"Young Master Chen, why are you back again?"

Chen Nan just appeared.

Su Daji's voice sounded.

Chen Nandao: "I borrowed some magic weapons, so I want to try it." "

He lied.

The reason for this.

It's nothing more than wanting these big demons to remember their feelings.


If you raise your hand, you will remove the rune.

These big demons will definitely not be hung up on their hearts.

It's like walking on the road and encountering a person who loses his wallet.

Pick it up and give it to the other party, and the other party will definitely say thank you.

But that's about it.

But if you encounter a traffic accident and save a dying person.

Then the other party will definitely remember it.

Even a lifetime to think of the goodness of the benefactor.

That's pretty much it.

"You all stay away!"

Heard Chen Nan's voice.

The ten big demons inside all retreated to the rear.

There was nervousness written in his eyes.

I don't know if Chen Nan can uncover the rune on the stone door.

The next moment.

There was a roar from the stone gate.

Terrifying energy spreads.

It made all ten big demons feel palpitations.

I don't know how long it took.

A blinding golden light suddenly erupted from the crack of the door.

Followed by.

Their eyes lit up, and they felt that the power on the rune had disappeared.

Don't think about it.

The ten great demons immediately broke through the stone gate.

What came into view was Chen Nan's bloody and extremely weak appearance.

Chen Nan was so badly injured.

This is something they didn't think about.

"Guys, I've fulfilled my promise, you can leave..." Chen Nan coughed up blood, giving people the feeling that they would swallow at any time.

Peacock King Kong Xuan is a middle-aged man's form, his face is full of respect: "Young Master Chen took off the rune today and saved my life, such great grace is unforgettable, if you encounter any trouble in the future, you can order my peacock clan." Said a cyan feather appeared in his hand.

Da Qingniu spat out a silver bracelet in his mouth: "This gift to you can be regarded as repaying your kindness." If I meet my master in the future, I will definitely say a few kind words to you in front of him.

"Thank you, senior!" Chen Nan thanked weakly.

Ordinary people will definitely be extremely excited.

After all, the owner of the big green bull is Yuan Shi Tianzun.

is a quasi-saint.

But Chen Nan is the hope of the three realms!

Even if the big green bull messed up Chen Nankua's ceiling.

It won't give him more benefits.


In addition, those big demons also gave Chen Nan some treasures to express their hearts.

They then left separately.

"I really didn't expect to get so many treasures!" Chen Nan was overjoyed, although he had become the Lord of the Underworld, one thing was obvious.

These treasures are all from the Fengshen period.

Although it is not an artifact.

But it is a rare magic weapon.

"They're all gone, and I should leave too!"

Just when Chen Nan was about to leave.

A burly figure appeared in front of him.

It was one of the ten great demons, Ma Shan.

Those who are familiar with Fengshen are certainly no strangers to him.

According to legend, Ma Shan is the lamp in the lamp of the Taoist people, and the wick in the glass lamp becomes the essence.

Xia Fan Xiang helped Yin Jiao.

The biggest feature is that it is resistant to beating.

Even Jiang Ziya couldn't burn him with a three-dimensional true fire.

Or Yang Jian used the demon mirror to go beyond his details.

The burning lamp came forward to take away this troublesome wick.

After that, he took refuge in Buddhism.

If you come to reject dissidents, suppress all the demons of the strange Buddha sect here.

Chen Nan asked politely, "How could Senior Ma go and return?"

"But what was left in this cage?"

Ma Shan grinned and showed a malicious smile: "Chen Xiaoyou, you got a lot of treasures just now. This seat is still in arrears of cultivation, so I want to borrow those magic weapons from you to use, I don't know what you think? "


Chen Nan was directly stunned.

Borrow your own magic weapon to use?

Seeing that Chen Nan hesitated, Ma Shan's eyes widened: "Why, you are not happy?"

Chen Nan hurriedly said: "The senior is angry, the younger generation didn't hear it clearly just now, are you talking about borrowing or robbing?"

Ma Shan showed a meaningful smile: "The meaning is similar, why should you divide it so clearly?"

Chen Nan also smiled: "So the senior wants to rob me of the magic weapon?"

"If you don't want to die, hand it over quickly!" Mashan lost patience.

Chen Nan laughed angrily: "Have you forgotten that I took down the runes and saved you?"

Ma Shan said coldly, "It is precisely because you saved us that this seat did not directly kill you."

"Senior, you seem to be a little ungrateful!" Chen Nan stood up weakly, with a bitter smile on his face: "Aren't you afraid of thunder and striking in the sky?"

"I don't want to talk too much nonsense, if you don't hand over those magic weapons, this seat will take your life now!" Ma Shan's eyes flashed with icy killing intent.

"I really didn't expect that I actually saved such an ungrateful guy as you!" Chen Nan sighed lightly: "I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have rescued you."

Ma Shan: "How in this world did so much know this?"

Chen Nan shrugged undeniably: "What you said is reasonable, there are indeed not so many early knowledge in the world, and these four words are also given to you."

"What do you mean?" Ma Shan showed a wary gaze: "Also, you see the honza come back, why don't you panic?" Could it be that you still have any means?

"Impossible, you are seriously injured, there can be no other means."

Chen Nan grabbed it in the air.

Ma Shan's face suddenly turned pale.

The body slowly flew into the air uncontrollably.

He kept struggling.

It's all in vain.

This filled his heart with endless fear.

Because he didn't know why Chen Nan's strength was so strong.

"I want to congratulate you, you are the only one who knows my identity!" The injuries on Chen Nan's body healed instantly.

Ma Shan's scalp was numb: "You were injured before, all of them were illusions?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Is it fun to lie?"

"Also, who are you?"

Chen Nan: "You can call me the Lord of the Underworld!" The

words fell.

Ma Shan let out a piercing scream.

His body quickly became younger.

From a middle-aged man to a young man.

Another young man became a child.

It ended up being a baby.

"Senior Chen, I was wrong, please raise your noble hand and let me live!" Ma Shan's mentality exploded and he kept pleading.

He just wanted to come back and borrow a few magic weapons.

He Cheng thought that Chen Nan's strength was terrifying to such a point.

He did not believe that Chen Nan was the lord of the underworld.


In addition to a realm master, can control time and rejuvenate people.

Who else has such means of terror?

This was something he never dreamed of.

Early knowledge such as...

This moment.

A strong remorse and bitterness rose in his heart.

As said before.

How in the world has so much known this!

"Go and die!"

Chen Nan said lightly.

Then Ma Shan disappeared directly into heaven and earth.

Chen Nan also returned to his residence in the capital city.

He wants to say goodbye to the Lu sisters and return to the Yang Realm!

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