Two spars appeared in the hands of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital.

One piece is earthy yellow.

The other piece is golden.

"The law of the earth system, and the law of the gold system?" Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

He needed the power of these two laws.

Whoever thought about the Emperor of the Capital took it out.

It's a real blessing.

Emperor Yudu said, "Ten thousand years ago, the anti-heavenly sect rebelled, causing the laws of the underworld to be confused and crippled.

"This is the fragment condensed by the power of the law after that war."

Speaking of which.

He waved his right hand.

An obliterated void appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes.

This void is not big.

To the naked eye, it looks like an area the size of a football field.

Inside, the black pressure is pressed, hiding the existence that makes people feel fearful.

It seems that at any moment, a monster will fly out of it.


A white membrane covered the broken void.

It looks as if someone has patched it up.

Emperor Yudu asked, "Do you really not doubt that your father will die at the hands of the Anti-Heaven Sect?"

Chen Nan: "Naturally, I doubted it." "

Whether it is the Emperor of the Imperial Capital, or the Houtu Niangniang.

They are all gods with priesthood in the divine tree.

Looking at the three worlds is also extremely fearful.

Not to mention in Hades.

It is definitely the supreme existence of number one, number two.


Chen Nan had always wondered why the leader of the Anti-Heaven Sect was on a par with the previous Emperor of the Heavenly Sect.

"That war fell apart."

"Although my father killed the leader of the Anti-Heaven Sect."

"But that battle destroyed the laws of Hades."

"He tried a lot of things and wanted to fix the sky."


"In the end, it didn't happen!"


"He followed the example of the Houtu Niangniang and incarnated as a rule."

Chen Nan suddenly realized: "So, this membrane is your father?" Emperor

Yudu nodded slightly: "You have now mastered a variety of laws, and I have a hunch that if you control the Five Elements Law, you may be able to repair this void!" "

Listen to this.

Chen Nan immediately smiled: "I know this!" "

He wasn't lying.

Because he became the lord of the immortal world, he relied on using the power of rules to repair the rules of the heavenly path of the immortal world.

It is integrated with the rules of the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm.

Emperor Yudu said, "You can try it!" "Good


Chen Nan took the two spars in his hand.

Then he sat cross-kneeled.

Start mastering the power of the two laws.

Because his cultivation had reached the peak of the Ghost King Realm.


It only took less than an hour to control the power of the two laws of the earth system and the gold system.

Plus the laws of space.

He currently controls the power of the six laws.

Six rays of light of different colors appeared behind him.

Under his control, it was like a rainbow, blending into the dark hole in the air.

This moment.

His expression became solemn.

He originally wanted to pour the power of the six laws into it and fix this gap.

But he felt a terrifying devouring force sweeping over.

Directly sucked him into that hole.

Then his body gradually disintegrated.

Turns into a colorful light.

And the vacancy the size of that football field was also completely repaired by the light emitted by Chen Nan.

The Emperor of the Imperial Capital stood there quietly.

Seeing that the vacancy was filled, a relaxed smile also appeared on his face.

He was not worried about Chen Nan.

Because he knew that Chen Nan was not dead.

Almost a blaze of incense has passed.

A white light flashed in the void.

Finally, it transformed into a tall figure.

Who is not Chen Nan?

"So, you know, I'll fuse the laws of the underworld?" Chen Nan looked at the Emperor of the Capital with a stunned face.

He just wanted to inject the power of the law into the void.

Which Cheng thought.

but accidentally became the lord of the underworld.

The Lord of Hades is different from the Lord of the Immortal Realm.

After all, the immortal realm is just an independent plane opened up by the mighty.

To put it bluntly, the white point is the subsidiary plane of the three realms.

Hades is different.

This is a part of the Three Realms!


His ability now has improved much more than before.

It's hard to say.

Even in his eyes, the Emperor of Yudu was like an ant.

Not only that.

He can even feel his relatives in the immortal world now.

Just close your eyes and see what they're doing.

The reason is none of it.

The rules of the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm and the Underworld have been integrated.

Emperor Yudu smiled and said, "The task of rebuilding the Heavenly Court is heavy and long, it is the temple in the hearts of hundreds of millions of living beings in the three realms.

"If you want to rebuild the Heavenly Court, you need to be admired by thousands of people!"

"Gain enough meritorious power."

"You can also become a realm master."

"Become the Lord of Hades as you are now."

"Otherwise, how can you rebuild the Heavenly Court on your own?"

"And how to defeat the alien demon?"

"And how can you cure the sins that have come?"

Speaking of this, he patted Chen Nan's shoulder and said seriously: "Young man, come on, don't let those old guys down!"

Chen Nan hesitated and asked, "I have one last question, did you arrange the death of the third man?" The

Emperor of the capital was stunned, and then said with a smile: "I arranged it?" "


In a flash!

The sky is shaking.

The mighty heavenly power swept from above the nine heavens.


The eighteen layers of hell that had been screaming incessantly instantly became silent.

Countless yin differences, powerful ghosts have felt a sense of oppression that the end of the world has come.

"I'm just kidding, do you have to do this?" The Emperor of Yudu was pale, and this Tianwei was too terrifying for him to bear.

Don't think about it.

A golden light immediately flew out from his body.

That light hovered above him.

It is a boxy imperial seal.

This is the first holy relic of Hades.

Also an artifact.

The appearance of the imperial seal did not resist too much heavenly power for the emperor of the capital city, but also made his physical body become extremely illusory, like a green lamp that could be extinguished at any time.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have joked with you!" Emperor Yudu hurriedly confessed: "Han Zongyuan's death was unexpected to me, I originally thought of letting him come to Kyoto to become your subordinate."

"But I didn't expect that the king with the different surname would find out about this."

He was depressed.

Although he is the Emperor of the Imperial Capital.

The supreme being of Hades.


But it can't be above the rules of the Heavenly Dao.

Even one thought was not enough to compete with Chen Nan.

"Don't make such jokes with me in the future!" Chen Nan snorted angrily.

He was glad that Han Zongyuan's death had nothing to do with Emperor Yudu.

Otherwise, even if he was the Emperor of Yudu, Chen Nan would have killed him to avenge Han Zongyuan.

"I'll go to Jokhang Temple." Chen Nan said, "Then, it's time to leave the netherworld temporarily!" "

He thought he was a guest of Hades.

Which Cheng thought.

but inexplicably became the lord of the underworld.

"In the future, let's use the netherworld as your own back garden, and if you are in a bad mood, come here to relax and play with the demon!"

The next moment.

Chen Nan returned to the Jokhang Temple, looked at the runes on the stone gate, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face: "With my current strength, it shouldn't be difficult to remove the runes, right?" "

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