There is a saying.

Take Chen Nan's current cultivation.

There are not many people who can make him feel dangerous.

But the man in front of him with a straight figure and clear facial features made him feel a dangerous aura.

Although he hides deeply.

But Chen Nan trusted his instincts.

You can't go wrong.

"Fifth brother, do you know who I am?" The man looked at Chen Nan with a shallow smile on his face.

Chen Nan shook his head.

He knew that this man had a great origin.

But who exactly.


The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows: "Jokhang Temple!"

"You're the sixth?" Chen Nan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The master of the six halls of the Anti-Heaven Sect is called Zai Cang, and he has made up for this point.

Zai Cang looked around, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "Seriously, I don't like it here, and I don't know why Fifth Brother you set the meeting place here."

You Xuan: "It's really not very good here, it's not a treasure of feng shui." "

They all know it.

Get together today.

It is equivalent to the end of an era.

They are all ready to come and go.

Just to find out the internal traitors hidden in the middle of the Anti-Heavenly Sect.

Just to fulfill the agreement of the fifth brother.


In their hearts, this is the place where they fell.


Genkishima is shrouded in thick fog all year round.

You can't see the sun at all.

There are too many similarities between this life and theirs.

Because they have been living in darkness all their lives, and they dare not be exposed to the sun.

Do not dare to be exposed to the sun while alive.

After death, he will be buried here.

It's a great sadness.

"Since you don't like the fog here, blow them away." Chen Nan snapped his fingers, and the spatial realm shrouded this space, instantly making the fog between heaven and earth disappear.

Let a warm sun appear in the depths of the nine days.

"If Fifth Brother controlled the laws of space ten thousand years ago, why would we have failed?" You Xuan sighed softly, and then closed his eyes in pain.

Remembering events 10,000 years ago.

They don't regret it.

Don't regret what you've done.

It is in the dead of night that I think of those dead brothers.

You can't sleep.

Zai Cang muttered, "Perhaps, this is fate!" "

Between conversations.

An old figure flew from the west.

Behind him were two old men in their fifties.

None of them are strong.

Only the early stage of the Earth Ghost Realm.

After the three of them landed, Ji Ba grinned: "Back then, we had ten hall masters of the Anti-Heaven Sect, but now there are only seven of us left, and when we reunite in ten thousand years, we must not drink and rejoice?" "Speaking of this right hand wave.

An altar of wine appeared in the air, as well as seven wine bowls.


The altar automatically tilted and filled with seven bowls of spirits.

Then floated in front of the seven.

No. 2 took the lead in holding a bowl of wine and said with a smile: "Although there are many regrets about the distance this time, it is a rare opportunity to meet again in 10,000 years."

"This bowl of wine honors our brothers who are anti-heavenly and dead."

"Honor our past."

Several others also carried a bowl of wine.

After clinking glasses, everyone drank it all.

No. 2 looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "If I'm not mistaken..."

"Fifth brother seems to have said it."

"If we meet again, you and Xiao Jiu will have a wedding and enter the cave room."

"I wonder if this is still counted?"

Chen Nan looked embarrassed.

How many meanings?

I still want to help Yue Shan enter the cave room?

That's quite surprising.

Looking back at You Xuan, there was a hint of shyness on her delicate face.

It looks beautiful.

She said shyly, "I have always kept my innocence for Fifth Brother.

"Even if they take the sacrifice, they are some young girls."

"In order to give the first time to the fifth brother."

"After all, Fifth Brother doesn't want to be a fellow practitioner with others."

Everyone else also had intriguing smiles on their faces.

Everyone knows.

This is not just a joke.

It's about recognizing each other's identities.

After all, there are some things that only they know.

Let's just say Chen Nan.

He obtained Yue Shan's communication card, although he could impersonate Yue Shan.


But I don't know all kinds of things that these people did when they were together.

"Xiao Jiu, don't be sentimental!" No. 6 Zaicang chuckled: "Who doesn't know that the fifth brother is not close to a woman?"

Ji Ba showed a malicious smile: "Xiao Jiu, if you lose a beautiful man, you may be able to blend with the fifth brother in soul."

"After all, the fifth brother has different tastes."

"But now, you're fine."

Chen Nan on the side was full of embarrassment.

Does Yueshan still have this unique taste?

Of course.

He also knew the intentions of these people.

It's like a little game played by people on Earth to find traitors.

They were testing each other at this point.

It's just...

It's a bit overwhelming to tease yourself all the time.

And also.

Why don't you suspect that I'm also a traitor?

"Come on, Fifth Brother doesn't like people at all, he likes to play demon." Number Four showed an evil smile: "One thing you may not know, he first played a pig demon. "


Chen Nan almost didn't spit out the overnight meal.

Playing Pig Demon?

What does this taste like?

Too heavy too, right?

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone's eyes were on Number Seven.

It was a small, freckled old man.

They all proved their identity with their past stories.

Only the freckled old man did not say a word.

He has big suspicions.

No. 7's eyes widened: "I haven't played with Fifth Brother, what do you think of me?" "

Hear that.

Everyone was stunned.

There was a twinkle of doubt in his eyes.

Although Number Seven did not say substantial evidence to prove his identity.

But everyone knows.

He played with Yue Shan.

It's Yue Shan's little jiao... Male...


They got stuck in a puzzle.

Because they can't find out the traitors hidden in them.

There is no other way but to look at each other and make small calculations in their hearts.

"Let me guess." Number Two locked the spearhead on Zai Cang: "If I'm not mistaken, Zai Cang is a traitor among us.

Zai Cang was amused: "I'm an internal traitor? Do you have proof?

No. 2 snorted coldly: "Everything has cause and effect, three days ago, you informed Fifth Brother about the medicinal herbs hidden under the Jokhang Temple, the purpose of which was to lead to the murder of No. 3 and the fact that we have internal traitors."

"You know that the fifth brother is serious and will definitely avenge the third brother."

"And the best way to get revenge is for me to gather somewhere."

"That way we can all be swept up."

Speaking of this, he looked at the island, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "If I'm not mistaken, there should be many strong people you ambushed on this island, right?" "

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