The Emperor Master soared into the air.

Arrived in front of the imperial palace in the shortest time.

But just when he had already entered the palace gate with one foot.

But it suddenly took it back like an electric shock.

He seemed to have thought of something.

Eyes full of fear.

On the way back to the city, he thought a lot.

Like what.

Why did the heterogeneous Wang change his attitude towards Chen Nan so much?

Why is he a guest of honor?

Why defend him in front of yourself?

And also.

Why did the king with a different surname dare to dig his own ancestral grave without fear?

He was not even afraid to go to the emperor's side to report that the Gao family had lost the imperial sword.

He thought a lot before.

I didn't even understand the key.

But just now.

A flash of light flashed in his mind.

He thought of a reason.

This reason can successfully connect these two seemingly unrelated things.

That was Chen Nan helping the Gao clan recover the lost imperial sword.

And so it goes.

The Gao clan must be grateful to him.


Wang with the different surname will also help Chen Nan deal with himself.

Moreover, the king with a different surname was not afraid that he would go to the emperor to sue the emperor on the grounds that the Gao clan lost the imperial sword.

Because it's better to say that if you don't go to it.

Once gone.

After the Gao clan took out the imperial sword.

Then he is guilty of cheating.

If so.

Even he wouldn't be able to eat and walk around.

Think of this.

A strong reluctance and anger rose in his heart.

He never expected it.

Chen Nan, a small person, actually let Wang with a different surname bite him fiercely.

"Chen Nan, Chen Nan!"

"After all, the old man underestimated you!"

"But don't be too happy."

"Wait for my people to bring Ning Yinqiu to the capital city, it will be your time of death!"


"The king with a different surname actually dug the ancestral grave of the emperor master?"

Chen Nan has been letting people monitor the every move of the heterogeneous king.

After learning that the king with a different surname personally dug the ancestral tomb of the emperor master.

Even he was so frightened that he snorted.

It has to be said.

This old thing is really bold!

Digging people's ancestral graves is an unfair feud against heaven.

In other words, it is impossible for anyone to endure.

Not to mention.

The other party is still a high-ranking emperor master.

"And after that?" He was curious about the means of the Emperor Master.

Qi Ye said, "The emperor master went to the imperial palace in a fit of anger, but just before he was about to enter the imperial palace, he retracted his feet, turned around and left, and returned to his own mansion.

Chen Nan frowned slightly, and a big question mark rose in his heart.

"My ancestral graves have been dug up!"

"How could the Emperor Master be indifferent?"

Chen Nan didn't know why the Imperial Master stopped in front of the Imperial Palace.


The current situation is not enough to satisfy him.

He looked at Qiye and ordered, "Go to the city and find some children, beggars, and let them spread the news that the tomb of the emperor has been dug up." Qiye

snorted and said with a bitter smile: "Sir, your trick is really damaged..." Brilliant! "


"If the king with a different surname digs up the ancestral tomb of the emperor, the city will be stormy."

"Until then."

"These two big men must still have a fierce confrontation!"

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "Inform me as soon as there is any news." "


After the seven nights left.

Chen Nan's eyes became much more solemn.

For some reason.

A sense of foreboding arose in my heart.

"The Emperor Master must know about my trip to the palace of the different surname yesterday."

"It is also possible to infer that the king with a different surname may have dug his ancestral grave because of me."

"With his heart, he will definitely find me trouble."

"It's just."

"He didn't dare to come out."

"It will definitely make some tricks, which must be prevented."

Bang bang!

There was a knock on the door outside, followed by Guo Yu's voice: "Big brother, the black and white impermanence envoy is here." "

Let them in!"

Chen Nan knew.

The black and white impermanence envoy came most likely to deliver medicinal materials to himself.

After all, he had promised King Yan Luo to help him refine the elixir that restored his cultivation.

A moment later.

The black and white impermanence envoy was taken by Guo Yu to Chen Nan's cultivation room.

The two bowed respectfully to Chen Nan: "I have seen Senior Chen!"

"No need to be polite." Chen Nan said, "But King Yan Luo sent you to deliver medicinal herbs?"

Hei Impermanence smiled and sent a: "Senior Chen's eyes are as bright as a torch, and he really can't hide from you." "

They are ghosts though.

But I also know the truth that thousands of clothes are not worn.

"Give me the medicinal herbs!" Chen Nan said casually, and then couldn't help but say, "I heard that your second envoy often goes to the Yang Realm to detain souls, is this true or false?"

Bai Wuxian said respectfully: "Back to Senior Chen, there is indeed such a thing. "

When the Three Realms were just established.

The prefecture is ruled by King Yan Luo.

Black and white impermanence shuttles between the two realms of yin and yang.

Help King Yan Luo to detain the soul.

But because with the three realms more and more creatures.

Yan Wangye's business is also very busy.

Then there were the ten temple kings, who helped him share a lot of work.


Black and white impermanence can still shuttle between the two worlds of yin and yang.

"You travel between the two worlds of yin and yang, and you don't know what is the difference between the netherworld and the yang world in your eyes?" Chen Nan took out those medicinal herbs and then looked at Danfang.

King Yan Luo asked him to refine the elixir called the Heavenly Dust Pill.

But an extremely rare elixir.

The medicinal herbs needed are 50,000 years old.

Bai Wuxian thought for a moment and said, "How to say it..."

"The difference between the two worlds of yin and yang..."

"It's nothing."

"The people of the Yang world treat the people of the underworld as ghosts."

"The people of Hades regard the people of the Hades as ghosts."

"In addition, the time ratio of the two realms of yin and yang is different."

"One year in Hades, ten years in Yang."

Hear this.

Chen Nan's heart trembled.

Other words.

The time that I came to Hades for a year.

Ten years have passed in the sun?

Have you been away for so long?

Chen Nan was quite surprised by this.

After all, he went to the immortal realm in the first place.

Twenty years have passed there, and the earth has only passed more than two years.

Which Cheng thought.

The proportion of time in the yang and netherworld will be so large.

Thinking of the green dragon manipulating his body to live in the yang.

Chen Nan inexplicably felt a trace of fear.

After going back.

There won't be a bear child chasing behind his ass and calling Dadby, right?

With the character of that guy from Qinglong.

He has no doubt that he will really be a father when he goes back.


"I have to go back quickly!"

Chen Nan was so anxious that he couldn't wait to return to the Yang Realm now.

But here's the thing.

His mission was to destroy the Imperial Master.

Directly killing God Shifu will definitely not work.

After all, the emperor master is highly respected and has a good reputation among the people.

Killing him simply does not end.

"Forget it!"

"Let's refine the elixir first!"

Chen Nan sighed secretly.

It took three days.

On the third night, he successfully refined the Heavenly Dust Pill.

Summoned black and white impermanence, let them come and take the elixir.

After taking a shower.

Chen Nan came to Lu Bailing, the room of Lu Qingqing's sisters.

Think about chatting with them and getting some sleep.

But right now.

Guo Yu ran to the door with a panicked expression: "Big brother, something happened, Miss Ning was taken to the capital city by the people of the imperial master!" "

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