Chen Nan quietly listened to King Yan Luo's opinion of the Buddha Gate.


King Yan Luo's words coincided with his views on Buddhism.

In his opinion.

There is still a great conflict between Buddhist thought and Taoism.

Of course.

It is also possible that his realm is too low.

Unable to understand the teachings of the Buddha.

King Yan Luo was indignant and said, "The purpose of Buddhism is wisdom and compassion.

"But what they really want to express is detachment."

"Liberate man from the six reincarnations."

"The starting point seems to be good."


"How many people can truly transcend the world and get rid of the six reincarnations?"

Chen Nan smiled.

There are hundreds of millions of races in the Three Realms.

Countless creatures.

But there are only a handful of people who can truly transcend the world and get rid of the six reincarnations.

King Yan Luo sighed lightly: "Ten thousand years ago, the God Realm was in chaos.

"The gods of the Divine Realm have fallen one after another."

"But what about Western Bliss?"

"It's still a pure land."

"A pure land without gunsmoke."

"If the Buddha can really survive all the darkness and evil in the world."

"Why didn't you end that killing?"

"If they really have a heart for life."

"Why don't you send someone to stop that killing?"

"Because they know how many pounds they have."

"Of course."

"It can also be understood that they don't want to be contaminated with cause and effect."

"They are full of benevolence and morality, and they are full of compassion."

"It's just to use this rhetoric to fool people's hearts and gain more power of faith."

Chen Nan: "Using good as bait is the greatest evil in the world!" The

words came out.

King Yan Luo suddenly snorted.

There is a feeling of empowerment.

He looked at Chen Nan incredulously.

I never expected it.

Chen Nan covered what the Buddha Gate did in just one sentence.

He got up and bowed deeply to Chen Nan: "The words of the predecessors are deafening, and the younger ones are convinced!" "

If his previous respect for Chen Nan came from his strength.

and animal roads.

Then the respect for him now comes from the heart.

He could feel it.

Chen Nan's pattern is far above him.


Using good as bait is the greatest evil in the world!

This is too profound.

Convince him to take it orally.

He already thought about it.

When I go back, I write these words down and find someone to frame them.

It's just that.

There was one point that was still full of confusion in his heart.

Chen Nan's understanding of good and evil is beyond the imagination of the world.

Even he couldn't reach it.

But why did he say before that there is no distinction between good and evil in the world?

I really want to ask him for advice in person.


Will he think I'm too unproductive?

After all, he already knew that I was King Yan Luo.

If I asked this kind of topic, he would definitely look down on me.


Chen Nan's voice sounded: "You go back to collect medicinal materials first.

"Collect it and send it to me."

"I'll help you refine the elixir that restores your cultivation."

King Yan Luo hurriedly said, "Yes!" That junior left first! Said and disappeared into the ice and snow.

Chen Nan was still sitting on the ground.

Let the goose feathers and snow fall on you.

In an instant, it stood like a snow sculpture between heaven and earth.

He savored what King Yan said before.

"If the Buddha Gate takes root in the netherworld, it is because of the Imperial Master."

"Then the Emperor of the Imperial Capital is the reason why he wants to borrow my hand and get rid of him."

"He wants to clear the influence of Buddhism in the netherworld."

"But he can't say that kind of thing."

"Can't do it either."

"So, someone has to understand his true intentions."

"It takes others to complete this plan."

"No matter who this person is."

"As long as it doesn't affect the image of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital in the hearts of the common people."

After figuring out the cause and effect of things.

Chen Nan's mood was clear and calm.

Isn't it to destroy the Emperor Master?

Although it is somewhat difficult.

But Chennan's favorite thing to do is some challenging things.

In this way, his resourcefulness can be reflected.


Emperor's Mansion.

The butler ran to Zheng Yu excitedly and said, "Sir, our people have just received news that King Yan Luo has returned to the capital city.

Zheng Yu's eyes lit up: "King Yan Luo has returned, does that mean that Chen Nan is dead?" The

butler smiled and said, "King Yan Luo is the strongest in the netherworld, and he personally attacked Chen Nanyan to survive?"

"But there is one thing you may not believe, sir."

"King Yan Luo is injured."

Zheng Yu's pupils trembled violently.

There was an incredible light flashing in his eyes: "A strong person as strong as King Yan Luo can actually be injured?"

"Could it be that Chen Nan hurt him?"

As the supreme emperor of the underworld.

He couldn't remember how long it had been since he had marveled at something like this.

The butler said, "King Yan Luo left the capital city for Chen Nan, and now that he has a blue nose and swollen face, there should be no one else except Chen Nan."

"Incredible!" Zheng Yu kept sighing: "I really didn't expect this son to be so powerful, I am glad that the old man acted cautiously and did not rashly send the children of the Zheng family to kill Chen Nan."

"Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable!"

A pang of fear rose in his heart.

If he sends his clansmen to kill Chen Nan.

You don't have to think about it.

His people must have been killed by Chen Nan.

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Zheng Yu's eyes: "Let the second elder take someone out and look for Chen Nan's body along the road."

"No matter what, we must find Chen Nan's body."

"Then unload him in eight pieces!"

"Yes!" The butler respectfully withdrew.

Five minutes later.

Zheng Yu's second son, Zheng Chongyong, controls a flying magic weapon.

Carrying four disciples of the younger generation of the Zheng family, he took off and headed south.

For traveling in ice and snow.

The four young disciples were all upset.

But he did not dare to disobey the old man's order.

Seeing this, Zheng Chongyong smiled and comforted: "Our mission on this trip is very easy, just to find a corpse, there is no danger.

"You little ones, don't hang your heads, just enjoy the beauty of this winter!"

"Don't worry, wait until you find the body."

"The old man will definitely not treat you badly."

Hear this.

Only then did the four young men have a look of relief on their faces.

Although they are all descendants of the Zheng family.

But the Zheng family is highly hierarchical.

Even if they were descendants of the Zheng family, they couldn't just enjoy some cultivation resources casually.

If this mission is really as simple as Zheng Chongyong said.

That's a good thing.

"This is the man!"

Zheng Chongyong took out a portrait of Chen Nan: "As long as we find the man in the portrait, we can retire." "

At that time, I guarantee that each of you will get more than ten Body Grabbing Pills."

All four of them remembered Chen Nan's portrait in their hearts.

Immediately, a young man couldn't help but ask, "Second uncle, has this person committed any crime?" Even if he really committed a crime, he should be judged by my Zheng family, why did he die at the hands of others?

Another person said angrily: "Yes, who is so bold as to dare to kill a sinner who offends my Zheng family?" Is there still our Zheng family in his eyes?


Zheng Chongyong quickly made a silent gesture.

Although it was snowing outside and the wind was as cold as a knife, a fine cold sweat rose on his face.

If these words were heard by King Yan Luo.

You have to cure the sins of the Zheng family!

Right at this moment.

A young man stared down, and suddenly said: "Second uncle, look, is the person below the man in the portrait?"

"He is obviously still alive, why do you say he is dead?"

"What? Zheng Chongyong exclaimed, and immediately looked at the figure on the ground in the south.

After seeing that it was Chen Nan, he suddenly felt that his scalp was numb, and five thunders hit the top.

Isn't Chen Nan dead?

Why is it still alive?

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