Zai Cang couldn't help but frown: "I don't know if there are ambush masters below." "

If not, that's it."

"If there really is, it doesn't prove that I arranged it, right?"

Speaking of this, he smiled and shook his head: "Just because I informed the fifth brother of the cause of the third brother's death, you suspect that I am an internal traitor?"

"Isn't that a pale reason?"


"Why are you so eager to identify me as an internal traitor?"

"Are you trying to get rid of me and blame the real traitor?"

"If you say so, are you a real traitor?"

He managed to kick the puzzle to number two.


The atmosphere at the scene was a little anxious.

Because no one knows who the real traitor is.

You Xuan looked at Chen Nan: "Fifth brother, you are the smartest person among us, or will you find out the hidden traitors among us?" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "Actually, it is easy to distinguish the internal traitor."

Everyone looked at Chen Nan in unison.

Wait for his answer.

Chen Nan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

In a flash.

Fifty stones soared into the air.

Flew into mid-air.

And then under the incredulous eyes of everyone.

Forty-nine stones exploded in the air.


But it did not turn into rubble.

Instead, it turned into a blood mist and disappeared with the wind, disappearing between heaven and earth.

This scene deeply shocked everyone.

No one expected it.

Those stones turned out to be transformed by cultivators.

I didn't expect it even more.

Chen Nan's current strength is so terrifying.

The next moment.

The only stone left in the air transformed into an old man.

He is imprisoned in the void.

Can't move.

But his eyes were full of fear and unease.

Of course.

It wasn't just him who was terrified.

The eyes of these hall masters of the Anti-Heaven Sect were also full of incredulity.

Because they could feel the strength of this old man and possess the cultivation of the Earth Ghost Realm.

The powerhouses of the Earth Ghost Realm were powerless to fight back in front of the fifth brother.

It can be imagined that the fifth brother's strength has recovered to its peak.

Chen Nan asked lightly, "Did one of us send you?"

"Answer honestly, I will let you live."

"Otherwise, those people are a lesson in the past." Said and glanced at Ji Ba.

Ji Hachi will agree.

Immediately poured another bowl of wine for Chen Nan.

"I say, I say." The old man was terrified.

But just as his eyes looked at the other people present.

The pupils trembled violently.

A mouthful of black poisonous blood immediately spewed out.

The head hung low and lost his life.

The sudden scene made everyone feel sorry.

After all.

They are one step away from the truth.

Who would have thought.

The truth, which was originally close at hand, left everyone like this.

"Fourth, you are the best at using poison among us, do you know what kind of poison the other party has taken?" Number Two looked at Old Fourth with an intriguing smile on his face.

A chill flashed in the eyes of the fourth elder: "Second old, what do you mean?" After slandering the old six, come to slander me again?

Number Two grinned and showed a sinister smile: "I just asked what kind of poison the other party had, and I didn't say that you were an internal traitor, why did you react so much?"

"Could it be that your heart is weak?"

The old four snorted coldly: "Any kind of medicinal herb may become a new type of poison through the fusion of other medicinal materials, even if I am good at using poison, how can I tell which poison this person has?"

"Old Six is right, you are the traitor among us."

Lao Qi gave his own opinion: "If the second elder is really an internal traitor, then what good can he do besides arousing our suspicions?"

Zai Cang sneered: "Not necessarily, the more he is like this, the more it will give people the illusion that he is not an internal traitor, after all, no one will think that an internal traitor is a brainless person."

Number two became angry: "Who do you say is brainless?" "

Okay." You Xuan sighed and gave his opinion: "In my opinion, we are among the seven except for the fifth brother.

"It's possible for everyone to be an internal traitor."


Chen Nan directly sprayed the wine in his mouth.


You guys really know how to play.

Is this to rule out a correct answer first?

"Fifth brother, what's wrong with you?" Ji Hachi couldn't help but ask.

Chen Nanqiang endured his weakness and said flatly: "It's nothing, there is dregs in the wine."

"Well, you guys go on, go on."

This scene is really getting more and more interesting.

Even for a while, he couldn't tell who was the traitor.

Although Zaicang gave him an extremely dangerous signal.

But he was upright.

Even if his identity is promising, he should not be an internal traitor.

"Fifth brother, don't sell off with everyone, tell me your opinion!" Ji Hachi spoke.

Chen Nan craned his neck, drank the wine in the bowl, and said slowly: "Who are those people..." Good guess!

"If I'm not mistaken..."

"They should be people with different surnames, right?"

Hear this.

Everyone's eyes became solemn.

Ten thousand years ago, the anti-heavenly sect rebellion failed, and the different surname Wang Gaoxi was a stumbling block.

If it weren't for the different surname Wang Gaoxi suddenly killed.

It is highly likely that they will overthrow the reign of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital.

"Fifth brother, why did you conclude that they are from Gaoxi?" Number Four looked at Chen Nan with a curious face.

Chen Nan: "Gao Xi obtained the Holy Grace for preventing us from rebelling and became a king with a different surname.

"Although he is in power, there are three forces in the DPRK."

"Prime Minister Lin Yuan."

"Emperor Master Zheng Yu."

"These two forces, neither of them is weaker than Gaoxi."

"Especially now that the wind of the imperial court is extremely unfavorable to the king with different surnames."

"Once the change is successful, take back all the titles."

"Even if he retains the throne of the king with a different surname, his strength will survive in name only."


"To change the situation today."

"We want to consolidate our position in the DPRK."

"The best way to do that is to do something."


"Where are there so many miracles under the sky?"

"If you want to talk about Qigong, I'm afraid it's better than finding out the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect, right?"

Zai Cang was puzzled: "Why not Prime Minister Lin Yuan, and Emperor Master Zheng Yu?" Ji

Ba: "Yes, why are you sure that you are a king with a different surname?"

Chen Nan smiled: "Prime Minister Lin Yuan has always been trying to make changes, and wants to abolish the knighthood, how can he pay attention to the remnants of our tens of thousands of years ago?"

"As for Emperor Master Zheng Yu..."

"That's even more impossible."

"I've been dealing with them all the time."

"They didn't put their minds on finding these remnants of our anti-heaven sect at all."

No. 2 suddenly realized: "Fifth brother is right, using the elimination method, it is left that the king with the different surname can mobilize so many Ghost Realm powerhouses to ambush here."

"There can't be anyone else but him."

"But, who is the traitor lurking around us?"

Chen Nan showed an intriguing smile: "Isn't the internal traitor you?" "

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