Imperial Master's Mansion.

The war spreads.

The shouts of killing continued.

The king with the opposite surname is wearing dark red armor.

The long sword in his hand was dripping with blood continuously.


"Kill all the clansmen of the Zheng clan!"

"You can't let any of them go!"

After receiving a clue from Chen Nan.

The king with the different surname came directly to the Imperial Master's Mansion.

Finally, he sensed the lost imperial sword in the Imperial Master's Mansion.

That's why.

Only then would he order the killing of all the clansmen of the Zheng clan.

He wants to avenge his dead son.

"Gao Xi, I will kill your ancestor!" A middle-aged man from the Zheng family roared: "You take advantage of our patriarch's absence, just take advantage of the void and kill my Zheng family."

"What the are you a hero?"

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of the mouth of the king with the different surname: "Don't use the word hero to kidnap King Ben, King Ben's long-cherished wish is to be a hero." The

middle-aged man was furious: "Gao Xi, even if you destroy my Zheng clan, the emperor will not let you go, the emperor will not let you go, and you will soon pay a heavy deeds for your actions..."


Before the words were finished, the heterogeneous Wang slashed over.

Accompanied by a red blood mist.

The middle-aged man was directly split in half.

"You will execute these people and go to the imperial palace for your father." The king with the different surname looked in the direction of the imperial palace and flew directly over.


Jokhang Temple.

"Can you still play like this?"

Di Ting's eyes were full of consternation.

I never expected it.

Chen Nan used such a simple method to break the idea of the ancient Buddha.

It's quite surprising.

Chen Nan laughed: "Maybe, Buddha has cleanliness!"

Renxin's eyes widened angrily: "Lord Chen, you are disrespectful to my Buddha, and the poor monk will send you to Xitian Bliss now, and let the Buddha judge you personally!" "

He is like an angry King Kong, his hands are sealed.

Dao golden light appeared in the void.

One by one, obscure, ancient, mysterious, and powerful Buddha seals appeared above the nine heavens.

It was like an aurora sweeping towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan dodged quickly.

But I found that those Buddha seals seemed to have the power of automatic tracking.

Wherever he fled, he followed closely behind.

"Get out!"

Chen Nan roared angrily.

The laws of space instantly wrapped those Buddha seals.

Those Buddha seals were transferred directly to the statue of King Fudomyo.


The Fudo Ming King statue erupted into a deafening roar.

It resounded in all directions under the night.

But because the statue of King Fudo is admired by the world, it is nourished by the power of people's admiration.

Even if those Buddha seals fall on it.

It didn't destroy it.

Next second.

Chen Nan appeared above the Buddha head of the statue of King Fudongming, overlooking the benevolence on the ground: "Do I respect the Buddha in your heart?"

"You should ask him in person!"

The words fell.

He turned his fingers into swords and slashed towards benevolence.

In a flash.

The sword qi condensed by the power of the law appeared behind him.

Like dense rain, crushing towards benevolence.


Renxin clasped his hands together, and a Buddha light erupted from his body.

The Buddha's light transformed into a golden bell hood, shrouding his whole person.

Knock knock!

When the sword qi released by Chen Nan fell on the golden bell hood.

The golden bell hood suddenly burst into a loud sound.

It also successfully resisted Chen Nan's attack.

Can go over time.

The light above the golden bell hood also weakened.


Accompanied by Chen Nan's roar.

The dense sword qi instantly flooded the golden bell hood.

"Buddha save me!"

The human heart let out a heart-rending scream.

He could feel it.

His golden bell hood was no longer able to resist Chen Nan's attack.

That's it.

The only thing that can be done is to call for help.

Seeing that the golden bell hood was about to be broken, Chen Nan showed a sinister smile: "Do you think that the Buddha in your heart will save you?" "


"I'll let you recognize the true face of the Buddha!"

"Even if you are about to die in front of his eyes, he will not have the slightest mercy on you!"

Renxin's face turned sallow, and he lost his voice and screamed: "No! No way! If you want to slander my Buddha here, he will definitely not be indifferent, and he will definitely come to the rescue..."

The words are not finished.

The golden light around him instantly extinguished.

Followed by.

A strong killing intent rushed to his face.

Make him creepy.

In benevolence.


Helpless eyes ran through his body.

A thick mist of blood splashed.

Chen Nan appeared in front of Renxin, with a contemptuous smile on his face: "See?

"The Buddha in your heart has no mercy on you!"

"Even if he's watching you right in front of your eyes."

"But what is your life worth to him?"

Renxin opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

His face was as pale as wax, but he showed a shallow smile.

He was not angry because of Chen Nan's words.

He raised his head with difficulty, looked at the statue of the immobile king behind Chen Nan, which was about 100 meters tall, and grinned: "You don't understand my Buddha's compassion!"

"Although my Buddha did not intervene to save the poor monks."

"But he is taking poor monks to Western Elysium."

"Be foolish!" Chen Nan shouted angrily: "He just doesn't want to save you, so why take you to the Western Elysium?"

"You want to go to Western Heavenly Elysium?"


"I'm going to make you go away!"

The words fell.

The Law of Fire instantly ignited the body of benevolence.

Benevolence sits cross-kneeled, motionless like a mountain.

The scriptures are silently recited in their mouths.

I want to show sincerity.

But you can feel that the soul is about to die.

There was an incredible look in his eyes.

Then it turned into anger.

He glared angrily at the sacred Buddha statue in front of him, and let out an angry low roar: "I am your faithful believer, why should you turn a blind eye?" "

He couldn't accept what was in front of him.

After all, he has always believed in Buddha.

Pride in being a believer in Buddha.

He also thought he could become a Buddha.

But I never expected it.

The Buddha in your heart is right in front of you.

But he will not save from death.

"Before you die, you can recognize the Buddha in your heart, and you will not waste this life!" As Chen Nan's voice slowly sounded, the body and soul of benevolence turned into ashes at the same time and disappeared into heaven and earth.

"Guo Yu, go on!"

Chen Nan shouted.

The magic staff that controlled Renxin flew in front of Guo Yu.

But Guo Yu didn't hold the golden staff.

His expression was painful.

Because he knows.

When holding this golden staff yourself.

He is no longer Guo Yu.

He will be someone else.

He had seen the man's memory.

It was a very pitiful, even sad man.

First betrayed by his beloved woman.

Then he was killed by his own apprentice.

Although he became the only 'ghost god' in the three realms, that was not what he wanted.

He would rather live his life as mediocre.

Don't want to be him either.


Chen Nan did not interfere with Guo Yu.

Because he knew that this was Guo Yu's own way.

No one can help him make any decisions.

He turned around and looked at the indifferent face below the Great Treasure Hall, killing intent Ling Ran: "Emperor Master, it's time to settle the account between us, right?" "

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