showed the will of the Emperor of the Capital: the Lu family has been destroyed, and things are doing well.

See this message.

Chen Nan couldn't help but frown.

The Lu family has been destroyed by King Yan Luo?

Don't say it yet.

The medicinal effect of that Taiqing Divine Pill was quite domineering.

Although I don't know how effective it is.

But one thing is obvious.

King Yan Luo sent people to destroy the Lu family that night.

That pill must have had a lot of impact on him.


The Emperor of Yudu didn't seem to be very satisfied with this result!


Things went well.

And things are not bad, two very different natures.

Although one more word.

But it can be perceived.

Emperor Yudu was not satisfied with this result.

"The task I received is to destroy the Lu family."

"Although the Lu family was not directly destroyed by me."

"But it finally fell into my hands."

"Why is the Emperor of the Capital not satisfied with this result?"

"Could it be that his real intention is to destroy the Emperor Master?"

Chen Nan was frightened by his thoughts.

Emperor Zheng Yu was the mentor of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital.

If the Emperor of the Imperial Capital really wants to destroy the Emperor Master.

That is the crime of deceiving the ancestors.

Even if he is the lord of Hades.

It will also be criticized.



He can't do it if he wants to.

Can't even say.

"The water in the capital city is too deep!"

"It's a lot deeper than I thought."

Chen Nan's expression was solemn.

Because he knows.

The emperor master has a good reputation in the hearts of the people.

Both the court.

Or folk.

There are countless admirers.

And his status is far above that of the prime minister and the king with a different surname.

It is definitely an existence above ten thousand people under one person.

For so many years, he took care of the imperial government for the Emperor of the Imperial Capital.

It's just...

The Emperor of the Underworld was the ruler of the underworld.

Why do you want to destroy your mentor?

After hesitating, he entered a line of information on the Order of the Son of Heaven: "The minister did his best to satisfy you!" "

After putting away the Son of Heaven Order.

Chen Nan tiptoed up, for fear of affecting the Lu family sisters who had just fallen asleep.

He then left the bedroom and went to the dining room.

Although he has no need to eat in this realm for a long time.

But three meals a day has long become a habit in life that is difficult to change.

As long as he is at home, he will eat three meals a day on time.

At this time, Guo Yu also prepared breakfast.

Chen Nan summoned Qi Ye and the others to gather at the restaurant, and after everyone arrived, he said, "After dinner, you go and investigate the background of the imperial master." "

He had a hunch.

There must be a big secret behind the imperial master.

Otherwise, the Emperor of the Imperial Capital would not want to get rid of his mentor.

And if he can find the evidence of the emperor's guilt and get rid of him.

It is very likely to become a nine-level yin difference.

Then you can go deep into the eighteenth layer of hell and meet the Houtu Niangniang.

Right at this moment.

An indifferent voice suddenly came from outside: "Does the sinner Chen Nan live here?" "

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