Chen Nan was about to do what he liked to do with Lu Bailing and the Lu Qingqing sisters.

I heard that Ning Yinqiu was taken to the capital by the people of the imperial master.

The expression on his face changed instantly.

He didn't even care about wearing a coat, and pushed out the door in a thin pajamas, and said with a gloomy face: "What is going on?"

Guo Yu gave Chen Nan an invitation: "This was sent by the subordinate of the Imperial Master's Mansion just now, saying that it was an invitation to go to the Jokhang Temple."

Chen Nan opened the invitation.

After seeing the content above.

A strong killing intent burst out in his eyes.


With a blazing flame blooming on the hand.

The invitation burned instantly, turned into ashes in an instant, and disappeared into the night with the wind.

His face was extremely gloomy.

It's like a mad beast.

He didn't expect that.

The imperial master who is at the head of the people.

To do such a despicable thing.

Unexpectedly, he sent someone to capture his Xianghao to the capital city.

"Seven nights, Qiushui, you two come for a trip!" Chen Nan summoned seven nights.

"Please, my lord!" Qiye and Qiushui came to Chen Nan for the first time.

Chen Nan took out a storage bag and gave it to Qiye: "You go to the Imperial Master Mansion and hide this storage bag in the Imperial Master Mansion." "

Since the Emperor Master invited him to meet at the Jokhang Temple.

Presumably, the masters of the Imperial Master Mansion will definitely go together.

Because he knows.

The emperor wanted to kill him in the Jokhang Temple.

Otherwise, he would not have gone to such great lengths to capture Ning Yinqiu and lead him to the Jokhang Temple.


Then come and frame it!

Hide the imperial sword in the imperial master's mansion.

And so it goes.

You can use the heterogeneous king to cut off his influence in the world!

In fact, Chen Nan has been looking for a suitable opportunity.

Able to destroy the emperor master and the king with different surnames at the same time.

But for him.

It's too hard to find.

But now.

The emperor master let Chen Nanmao suddenly open.

You can take advantage of my absence and capture my confidante in Tongcheng as a bargaining chip.

Why can't I hide the Emperor Sword in your house while you're away?"

He looked at Qiushui again: "You go to the palace of the king with a different surname, and tell the king of the different surname that what he wants to find is in the imperial master's mansion!" "


The two disappeared into the night at the same time.

Although the cultivation of the Earth Ghost Realm is not very strong.

But enough too.

Chen Nan looked at the night sky, the stars were high and dazzling.

His deep eyes flashed with madness: "It's time to solve the scourge of the Emperor Master!"

He looked at Di Ting, who heard the sound, and smiled slightly: "Brother dog, follow me to the Jokhang Temple?"

Di listened and snorted: "In that case, let's go and meet those old friends!"

Guo Yu's eyes were firm: "I'll go with you."


Di Ting agreed, and carried Chen Nan and Guo Yu into the air to the Jokhang Temple.

Because of the night.

The Jokhang Temple is very quiet.

All the pilgrims have left.

But the statue of the immobile king exudes a faint Buddha light.

There was also the sound of wooden fish and the chanting of scriptures in the temple.

The sound of wooden fish and scripture is very sacred.

It gives a feeling that purifies the mind.


However, it was difficult to suppress the killing intent in Chen Nan's heart.

Just as he and Di Ting landed in the Jokhang Temple temple.

A loud trumpet sounded: "Amitabha!

"I really didn't expect that you would betray the Buddha Sect."

It was an old monk with white eyebrows who spoke.

He sat alone under a dead tree.

He was dressed in an ordinary monk's robe.

Holding a Buddha bead in his hand.

Although sitting under the night.

But the body exudes a faint white light.

Di Ting grinned: "There is only one Buddha in my heart, and that is the King of Jizo."

The old monk muttered, "But he is also a Buddhist man." "

I'll go to your mother." Di listened and cursed: "You are a hairless old bald donkey, and your mother is ridden by ten thousand people."

"Don't you know why King Jizo is staying in the eighteenth level of hell?"

"Don't you know why he said, 'Hell is not empty, you can't become a Buddha'?"

"He just doesn't want to be in league with you sanctimonious guys."

"Amitabha!" The old monk chanted the Buddha trumpet in his mouth, and a faint golden light spread out from his body: "Your temper seems to be a little big!"

Di Ting said angrily, "Can it be bigger than the green hat on your father's head?"

A flash of anger flashed in the old monk's eyes: "Listen, do you really think that the poor monk does not dare to suppress you?"

Di Ting gave him a disdainful look: "Puzhi Laoer, it's not that I look down on you, you are a younger brother in front of me!" Lao Tzu destroyed you in minutes!

"Then I will see your strength!" The old monk named Puzhi raised his hand and waved, and the Buddha beads in his hand rose into the sky.

When it falls, it transforms into a golden light.

Directly shrouded Chen Nan, Guo Yu, and Di Ting inside.

It is a Buddhist formation.

The golden light flashed with ancient and obscure Sanskrit.

"This bald donkey will be handed over to you!"

Chen Nan said lightly.

Step by step, head outside.

Finally, he left the Dharma Formation.

That golden light couldn't stop him at all.

Pu Zhi's pupils trembled violently.

He was confident in his formation.

Even the peak powerhouse of the Ghost King Realm can be trapped.


He didn't know why Chen Nan could ignore his Dharma Formation.

He obviously didn't do anything.

When he walked through the formation, the formation let him go uncontrollably.

Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it.

"Puzhi Xiaoer, in fact, you should have died ten thousand years ago!"

"If it weren't for King Jizo helping you block the fatal blow, how would you have survived to this day?"

"It's good for you, seeing that the King of Jizo is in danger for you, not only did not come to the rescue, but even secretly attacked."

"If not, how could King Jizo die?"

"Today, I send you to see the Buddha in your heart!" Recalling what happened ten thousand years ago, the anger in Di Ting's heart instantly exploded.

His eyes were scarlet and he let out a deafening roar.

The void trembled, as if it was about to be annihilated at any moment.


The formation also swayed.

Immediately, its figure disappeared into the formation.

Next second.

It was strangely appearing in front of Pu Zhi and launched a fierce attack on him.

Pu Zhi although there is nothing.

But the Buddha light on his body is particularly strong.

Fight with the truth.

Even if Di Ting's attack was extremely fast, it was difficult to break through the golden light on his body.

Of course.

Hearing didn't hurt him either.

For a time, it was difficult to tell the difference.


Chen Nan also appeared in front of the Daxiong Treasure Hall.

I saw Ning Yinqiu with her limbs tied.

She was tied to a stout pillar and looked haggard.

Seeing Chen Nan, Ning Yinqiu was stunned for a moment, and then cried with joy: "Young Master Chen, you shouldn't come here!"

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "You suffered this calamity because of me, how can I turn a blind eye?"

Speaking of this, he looked at the figure kneeling under the statue of the Immobile Ming King, gritted his teeth and said, "Emperor Master, you are really good at death!"

The emperor master knocked on the wooden fish and let out a contemptuous laugh: "I really want to die, I wonder if you can fulfill me?" "

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