Imperial Palace.

"Wangye, the Great Emperor has rested, why are you here late at night?"

When the king with a different surname came to the palace of the emperor of the capital city.

An old eunuch hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully: "Is there anything wrong, let's talk about it at dawn?" The

king with a different surname was full of grievances: "Please ask Liu Gonggong to inform the emperor that the minister has something important to do." "

This matter is related to the dignity of the Gao clan."

"It's about the life and death of the world!"

Liu Gonggong was shocked.

I didn't expect that the heterogeneous king would say such a thing.

Whether it is the dignity of the Gao clan.

Or the life and death of the world.

This is not child's play.

"Wang Ye later, the old slave will go to meet the emperor." Liu Gonggong hurriedly turned around and entered the palace, informing the emperor of the capital of the events here.

A moment later.

Liu Gonggong came outside and said respectfully: "Wang Ye, you go in!"

"There is Grandpa Lao Liu!" The king of the different surname thanked him, and then entered the dormitory.

See the figure behind the screen.

He knelt on the ground with a snort, and when he raised his head, tears were already pouring down: "The old minister Gao Xi visited the emperor and asked the emperor to uphold justice for my Gao clan."

"Wang Ye, please get up." A slightly lazy voice sounded: "Give Wang Ye a seat!" Liu

Gonggong immediately moved the stool.

The lazy voice sounded again: "If Wang Ye has any grievances, you can inform this emperor." The

heterogeneous king was full of grievances: "Back to the Great Emperor, the old minister has been investigating the whereabouts of the remnants of the Anti-Heavenly Sect over the years.

"Just five days ago, the minister learned about the gathering place of all the hall masters of the Anti-Heaven Sect."

"So he sent Inuzi to lead fifty clans to worship and carry the imperial sword to Xuanwu Island."

"I want to annihilate the remnants of the Anti-Heavenly Sect in one fell swoop and uproot the Anti-Heavenly Sect."

"For the sake of the world, but also for the emperor to solve this trouble."

"I never expected it."

"The offerings of the Gao family and the dog will be invincible to each other."

"It's not just the dogs that were killed."

"Even the whereabouts of the emperor sword are unknown."

"Losing the imperial sword is a serious crime, and the old minister does not dare to shirk his responsibility."

"These days, the old minister has been looking for the whereabouts of the imperial sword."

"The old minister can't live up to the holy grace, and he has to find the imperial sword no matter what."

"And just before."

"The old minister found the lost imperial sword in the Imperial Master's Mansion."

The Emperor of Yudu had not yet spoken.

Liu Gonggong gasped: "Wang Ye is cautious, cautious!" "

He knows.

What does it mean to find the Imperial Sword in the Imperial Master's Mansion.

This meant that the Emperor Master was a member of the Anti-Heaven Sect.

Even if not.

It also has an intimate connection with the Anti-Heavenly Sect.

Not to mention.

Secretly possessing the Emperor Sword is a capital crime for the Nine Clan!

The king with the different surname knelt on the ground and cried silently: "What the old minister said is true, and he also asked the emperor to take care of it and avenge the dog!" An

indifferent voice came from behind the screen: "Summon Prime Minister Cheng, let him come quickly!" "


Liu Gonggong's face was sallow.

He realized.

I'm afraid the world is about to change!

Even if the emperor is an extremely powerful minister.

He was the former teacher of the Emperor.

But whether it was secretly hiding the emperor sword, or colluding with the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect.

These are all unjustifiable crimes!

Even if he is an imperial master.

And no one can protect him.


Jokhang Temple.

Emperor Shi has his hands behind his back.

Stand in front of the main hall.

He looked down on Chen Nan condescendingly.

He has a high-minded temperament that dominates the sky.

Hearing Chen Nan's question, a disdainful smile appeared on his face: "I have to say that your strength is even stronger than this official imagined.


"It's not enough to kill me."

Chen Nan smiled and asked, "Just because, is that existence in your body?"

The emperor frowned: "Can you feel his presence?"

"I've looked into your biography." Chen Nandao: "When you failed the nine scientific examinations, your life trajectory changed, as if you were guided by a master.

"I have to suspect that you still have a soul inside you."

The emperor laughed: "You are a little smart, in fact, aren't we both the same in this regard?"

"You dare to say that you didn't get guidance from a superior person?"

Chen Nan investigated the imperial master.


Emperor Shi also investigated Chen Nan.

Knowing that he was a loner before.

A wealthy son-in-law who is useless.

In the Leng family, he suffered a lot of wrongs.

Even the next person did not put him in his eyes.

For some reason.

Suddenly, he got the hang of it.

Step by step, we have come to this day.

So he concluded.

Chen Nan also has a soul in his body.

"Is Yue Shan pointing you out?" Emperor asked.

Chen Nan: "He's dead.

"And who are you?" Emperor Shi frowned.

Chen Nan: "I am me!" "

Impossible!" Emperor Shi snorted coldly: "I don't believe that an ordinary person can grow to this point in just one year. "

Forget it!"

"It doesn't matter!"

"The important thing is that after today, you are not you."


"I have a question before that."

Chen Nan: "You said.

"What exactly did you say to the heterogeneous king?" Or what deal was made? The emperor master's eyes became angry: "Why would he dig the ancestral grave of my Zheng clan?"

Chen Nan smiled and said, "He kindly invited the ancestor of your Zheng clan to bask in the sun, this is obviously a good thing, why are you so angry?"

"You look for death!"

The emperor master was furious, and gradually lost patience with Chen Nan.

Next second.

A divine Buddha light appeared behind him.

A Buddha figure about ten meters tall appeared behind him.

The Buddha figure sat cross-kneeled, his eyes lowered.

A face full of compassion.

Just a look.

It gives people a powerful momentum.

It was as if mortals had seen the gods.

It makes people want to kneel and worship.

Chen Nan breathed heavily.

I never expected it.

The momentum of this Buddha statue will be so powerful.

It made him feel like his flesh was about to crack.

"Fudo Ming King?" Di Ting, who was fighting with Puzhi, let out a piercing scream.

Although he can hear the voices of the three realms.

but never heard.

The mind of the immobile king actually existed in the body of the emperor master.


When he saw the manifestation of the Fudo Ming King.

Pu Zhi, who was fighting with Di Ting, also stopped attacking.

He had tears in his eyes.

Put your hands together.

Very religiously, he knelt down.

He was the previous abbot of Jokhang Temple.

Now I see the immobile king manifesting.

How can there be any reason not to kneel?

Seeing that the other party stopped fighting, he knelt on the ground reverently, and his eyes were full of dismay: "This is unacceptable!" "

It's the saying that taking advantage of your illness kills.

He did not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Open the blood basin and open your mouth.

When Puzhi worshipped King Fudo Myeong, he was going to die in one mouthful.

He chewed on the screaming Puzhi in his mouth, and then looked at King Fudo: "How do you feel to see your followers dying tragically in front of you?" King

Fudo slowly opened his lowered eyes.

The eyes are indifferent, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Like an invisible knife, people inexplicably feel a strong sense of unease.

He looked at Chen Nan and sent out a long Buddha trumpet: "Lord Chen, you have a relationship with my Buddha, and you still don't put down the butcher knife, and turn back to the shore?" "

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