Imperial Palace!

Prime Minister Lin Yuan entered the palace on order, knelt in front of the screen, and said to the figure behind the screen: "Minister Lin Yuan, meet the emperor!" "

Emperor Yudu: "Emperor Zheng Yu colluded with the remnants of the Anti-Heavenly Sect to murder Gao Aiqing's son and secretly hide the imperial sword.

"The sins committed are innumerable."

"Let the Prime Minister inform the world of this!"

"Punish according to the crime!"

Lin Yuan was taken aback.

The Emperor Master actually colluded with the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect?

And also murdered the son of the king with a different surname?

Also secretly hiding the imperial sword?

Although he also heard that the king with a different surname dug the ancestral grave of the imperial master's family.

But I didn't expect it.

There are so many hidden insider stories in it.

I didn't expect it even more.

The Great Emperor actually wanted to execute the Emperor Master.

After all.

The emperor has always been a minister of the stock.

Both in the DPRK.

Or in the mundane.

All deeply admired by the people.

If the emperor master is to be executed now, it will definitely shock the world.


The sins he committed.

It was enough to veto all the previous achievements of the Imperial Master!

Whether it is colluding with the remnants of the Anti-Heavenly Sect.

Or secretly hide the imperial sword.

These are all capital crimes against the Nine Tribes.

Without much thought, Lin Yuan hurriedly said, "The old minister promises to complete the task!"

The slightly tired voice of the Emperor of the Capital City sounded: "This emperor is a little tired, let's all retreat!"


The crowd retreated.

After everyone left, Emperor Yudu's gaze looked in the direction of the Jokhang Temple, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face: "As soon as the emperor dies, we can meet each other."

"I hope then, you won't be surprised."

"The premise is that you can solve the immediate crisis!"

The Emperor of the capital knew what was happening over there at the Jokhang Temple.

I also know the crisis that Chen Nan has encountered.


But he couldn't meddle in it.

Because his father, the previous emperor of the capital of the city, had told him when he fell.

Even if he is the lord of Hades.

But some things can't be touched.

For example, Jokhang Temple.


The only thing he could do now was to believe in the vision of those ancient saints.

It is expected that Chen Nan can defeat the Imperial Master.





A variety of emotions filled Chen Nan's heart.

Even if he mastered multiple laws.

But in the face of the projection of the immobile king, there was no way to fight back.

I could only watch the golden Buddha seal coming towards me.

In fact, Chen Nan is not afraid of death.


He is the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

Once he dies, the immortal world will also be annihilated.

At that time, not only their own relatives, lovers, daughters, and brothers will be wiped out.

Billions of living beings in the immortal world will also die.

That was the last thing he wanted.

The appearance of his relatives appeared in front of his eyes like a horse watching flowers.

A strong obsession rose in his heart.

The Wood Law instantly repaired his broken flesh.

Strength returned to its peak.

He won't sit still.

He wants to fight for himself.

Fight for your loved ones, lovers, and friends!

"Get out!"

With a roar.

Chen Nan appeared out of thin air in front of King Fudo Ming.

He was furious.

Above the right fist contains the energy that destroys the world and the earth.

It was as if a single punch could tear this vast firmament apart.

And just when he punched angrily.

King Fudo Ming stretched out his right hand and resisted Chen Nan's attack.


In a flash.

The sky is shaking.

A deafening roar erupted.

Chen Nan's facial features also quickly distorted.

This blow confrontation.

The golden auspicious clouds in the night sky turned into two halves.

It was as if the sky had been cut open.

Next second.

Chen Nan flew out uncontrollably again.

Even if he regains his peak strength.

Nor is it an opponent of the Fudo Ming King.

The gap is clear.

"You just don't listen to persuasion, saying that we can't fight him, you have to fight side by side with the dog master here!" Di listened to the summons Chen Nan, and his tone was full of unhappiness.

Chen Nan gasped and stared at the Buddha statue in the distance: "The biggest difference between people and Buddhas is that people have their own persistence.

"Or for family affection!"

"Or for love!"

"Or for friendship!"

"If it's really all four, it's empty."

"So how can you be human?"

Di listened: "Give me a wisp of wood law, and by the way, use the space law to speed up time, so that my injury can recover faster." "

I will deal with King Fudo Myeong, and you will restore the staff of benevolence to the Sun God Bow."

He knows how many pounds he has.

I also know that Chen Nan has a few pounds and taels.

With their strength.

I can't fight the King of Ming at all.

And the only one in front of you that can break the game.

Only the sun-shooting god bow.

After all, it was an ancient artifact.


This time, Chen Nan was not stubborn.

The Wood Law between the Raised Hands is injected into the Di Hearing.

At the same time, he uses the laws of space to speed up time.

In an instant, Di Ting's injuries healed, and his strength returned to his peak.

It emits a divine golden light.

It has the momentum of staring at all living beings.

Just when Di Ting and Fudo Meiwang were at war.

Chen Nan appeared in front of Guo Yu, who was full of pain and extremely struggling in his heart.

Actually, he knew.

As long as Guo Yu picks up this staff.

The staff will return to the state of the Sun-shooting God's bow.

He was able to shoot the statue of Fudo Myeong in front of him.


He did not force the other party.

Because he didn't want to make any decisions for Guo Yu.


Chen Nan held the staff.

He casts the laws of space and casts time regression.

Next second.

The golden light on the staff slowly faded.

It ended up being a dark, quaint curved bow.

I don't know what kind of material this curved bow is forged, but it exudes an ancient, desolate atmosphere.

It is as if witnessing the change of time.

"Shoot him!"

Accompanied by a scream.

It returned to its canine form.

It's just that his body is stained red with blood.

Chen Nan quickly tied the bowstring of the Sun Shooting God's bow to his body.

The moment the two are combined.

A deafening thunder erupted in the air.

Dao lightning flashed from the night sky.

The sky is full of stars and faltering.

The terrifying Tianwei made both the Immobile King and the Emperor Master show solemn expressions.

"You shouldn't combine the two!"

King Fudo Ming looked at Chen Nan, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

The next moment.

He raised his right hand and walked towards Chen Nan.

Void tremor.

The wind roared.

Chen Nan held the Sun Shooting God Bow in his left hand and pulled the string with his right hand.

A rocket condensed by the laws of fire appeared on the bowstring.

And at this time.

The golden Buddha palm of the Fudo Ming King was already close at hand.

The dazzling golden light made him unable to even open his eyes.

Not only that.

The Sun Shooting God Bow seemed to have a powerful force, even if he exerted all his strength, it was not enough to shake the slightest.

It's at this moment.

An emerald green light instantly enveloped Chen Nan, and then transformed into a huge turtle shell.

Next second.

The golden Buddha Hand fell with a bang.

But it fell on the turtle shell, but it failed to break the defense of the turtle shell.

Di Ting's eyes lit up: "Fourth brother?

"Is that you, Fourth Brother?"


Along with a green light, a green light appeared beside Chen Nan.

A huge turtle appeared between heaven and earth.

Who is the Xuanwu Divine Turtle who is not one of the four divine beasts?

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