The emperor suddenly sat up.

The king dug his ancestral grave and

asked his ancestor to bask in the sun?

He couldn't believe this kind of thing.

Mo said that he also helped the heterogeneous king keep the secret of the lost imperial sword.

Even if you don't know his handle.

He would never dare to do such a thing.

After all, digging people's ancestral graves is a particularly immoral act.


The feeling of waking up in a dream and having a faster heartbeat is really real!

The intense pain brought him back to his senses.

His eyes were full of earth-shattering killing intent.

He didn't know why the heterogeneous king would do such a thing.

Don't want to know either.

He had to return to Surabaya to find out.

"Go back to the ancestral tomb!" ------

a quarter of an hour later.

The Emperor Master led a group of masters across the void.

Came to the ancestral tomb of Surabaya City.

It hasn't landed yet.

He saw that the ancestral tomb had become unrecognizable.

The graves were all razed to the ground, and burial pits appeared.

Overlooking from above, it is devastated.

Not only that.

He also saw more than a dozen coffins exposed to the sun.

"Say, who are you?" "

Why did you dig the coffin of my ancestor?" the emperor fell to the ground angrily, holding a cold long sword in his hand.

The king with a different surname raised his eyebrows: "Can't even recognize this

king?" "

Are you blind?" "Shut up!" The emperor master said angrily: "Do you think that if you transform into the appearance of a king with a different surname, you can sow discord?"

"Say, who are you?" he

didn't believe that the man in front of him was a king with a different surname.

After all, there is no grudge between the two.

And he also helped the king with the different surname to keep the secret of the loss of the imperial sword.

The heterogeneous king was too late to be grateful to himself.

The king with the different surname laughed: "Brother Zheng, you are right, the friendship between us is indeed indestructible." "

That's why.

"Only then will the king take matters into his own hands and invite the immortals of your ancestors to come out and bask in the sun."


"But I bought them a lot of fine tribute, as well as the fine wine in my house!"

The emperor believed in the identity of the king with the different surname.

His face was gloomy, and he subconsciously clenched his fists: "Gao Xi, you must give me a reasonable explanation for today's events, otherwise don't blame me Zheng Mou and you for turning their faces." "


!" the king with the different surname spat out a mouthful of saliva viciously, landing on the coffin in front of him, his eyes were cold: "Turn your face with

King Ben?" "Hmph!" "

Do you think King Ben is afraid of you?"

Although he was furious.

But he did not lose his mind because of anger.

After all, he knew the fatal handle of the heterogeneous king.

Just inform the Great Emperor of the loss of the Emperor Sword.

The king with a different surname will usher in a catastrophe.

And most importantly.

He clearly knew that he already knew that the Gao clan had lost the Emperor Sword.

But he still dared to do such a big thing without fear.

This had to make him cautious.

He stared solemnly at the king with a different surname: "Wang Ye, you and I have known each other for ten thousand years, and although we occasionally have different political views in the court, we have a very good personal relationship."

"Why did you dig my ancestral grave today

?" "Is there some misunderstanding in this?"

"Bah!" The king with the different surname spat again, and said with anger: "You asked me if there was any misunderstanding?

Directly asked the emperor master.

He was sure that he had not done anything to sorry the king with the different surname.


Position as a king with a different surname.

Temperament personality.

If you don't do something to be sorry for him.

He categorically would not come to dig his ancestral grave.

"Brother Gao, is this matter related to Chen Nan?" The emperor master thought of Chen Nan's visit to the palace yesterday, and vaguely felt that it was related to Chen Nan.

But what role did Chen Nan play?

He doesn't know.

Without much thought, the Emperor Master said, "Senior brother, although I don't know what Chen Nan said to you.

"But one thing is obvious.

"Chen Nan's sub-city is extremely deep. "

Whatever you want.

"Don't fall for him and be discorded by him."

Speaking of this, he released an invisible energy that enveloped him and the king with the different surname, preventing others from prying into their conversations: "And I have always suspected that it was Chen Nan who killed your son and seized the imperial sword. "

Listen to this.

Wang with a different surname immediately sneered: "You are an imperial master, you actually spray people with blood and slander the innocence of others, are you not afraid of thunder and slashing from the sky?"

The king with a different surname may believe the words of the emperor.

But now.

He didn't believe the words of the Emperor Master at all.

You can't even believe a single punctuation mark.

"The surname is Zheng, I tell you, what kind of person Chen Nan is, this king knows better than you!" The more the heterogeneous Wang said, the more angry he became: "You say that his city is extremely deep and does everything?"

"Hugh shall be a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain." "

Also, today King Ben will dig your family's ancestral grave, what can you do with me

?" The emperor master became angry: "The surname is Gao, aren't you afraid that I will inform the emperor about the loss of the emperor sword by the Gao family now?"

I can't wait to inform the Great Emperor about the loss of the Emperor Sword by the Gao family now.

Let the Great Emperor destroy the Gao clan.

Who expected that the king with the different surname did not feel the slightest panic, and even grinned, showing a playful smile: "Do you know the way to the imperial palace, do you need this king to take you to the imperial palace to meet the emperor?"

Why is this dog so fearless,

and even takes me to the imperial palace to meet the emperor?

The heterogeneous Wang continued: "Brother Zheng, today I just asked your ancestor to come out to bask in the sun and raise your hand, there is no need to say thanks!"

The clansmen of the Gao clan took off into the air and disappeared into the ancestral tomb of the Zheng family in an instant.

A middle-aged man with a face full of grievances: "Big brother, why did you let him leave

?" "Yes, the king with a different surname dug my clan's grave, and he should be cut by a thousand cuts!"

"Otherwise, how can my Zheng clan gain a foothold in the capital city?"

The fact that the king dug their ancestral graves deeply angered them.

Even if the other party is a king with a different surname.

But the Zheng family is not humiliated

!" "Shut up!" The emperor shouted angrily: "I am the head of the Zheng family, and I naturally will not let the ancestor with the surname Gao go unpunished."

"You bury the coffin of your ancestors back."

"I will go to the Imperial Palace now and ask the Emperor to do justice for my Zheng clan. "

He wants to inform the emperor about the loss of the imperial sword by the Gao family.

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