The terrifying sense of oppression transforms into a golden mountain.

Swept towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan's expression was solemn.

The mountain above your head is too terrifying.

Even he can't support it.

Let his body falter.

As if it would fall at any moment.

But there he stood.


He still understands the truth of standing wood top thousand pounds.

Although he endured the golden mountain on his body.

But the terrifying power passed down his body to the stone slab at his feet.


The stone slab within ten meters below him instantly turned into powder.

You can imagine what a terrifying force he endured.

"Master Chen, if you have a relationship with my Buddha, don't resist!"

"Taking refuge in my Buddha is your only choice." The Buddha statue makes a loud, sacred sound.

"Go to your mother and take refuge in Buddhism!"

Chen Nanhu's body was shocked.

In a flash.

Young saplings appeared on the ground.

Saplings have sprung up.

It quickly grew into a big tree in the sky, resisting the influence of that golden mountain on Chen Nan.

"Buddha Gate is shit in my eyes!"

"If you are truly compassionate."

"Why kill an innocent weak woman?"

"Why should you die for your believers?"

"Why shouldn't something be wrong?"

He was extremely disappointed in Buddhism.

Some just hate.

Not to mention that the decision back then made the Three Realms face disaster.

Just by talking about his knowledge of Buddhism today, he cannot forgive Buddha's actions.

"My Buddha just made the safest choice in times of turmoil."

"Maybe this choice is bloody in your eyes."

"But for the creatures of the three realms, it is the most beneficial."

Fudo Ming King: "Since Lord Chen has a misunderstanding of my Buddha, then Honza will take you to the Western Bliss to meet my Buddha and listen to my Buddha's teachings!" "

Hear that.

An astonishing light bloomed in the eyes of the Emperor Master.

He had been thinking about killing Chen Nan before.


The man in the sea wanted Chen Nan to convert to Buddhism.

It's good now.

He wanted to take Chen Nan to the Western Elysium to meet the Buddha.

He was satisfied.

"Chen Nan, you can't beat him!" Di Ting appeared in front of Chen Nan, and his eyes were solemn: "After I break it for you, you go quickly!" "

Although the Buddha statue in front of me is manifested by the mind of the immovable king.

But King Fudo Ming is a doppelgänger of Rulai.

The strength is strong.

If Chen Nan met him when he was in the Yang Realm, he might have the power to fight.

But in Hades, he was definitely no match for him.

King Fudo Ming looked at Di Zhi and listened: "There is a lack of a mount under this seat, so it is up to you to become the mount of this seat!" Said with a palm sticking out.

The golden palm covers the sky, illuminates all directions, and crushes towards the truth.

"You don't deserve my respect!" Di listened to the roar, and pieces of golden dragon scales instantly appeared on the dog's body, making it look extremely powerful.

This moment.

Di Ting returned to its peak state.

It opened its mouth and spewed out a mysterious Buddha seal.

It collided with the palm of the Fudo Ming King.

But it has not been annihilated.

Instead, it is frozen in the void.

In a flash.

A deafening thunder erupted in the air.

Space distortion.

As if it would be annihilated at any moment.


"What are you doing stupidly?"

He let out a low roar.

Although its strength has returned to its peak.

Although it is a divine beast.

But he is not known for his attacks.

The reason why it can become a divine beast is because it is too rare to hear the three realms.

In terms of pure combat effectiveness, it can only be called a foreign beast.

Far from the standard of divine beasts.

Chen Nan shook his head: "You are my brother, how can I watch my brother die in front of me?"

"Today, let's fight side by side!"

"I want to see how strong the so-called Fudo King is."

In a flash.

Countless branches wound towards the golden body of the Immobile Ming King.

But just when it was close to him.

A divine Buddha light resisted those branches.

The Emperor Master laughed: "Chen Nan, Chen Nan, you don't know anything about the power of the Buddha!"

"Just by your strength."

"Not enough to compete with the Buddha!"

"This is simply out of your own hands!"

"Come again!"

Chen Nan does not believe in evil.

The law of fire is used to the extreme.

In an instant, the void was ignited.

The earth was also set on fire.

Heaven and earth turned into a boiling sea of fire.


In the boiling sea of fire, there is a pure place.

That's around King Fudo.

The stone slab beneath him was intact.

Even if the fire is fierce, it is still difficult to threaten him.

King Fudongming glanced at Chen Nan indifferently.

It was immediately stamped with one hand.

A sacred Buddha seal appears at the fingertips.

Shot towards Chen Nan.

"Not good!"

Look at the oncoming Buddha seal.

Chen Nan suddenly felt a tingling and shuddering feeling in his scalp.

He felt a sense of foreboding.

Just as the truth says.

The strength of the Fudo Ming King is too strong.

Even if it's just a mind doppelganger.

But it's not something he can compete with.

After all.

This is an ancient Buddha.

And this ancient Buddha is a doppelgänger of Rulai.

Don't think about it.

He subconsciously wanted to dodge.

But I found out.

Even if you control the laws of space.

But the body seems to be imprisoned in the void.

There was no other way but to watch that terrifying Buddha seal come towards you.


The terrifying Buddha seal ran through Chen Nan's body.

Blasted him out hundreds of meters.

Seven tips spray blood.


Then he fell heavily to the ground.

This moment.

Chen Nan felt that his internal organs, meridians and bones all over his body seemed to be shattered.

Even breathing is very difficult.

This was definitely the worst injury he had suffered when he came to Hades.


He has the law of wood.

The Wood Law allows him to recover in the shortest possible time.

Seeing that Chen Nan was seriously injured.

Di Ting let out a roar.

The body was shrouded in a golden Buddha light.

Rushed towards King Fudo.

Although it is not as strong as the Fudo Ming King.

But he also knew what Chen Nan's existence meant.

He is the hope of the Three Realms.

The hope of rebuilding the heavenly court.


Even if it dies.

It is also necessary to protect Chen Nan.


Accompanied by a dull sound.

Di Ting was also severely damaged by King Fudo Myeong.

Just one trick.

Just let the dragon scales on his body fade.

"The overall situation has been decided, why should you obsessed with the mistakes and rights of the past?" King Fudo Ming murmured, and then raised his hand towards Chen Nan to suppress it.

Chen Nan's injuries have not yet healed.

It was once again dealt a terrible blow.

Blood spat out of his mouth.

Even if he has the Wood Law, he can heal the injuries on his body.

But one thing is obvious.

The speed of his recovery was far less ruthless than the attack of King Ming of Fudong.

Di Lian was also beaten and could not fight back.

Not only the dragon scales on his body have faded, but even the unicorn on his forehead has disappeared.

If it goes on like this, it will soon turn back into a dog.

And Chen Nan's situation was no better, and his physical body was about to disintegrate.

I saw a golden Buddha seal approaching me.

He felt a strong sense of despair, unwillingness.

Is this going to die?

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