"Poof!" looked

at the extremely familiar golden token in Chen Nan's hand.

The king with the different surname was so frightened that he softened and knelt directly on the ground.

Eyes full of fear.

Gao Quanlin was also taken aback, although the token in front of him was a little familiar, but he did not believe that Chen Nan had received the favor of the Great Emperor, and immediately said angrily: "The surname Chen, if I guessed correctly, you must have made a fake Son of Heaven Order and wanted to be deceived, right?"

"Our Gao family doesn't eat your set at all. Speaking

of this, he snatched the Son of Heaven Order in Chen Nan's hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand and directly cut it over.

"Don't do this..."

Wang with the different surname originally wanted to stop his grandson.

I wanted to say don't do that.

But the words are not finished.

The long sword in Gao Quanlin's hand fell on the Son of Heaven Order.

A terrifying Diwei burst out from the Son of Heaven Order, instantly sending Gao Quanlin flying out more than ten meters.

He spat blood in his mouth.

But his eyes were filled with fear and unease.

He thought that the order of the Son of Heaven was fake.


Some things cannot be falsified.

For example, the terrifying Diwei that erupted just now.

Chen Nan's face was full of indifference: "Young Master Gao, don't you know that seeing the Son of Heaven Order is like the Great Emperor personally coming?" "

You used weapons just now to destroy the Son of Heaven Order.

"Can I understand this move as that you want to murder the Emperor?"

Gao Quanlin suddenly felt his scalp numb, and he knelt on the ground in horror: "Master Chen, I, me, me..." I didn't mean that, I really didn't mean that, please raise your noble hand and let me live!"

In an instant, the blood and flesh on the forehead were blurred.

He was really afraid.

Although I don't know why Chen Nan has the Order of the Son of Heaven.

But he knows.

With his actions just now, even if he was the eldest grandson of the king with a different surname, no one could save him.

Not only that.

It will even affect grandpa.

Wang with a different surname also quickly kowtowed: "Lord Chen, my grandson was kicked in the head by a donkey in the early years, and sometimes he would do something unexpected. "

For his sake, let him live

!" the heterogeneous king begged bitterly.

Although he wanted to kill Chen Nan.

But the moment Chen Nan revealed the Son of Heaven Order, he knew.

Chen Nan had already become an existence beyond his reach.

Even if he was the only Prince of Jiuzhu under the sky.

But to put it bluntly, he was just a courtier after all.

And Chen Nan held the Order of the Son of Heaven.

Chen Nan looked at Gao Quanlin, who kept kowtowing, and said coldly: "You are not me, so don't be too arrogant!"

Saying that, he put away the Son of Heaven Order.

"Thank you, Lord Chen, thank you, Lord Chen. The king with the different surname kept thanking him, and his heart was relieved.

The eldest son died tragically, and he could not do anything.

Now he naturally can't watch his eldest grandson die.

Chen Nan's subordinates showed mercy, and he was grateful to Chen Nan in his heart.


This is

called retribution with virtue

!" "Wang Ye please get up!" Chen Nan said: "Introduce yourself, Xiaguan Chen Nan, the director of the Heavenly Supervision Department!"

Ordinary people may not have heard the three words of Jiantiansi.

But the king with a different surname heard from the emperor of Yudu.

That was more than 3,000 years ago.

At that time, the Emperor of Yudu had proposed the establishment of the Heavenly Supervision Division.

Name implies.

It plays the heavy responsibility of overseeing the world.

There is no court for this position.

But it is above the court.

Only obey the orders of the Emperor of the Capital.

Has the privilege of cutting first and playing later.

The next can behead the heavy ministers of the dynasty.

Imperial family and state relatives.

Shangke can stun the king.


The existence of the Heavenly Supervisor is not just the supervision of the world.

He also wants to supervise the Son of Heaven.

After all, ten thousand years ago, the Anti-Heavenly Sect rebelled.

In the final analysis, the former Emperor Yudu only cared about cultivation and did not ask about imperial politics.


The establishment of the Heavenly Supervisor caused an uproar 3,000 years ago.

The Manchu courtiers knew that the emperor of the capital was doing this for the sake of the people of the world.


The power of the position of Superintendent is too terrifying.

As a result, it was unanimously opposed by the Manchu dynasty.

Especially the emperor and the king with different surnames.

They don't want one power over them.

After several thoughts, Emperor Yudu also agreed to abandon the idea of establishing the Heavenly Superintendent.

The reason is simple.

There is no suitable person for the post of Director of the Supervision Department.

Let the heterogeneous king not expect it to be.

The Great Emperor quietly established the Heavenly Supervision Division.

This is definitely an extremely bad signal for them.

After all, the establishment of such a privileged institution.

Even the Emperor of the Imperial Capital wanted to say hello to these important ministers of the dynasty.

But now...

They didn't know when the Heavenly Supervisor Division was established.

Don't think about it.

Wang with a different surname quickly piled up a flattering smile: "Congratulations to Lord Chen, Lord He Xi Chen, he is qualified for the position of director of the Heavenly Superintendent Department at a young age."

"The future is limitless!" Chen

Nan made a face: "What does Wang Ye mean by this

?" "Could it be that you still want Chen to go further?" The

smile on the face of the heterogeneous Wang instantly froze.


, Chen Nan's current status is already above that of the Emperor Master, the Prime Minister, and him.


Only the Emperor of Yudu could be above him.

If it goes further.

Wouldn't that replace the Emperor of the Imperial Capital?"

"Old Immortal gaffe, old immortal gaffe, Lord Chen is not strange, no wonder!" The king with the different surname quickly apologized, and a strong fear rose in his heart.

Thanks to Chen Nan, this good talker.


When Sun Tzu took out his sword and slashed at the Son of Heaven Order.

The Gao family will face the crime of beheading all over the house.

Without much thought, he quickly invited Chen Nan to take a seat, and asked the servant to prepare tea and pastries, and then asked politely: "I don't know why Lord Chen came to the door this time?"


heterogeneous Wang hurriedly said, "Master Chen, rest assured, the old immortal will definitely strictly discipline this unscrupulous descendant and ensure that he will not cause trouble."

Chen Nan nodded slightly, and then diverted the topic: "I heard that Wang Ye has an imperial sword in his hand, right?"

The heterogeneous king couldn't see any emotion on his face.

But my heart was panicked.

He didn't know why Chen Nan would ask about the Emperor Sword.

The imperial sword was once the pride of the royal palace with a different surname.

But now.

But it also became a sharp blade hanging over his head.

At any moment, he could fall and beat him into a land of irreparable disaster.

Chen Nan said casually: "Chen Mou has just become the director of the Heavenly Supervision Department, and he does not have a weapon in his hand, so he wants to copy the emperor sword and let people build one."

"So as to eliminate harm for the people and uphold justice." He

himself thought about maintaining the imperial sword as an excuse.

However, this statement is not convincing.

"Okay, you go and fetch the emperor sword, Chen Mou copy it!" The

other surnamed Wang was stunned.

I would rather take the imperial sword.

But the question is...

Where is the imperial sword?

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