Chen Nan is from the Yang Realm.

Although there are several friends in Hades.

But mostly confidants.

There are no friends who can be called old friends.

Don't think about it.

He got up and went to the living room.

Seeing the figure in front of him, his pupils trembled violently.

There is a feeling of being alive.

He rubbed his eyes, making sure that he didn't look at the wrong person, and couldn't help but exclaim: "Old Mistress, are you still alive?"

He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

After all, Number Six once said.

Traitors appeared within the Anti-Heavenly Sect.

So much so that No. 3 was killed on the way to the capital.

Steward Wang of Qingyunlou looked at Chen Nan with a confused expression: "Who is the third old?" Me?

"I'm not the third old!"

"I'm the second oldest in the family."

Look into his innocent eyes.

Chen Nan couldn't help but snort.

I seem to have recognized the wrong person.

Steward Wang is not the number three of the anti-Heavenly Sect.

He didn't help himself at all.

It's just that he has been pitted countless times by himself, and he mistakenly believes that he is number three.

And the real number three is someone else.

It's just that.

Who is the real number three?

A big question arose in Chen Nan's heart.

He can be sure.

Number three is the person who has appeared around him.

After all, Number Three already knew his identity.

"Young Master Chen?"

"Young Master Chen?"

Hearing Steward Wang calling his name, he still waved in front of his eyes.

Only then did Chen Nan come to his senses, and he smiled awkwardly: "How does Steward Wang know my address in the capital city?" Steward

Wang smiled: "One thing you may not know, Wang Qian'er is my niece.

"Well, I'm her second uncle."

"I followed her to find out about Young Master Chen's address in the capital city."

Chen Nan was stunned.

Then relieved.

Steward Wang's name is Wang Yunchuan.

And Wang Qian'er's father is called Wang Yunlong.

It is clear that the two are from the same family.

It's just that he didn't expect it.

Wang Yunchuan would actually be a steward in Qingyunlou.

And Qingyunlou and the Wang family are mortal rivals.

"I came to the door this time to let Young Master Chen help me Qingyunlou refine some powerful ghost pills." Steward Wang was straight to the point: "After all, according to our previous agreement, you also have to help us Qingyunlou refine a pill."

Chen Nan smiled and shook his head.

Qingyunlou and the Wang family are really bitter rivals.

The Wang family asked him to refine the Body Grabbing Pill.

And Qingyunlou let him refine the Ghost Pill.

They all want to crush each other.


He only owed Qingyunlou a pill.

And on the Wang family's side, even if they helped them finish the Body Grabbing Pill.

They still owe them a pill.


According to the current situation.

Qingyunlou can't fight the Wang family no matter what.

Of course.

It doesn't matter to him.

It is important.

He only needed to complete the agreement with the two parties and help them refine the elixir.

Steward Wang hesitated and said, "Young Master Chen, Old Immortal has a reluctant request.

Chen Nan: "You said."

Steward Wang said, "We, Qingyunlou, want to establish a long-term exclusive cooperative relationship with you.

Chen Nan: "Yes!" Steward

Wang was stunned.

Was it so straightforward to promise?

Chen Nan: "Tell me about the conditions of your Qingyun Tower!" "

Although he has the strength of a ninth-level ghost king.

Looking at the netherworld is also the supreme powerhouse.

But he had relatives in Hades.


Even if you leave yourself.

Don't you have to think about them too?

Steward Wang suppressed the rate of Cheng Dan and said, "Three Cheng Cheng Dan rate."

Chen Nan smiled: "Turn right when you go out, walk slowly and don't send it." Steward

Wang was anxious: "The surname is Chen, don't think I don't know that your Chengdan rate is ten percent." "

He really didn't know about it before.

But before he talked to Wang Qian'er about Chen Nan.

Wang Qian'er said it inadvertently.

When Chen Nan proposed the rate of four percent into a pill, she misheard it as ten percent.

At that time, Wang Guan knew.

It was not that Wang Qian'er had misheard.

It's Chen Nan's realistic rate of ten percent pills.

Steward Wang sighed: "That's pretty much it!"

"With your ten-percent completion rate, you only need to give us thirty percent."

"The remaining seventy percent is all in your pocket."

"This deal is a sure profit for you."

"Why not?"

Chen Nan shook his head: "The elixir has no attraction to me!"

"So what do you want?" Steward Wang suddenly showed a vigilant gaze.

Dealing with Chen Nan for so long.

He knew that Chen Nan was a cannibalistic existence without spitting out bones.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "Sancheng Cheng Dan rate, and..." Law fragments. "

The matter of the fragment of the space law was learned by him from the mouth of Steward Wang.

Speaking of which, Steward Wang was a noble man he met in Hades.

If it weren't for the knowledge of the fragmentation of the laws of space.

He couldn't have grown so fast.

Nor will it control the power of the four laws as it does now.


He concluded that Qingyunlou must have a law fragment.

His idea was simple.

Collected to the soil system, and the law of the gold system.

In this way, you can control the five laws like in the Yang world.

"Law fragments?" Steward Wang was taken aback, and then shook his head repeatedly: "This matter is very important, and it is not for me to decide at all.

Chen Nan: "You can go back and ask your superiors." Steward

Wang shook his head: "Even if I ask the people above, they will not agree to this matter."

Chen Nan regretted, "Then we don't have to talk!" Steward

Wang sighed: "Forget it, I'll go back and ask for instructions, but you'd better not have too much confidence." "

A few quick conversations.

Steward Wang left the Chen family.

And the moment he left.

Chen Nan's face instantly became gloomy.

If Steward Wang is not number three.

So who is the real number three?


Chen Nan thought of someone close to him.

That is Ling Han Zongyuan of Tongcheng County.

Although Han Zongyuan did not seem to help him as much as Wang Guan.

However, Han Zongyuan recommended him to become the governor of Tongcheng Water Transport Yamen.

Think of this.

Chen Nan suddenly snorted.

The first time the Ma family opened the ship, did Han Zongyuan arrange the gunpowder on the ship?

The purpose is to make a contribution?

A wry smile spread across his face.

With Han Jongwon's character.

It is indeed possible to do such a thing.

One more point.

It was under the guidance of No. 3 that he went to the Vulcan Sect.

There he got the chance of the Vulcan Sect.

Encountered the truth.

To put it bluntly.

Han Zongyuan has always worked hard for his own rise and growth.

Maybe he is sorry for those who died tragically at the Tongcheng pier explosion.

Perhaps everyone under heaven blamed him.

But he alone cannot say that he is not.

After all, everything Han Zongyuan did was for him.

"I really didn't expect that you would always be by my side."

"If it weren't for my self-righteousness, I would have mistaken Steward Wang for No. 3."

"Maybe we've already faced each other, right?"

Think of what Han Zongyuan did for himself.

Thinking that he was betrayed by an internal traitor and died.

A strong killing intent rose in Chen Nan's heart.

He took out the anti-Heaven Sect's transmission jade card.

Enter a line of information above: Three days later, Xuanwu Island will meet to discuss the big plan!

He wanted to personally lead out the internal traitors in the Anti-Heavenly Sect.

Avenge Han Zongyuan!

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