"Does the sinner Chen Nan live here?"

Hear the sounds outside.

Everyone looked at each other.

To know.

Only officials and family members can question others in this tone.

"Let's go, go out and see who's shouting outside." The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose slightly.

He has the peak of the Ghost King Realm.

Now there is no fear of anyone finding trouble for themselves.

I am afraid that the other party's strength is not as tough as my own.

After all.

Bullying the weak, he does not experience the slightest sense of accomplishment.

After opening the gate.

Two tall figures, one black and one white, appeared in Chen Nan's eyes.

They breathe a strong breath.

There is not the slightest emotion in the eyes.

At a glance, you can tell that you are not mortal.

Chen Nan didn't know the origin of these two.

However, there is one thing that is true in the legend of the Yang world.

Black and white impermanence is subordinate to King Yan Luo.

Look at what the two are wearing.

It must be the black and white impermanence under King Yan Luo.

"I'm Chen Nan, what are you two little ghosts doing to find grandpa?" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth curved with a charming curve.

Black and white impermanence was furious.

They knew that Chen Nan must have known their origins.

But call them imps.

I really don't put them in my eyes!

Qiye and the others were also full of nervousness and anxiety.

Because they have already guessed.

After King Yan Luo took the Taiqing Divine Pill.

It will definitely destroy the Lu family.

But it will also find Chen Nan's head.


No one expected the other party to come so quickly.

Hei Impermanence shouted angrily: "Chen Nan, you answer my question truthfully, did you refine that Taiqing Divine Pill?"

Chen Nan: "Yes!" Black

Impermanence: "Is the elixir poisonous?"

Chen Nan: "Yes!"

Hei Impermanence said angrily, "What is your intention in refining a poisonous pill?"

Chen Nan smiled: "What is my intention in refining poison pills?" Does this have anything to do with you?

Bai Impermanence said coldly, "That elixir caused King Yan Luo to lose a thousand years of Dao Xing.

Chen Nan's smile remained unchanged: "I didn't stuff that pill into King Yan Luo's mouth." "

Mo said that King Yan Luo lost a thousand years of Dao Xing, even if he dies, what does it have to do with me?"

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouths!" Black Impermanence's eyes showed a cold light: "You are suspected of murdering King Yan Luo, please follow us back to hell to be judged!"

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows, looking like a hippie smile: "What if I don't go?"

A black chain appeared in Hei Impermanence's hand: "Then we will detain your soul into the underworld!" "

The black chains glow cold in the sun.

It is the famous soul chain in the netherworld.

Di Ting walked out with lazy steps: "You two little ghosts are so domineering, does Little Five know?" "

Look at the oncoming figure.

Black and white impermanent pupil earthquake.

A thick layer of goosebumps instantly rose on the exposed skin.

It's like a rat seeing a cat.

A mighty wave rose in my heart.

Although in front of him is just a thin dog that looks unpretentious.


The two of them had gone deep into the bottom of the eighteen-level hell.

I've seen this master!

It's just that they never dreamed of it.

This master is still alive.

And he is also with Chen Nan.

Don't think about it.

The two quickly knelt down to salute, shouting in their mouths: "I have seen the dog master, the dog master is blessed, the mana is boundless, and the life and the sky are qi!"

Qiye and the others were also taken aback.

Although they know the identity of the Dharma.

But I didn't expect it.

In the mouth of the truth.

King Yan Luo, one of the ten hall kings who stood tall, turned out to be Xiao Wu...

It's outrageous!

Di Ting said impatiently: "Go back and tell Xiao Wu that Chen Nan is my brother, if he is not convinced, he can let the horse come over at any time!" "

Di Ting's move is not for Chen Nan's sake.

It was to protect King Yan.

If King Yan Luo was really an enemy of Chen Nan.

Then it must be King Yan Luo who suffers.

Even if he is the existence of one of the ten temple kings.

It is definitely not Chen Nan's opponent.

"Yes, yes, we will relay your words to the king of Hades."

Black and white impermanence is really scary to pee.

They can't imagine.

Chen Nan actually listened to the brother.

Di listened impatiently and said, "Get out!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The two immediately turned into phantoms and disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Don't dare to stay too much for a second.

After the two left.

Wang Qianjin Wang Qian'er came to the door with two entourage.

"Senior Chen, this is the medicinal herb prepared by our Wang family, please work hard to refine the elixir for our Wang family!" Wang Qian'er directly explained the intention.

After all, Chen Nan had promised the Wang family to help the Wang family refine pills.

It can also be regarded as the reward of Putuohua.

Chen Nan took the storage bag smoothly, and soul power poured into it.

What he didn't expect was.

Unexpectedly, only the medicinal materials for refining 10,000 Body Grabbing Pills were prepared.


Not too greedy.

Although he didn't need to improve his cultivation through pills now.

But what was promised to the Wang family naturally had to be done.

Of course.

Even if he doesn't need to.

Guo Yu also needs to improve his cultivation through pills.

Chen Nan said, "Miss Wang, please go back and wait for the good news, after I refine the elixir, it will be sent to the Wang family."

Wang Qian'er nodded slightly, and left Chen Nan's house with a few greetings.

For Chen Nan.

Wang Qian'er still admires it.

Because she knew that Chen Nan had refined the Taiqing Divine Pill.

After all, last night's vision made the whole city known.

After that, she heard that the Lu family had inexplicably ended up with a full door.

Although I don't know the inside story.

But she had a hunch.

All this is most likely related to Chen Nan.

Of course.

What exactly happened is not something that a small person like her can snoop.

She just needs to do her part.


Actually, this time, the Wang family prepared medicinal materials for refining 100,000 Body Grabbing Pills.

But Wang Qian'er changed that idea.

Although Chen Nan said at the beginning, he would not be angry no matter how many medicinal herbs he prepared.

But she felt that it was rude.

Even if Chen Nan said that, the Wang family could not treat Chen Nan like a cattle.

This involves the most basic courtesy.

And the most important point.

The Lu family has been destroyed, then Chen Nan is the strongest alchemist in the netherworld.

Being friends with this kind of person is far more valuable than refining 90,000 more Body Grabbing Pills.

After sending Wang Qian'er away.

Chen Nan returned to the room.

Then began refining elixirs.


This time, he did not use the Dan furnace.

With his current strength.

In addition, there is also the law of fire to assist.

Even if you don't use a pill furnace, you can turn medicinal herbs into pills.


Ten thousand medicinal materials for refining the Body Grabbing Pill were piled up.

When the temperature reaches a certain level, it gradually melts like ice cubes in the sun.

Then under Chen Nan's control, independent pills were formed.

Chen Nan squeezed his hands.

Compress the yin qi in the air into the elixir.

In this way, the elixir can be considered successful.

"Now refining elixirs is not difficult for me." Chen Nan smiled heartily, his heart moved, and he put the six thousand pills into his storage bag.

The other four thousand pills were stored in the storage bag that previously contained the medicinal herbs.

As soon as he finished refining the elixir, Guo Yu's voice sounded: "Big brother, there is an old friend of yours outside who wants to see you."

Chen Nan instantly frowned.

Where do I have any old friends in Hades?

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