Chen Nan felt that there were still many memorable things on this trip to the netherworld.

It's not just about playing demon.

Beyond Xu Xian.

There are also fish caught in the Nai River.

He is called a brother and a brother.

Of course.

The most interesting thing is to squash the king of Yan Luo, right?

After all, this is a frightening talk about the existence of tigers.

Looking at the fierce ghosts who opened their teeth and danced their claws in front of them, and flew with grinning teeth.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose slightly.

A wild and evil smile flashed.


King Yan Luo in the distance saw him smile so strangely.

An ominous premonition arose in his heart.

The next moment.

I saw Chen Nanhu's body shocked.

A mysterious energy spread out from his body.

He opened his mouth.


The wind is blowing!

Countless powerful ghosts let out terrified screams, and then they were swallowed by him.

In an instant.

The powerful ghosts released by King Yan Luo all disappeared into heaven and earth.

"Damn it!"

"What's going on?"

"You actually ate all those ghosts?"

King Yan Luo's scalp was numb.

A mighty wave rose in my heart.

Even if you see it with your own eyes.

He couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

I couldn't believe that Chen Nan could swallow those powerful ghosts.


"Don't make trouble!"

"I don't have any interest in this kind of garbage."

Chen Nan chuckled.

The beast road spread out from his body: "I just sent them to reincarnation!" "


King Yan Luo sat directly on the ground, his face as pale as wax: "Beast... Animal Road? "


"How is the animal road in your hands?"

He couldn't believe that Chen Nan had actually controlled the Beast Dao, one of the six reincarnations.

"Aren't you trying to teach me a lesson?"

"Come on!"

"Let me see your means!"

A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

Instantly appeared in front of King Yan Luo.

Then a fierce attack was launched.


"Stop fighting!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"Fight slowly, I won't fight back..."

"Ancestor, can you not hit your face?"

The vast world.

King Yan Luo let out heart-rending screams and pleas.

His mentality was completely broken!

Because in his memory.

The six reincarnations have always been in the deepest part of the prefecture.

It is the Houtu Niangniang guard.


Who would have thought.

Chen Nan actually controlled the Beast Road?

This is a topic of great contemplation.


He didn't know why the Beast Road was in Chen Nan's hands.

But he knows.

There is also a beast road deep in the prefecture.

And there is only one animal path in the world.

If the Beast Dao in Chen Nan's hands was true.

Isn't that beast road in the depths of that mansion fake?

After a long time.

Chen Nan stopped panting.

There was a hint of heat on his body.

"Now, do you believe that Brother Dog asked you not to trouble me to protect you?" Chen Nan sat casually in the snow.

King Yan Luo on the side had a blue nose and a swollen face, and the corners of his mouth twitched in pain.

"Master, who are you?"

King Yan Luo's mentality exploded.


To be precise, the mentality is numb.

Chen Nan glanced at the firmament and murmured, "Me?

"I'm just a hurried guest in this world!"

King Yan Luo was speechless.

You're awesome!

You're awesome!

If you have the ability, don't sell it!

Although not happy with Chen Nan's speaking style.

But King Yan Luo clearly understood.

My own understanding of good and evil seems to be wrong.

Of course.

He doesn't think he's at fault.

Because for so many years, his understanding of good and evil has never wavered.


Chen Nan's evaluation of good and evil made him feel that he might be wrong.

After all.

Although he didn't want to admit it either.

But one thing has to be admitted.

The real strong even if they fart.

Ordinary people think that a sip can prolong life.


He had to think about what was good and what was evil.

He cleared his throat and said, "Master, I know who killed Han Zongyuan..."

"Don't tell me that." Chen Nan took out two altars of spirits from the storage magic weapon, threw them to King Yan Luo's altar, and then said, "I will personally investigate the murderer behind it."

"That's right!"

"There's something I'd like to ask you for."

"You can't say that." King Yan Luo said embarrassed: "If there is anything you order, you must not ask for advice."

Chen Nan gave him a disdainful look: "I want to know about the Emperor Master!" King

Yan Luo was relieved.

He knew the grudge between Chen Nan and the Lu family.

I also know that the backer behind the Lu family is the Emperor Master.

"I respect you." King Yan carried the altar of wine and touched Chen Nan gently, and after taking a sip of wine, he said, "I don't know much about the emperor master.

"However, this man is very popular with the people."

"It's not just because he proposed a lot of new policies that benefit the country and the people."

"The main thing is that he has a very good personal relationship with the monks of the Jokhang Temple."

"If I'm not mistaken, the Jokhang Temple was proposed by the emperor."

"Of course."

"That was 10,000 years ago."

"At that time, the Anti-Heavenly Sect had not yet rebelled."

"Speaking of which, the reason why Buddhism can stand in the netherworld."

"Emperor Master Zheng Yu is indispensable."

"He has been promoting Buddhist culture."

"Spread wisdom and mercy throughout Hades."

"So much so that many people in Hades believe in Buddhism."

"There are also many Buddhist believers."

"And before that, there was only the Bodhisattva of Jizo in Hades."

Chen Nan nodded slightly, he didn't expect that the Emperor Master and the Buddha Gate still had this relationship, and then he asked: "What does the Buddha Gate look like in your eyes?"

King Yan Luo pondered for a moment and said, "There is no Buddha in my eyes, only a Buddha.

"Over there is the Bodhisattva King of Jizo!"

"Although he is also a foreign monk."

"But his belief is that hell is not empty, and he cannot become a Buddha."

Chen Nan laughed at himself: "Hell is not empty, and you can't become a Buddha?"

"Can hell be empty?"

King Yan Luo smiled and said, "You're right, hell will never be empty.


"The reason why King Jizo said that is that he doesn't want to be in the same league as the people in the Buddhist sect!"

Chen Nan's spirit was shocked.

Hell is not empty, and if you can't become a Buddha, how can you understand it like this?

The more King Yan Luo spoke, the more angry he became: "Yes!"

"I admit that there are Buddhas in the West."

"But in my opinion."

"There is only one Buddha in the world with great wisdom and great compassion."

"Although he has not become a Buddha."

"But it is better than the Buddhas of the heavens."

"As for your question about what I think of Buddhism..."

King Yan Luo poured two mouthfuls of spirits, and his eyes became dark: "It's just a group of bald donkeys who are full of benevolence and morality, and are extremely hypocritical!" "

They say that the sea of bitterness is boundless, and turning back is the shore."

"Say put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha."

"I don't agree with that."

"If you make a mistake or do evil, you will be punished, and you will go to hell."

"You have to break into the animal road."

"On what basis can one put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha erase the evil that a person has done in the world?"

"If this is mercy from their mouths."

"So, who will give justice to those victims?"

"If only a Buddha could really overcome all the evil in the world."

"Then why are there demons on earth?"

"Why is there still overcrowding in the eighteenth level of hell?"

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