The onlookers were in an uproar.

His eyes were full of shock.

Even many people think they have auditory hallucinations.

"I heard correctly, he just said that he was going

to the palace of the king with a different surname?" An old man whispered: "This son beat the eldest grandson

of the king with a different surname, and even openly went to the palace of the king with a different surname, this is simply defiant of the dignity of the king with a different surname!" Another person spoke: "Yes, there is something to do with the sins of heaven, and you cannot live if you commit your own sins!"


There was a lot of talk.

In their hearts.

Chen Nan openly confronted those servants.

He is destined to become a dying man.

There is no royal land under the whole world.

He could not escape arrest by the government.

And his trip to the palace of the heterogeneous royal only accelerated the time of his death.

That's all.


Grandpa, I was injured, you have to help my grandson avenge it!"

It was like a little widow who had been wronged and ran to the king with a different surname to complain.

The heterogeneous king himself was in a bad mood.

After all, his son died tragically.

The Imperial Sword has not yet been recovered.

Now his grandson has been beaten again, his nose is blue and his face is swollen.

"Who dared to beat King Ben's grandson?" The heterogeneous king was thunderous, he himself spoiled this grandson, not to mention that this guy lost his father.

And he can't tell him about it yet.

Gao Quanlin burst into tears: "I don't know who he is, or even what his name is."

"It was a verbal conflict in the clothing store, and he started to hurt me."

"And he also speaks wildly and doesn't put you in the eye."

"Oh yes!" "

He also wounded many servants and flouted the law."

"I suspect he's an anti-Celestial person." "

Although I don't know who Chen Nan is.

It would be right to charge him first of being a remnant of the Anti-Heavenly Sect.

Hear the three words anti-heavenly religion.

The eyes of the king with the different surname suddenly showed amazing killing intent.

The Anti-Heavenly Sect killed his son.

Capture the Imperial Sword.

Let the Gao clan face the calamity.

He couldn't wait to find out all the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect and crush his bones.

"Sir, it's not good!" "

A thief called in.

Gao Jinghong ran in in a panic.


unbelievable look appeared in the eyes of the king with a different surname: "Dog thing, are you joking

?" "Who is so bold and dares to break into the house?" "

Is he tired of living?" Gao

Xi is the only king with a different surname in the underworld.

And he is still Prince Jiuzhu.

To put it bluntly.

His royal palace is second only to the imperial palace.


He didn't believe anyone dared to knock on the door.

As soon as Gao Quanlin wanted to speak, he saw Chen Nan bring the Lu family sisters to appear in his eyes, and he lost his voice and screamed: "Grandpa, it's him, it's him who hurt me!" He didn't

expect Chen Nan to dare to hit the royal mansion.

At one point, I thought that there was some serious disease in the other party's head.

Immediately, he laughed loudly: "The surname Chen, you really interpreted what it means to die with practical actions."

"If you leave the capital city, we will definitely have more trouble killing you."

"But I really didn't expect that you would dare to kill the royal palace."

"I don't understand your behavior.


"If you don't die, it's unbearable!"

he was still very jealous of Chen Nan on the street before.

After all, the strength shown by this son is not weak at all.

But now it's different.

This is the royal palace with a different surname.

It is the base camp of the Gao family.

The Gao family has many powerful offerings.

"Chen Nan?" Gao Xi also saw Chen Nan, and his eyes flashed with monstrous killing intent: "King Ben has not yet troubled you, but you hurt my descendants, and even swaggered to kill King Ben's mansion."

"Do you really think that King Ben is a soft persimmon and can be humiliated by you?" he

saw Chen Nan for the first time.

But he had seen Chen Nan's appearance in the portrait.

So his identity was recognized at a glance.


"Get this son for me."

He ordered.

A group of guards from the palace swarmed outside, directly blocking Chen Nan's retreat.

Gao Quanlin was also taken aback.

At this time, he finally understood why Chen Nan made a move on him.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "Just as the so-called visiting is a guest, but Wang Ye is angry and murderous, is this your way of hospitality?"

All thanks to Chen Nan.

If he hadn't killed the Liu family father and son, someone would have taken the opportunity to attack him in the court.

He also didn't think of gaining holy grace by destroying the Anti-Heaven Sect.

Nor will he send his son out with the imperial sword.

Thinking of this, the king with the different surname gritted his teeth and said, "Even if you have the cultivation of the Ghost King Realm, you still want to get out of the mansion of the king alive today."

Chen Nan shook his head helplessly: "Don't talk about fighting and killing all day."

"So you'll find out.


"You're not as powerful as you think.

Gao Quanlin said angrily, "The surname is Chen, do you have any misunderstanding about the monstrous power?" "

My grandfather is the only Prince of Jiuzhu today.

"One person is above ten thousand."

"Even if the Emperor Master and Prime Minister Cheng see him, they have to call Wang Ye."

"Also, what do you mean by what you just said


"Are you looking down on us

?" Chen Nan looked at him and couldn't help but say, "If I can afford to look at your Gao clan, how can I beat you on the street?"

Come, kill him for me, and I'm going to unload him in eight pieces and chop him into mashed meat and feed it to the dogs. The

guards of the palace with different surnames all shouted and rushed towards Chen Nan.

"While playing!" Chen

Nantou didn't reply, and with a wave of his hand, all the guards flew out uncontrollably.

"The surname is Chen, what exactly do you want to do when you come to my mansion?" The eyes of the king with the opposite surname were cold, although he was angry, he did not lose his mind.

He thought of what the Emperor Master had said.

This son is powerful.

With the current strength of the royal house with a different surname.

Not enough to kill him.

Chen Nan smiled slightly: "When Young Master Gao was separated, he once threatened that if I didn't kill me, I wouldn't be surnamed Gao."

"So, Xiaguan came here to see how Young Master Gao killed me!"

"Xiaguan?" The king with the different surname subconsciously frowned: "As far as I know, it seems that you have resigned from the position of the director of the Demon Division of Guangling Mansion, and now you are a grass people."

"If that's the case, why do you call yourself a subordinate official in front of King Ben

?" "Do you know that counterfeiting the imperial court is a felony?"

And right now.

Chen Nan's voice slowly sounded: "Although I resigned from the position of the head of the Demon Division, now, I have another official position!" The

heterogeneous king said angrily: "Even if you become the prime minister and the imperial master, you can't humiliate the dignity of the Gao clan." "

Is it?" the corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose.

Immediately spread out his right hand, a golden token appeared in the trembling pupils of the heterogeneous king.

He looked at the heterogeneous king with a dull face and a bloodless face: "You say, can I humiliate the dignity of your Gao clan now?"

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