Li Xiang is the reincarnation of Nezha.

If there are any accidents with him.

It will be a fatal blow to the reconstruction of the Heavenly Court.

After all.

Nezha's combat power is even if you look at the entire Heavenly Court.

That's also near-ceiling.

"Miss He, I have something to do, I can't send you back, you take a taxi back!" Chen Nan quickly ran towards the parking lot.

He Shuqin: "But, you drank!"

"Not a big problem." Chen Nantou didn't reply.

He Shuqin was stunned.

She had a good chat with Chen Nan today.

I was thinking about eating hot pot and going to the movies.

He Cheng thought that Chen Nan suddenly encountered an emergency.

The window was lowered, and then Chen Nan's voice was heard: "Silly bird, get out!"

"Chen Nan, you are not a son of man!" The cockatiel fluttered its wings in the air and let out a piercing scream in its mouth.

Immediately it saw He Shuqin, immediately flew to her shoulder, and said seriously: "Miss He, Chen Nan this person can, you can be with others." "


in the car.

Chen Nan navigated directly according to the address given by Wang Mengqi.

Qinglong: "You shouldn't throw Elder Yue out of the window."

"That old thing takes revenge."

Chen Nan said angrily, "What's wrong with Ji Qiu?

"I have so many women now, and I can't beat the bachelor, why should I be afraid that he will break my marriage?"

Qinglong sighed: "What you said is not unreasonable.

"But have you ever thought about it."

"His means of revenge on you is not to break your future marriage."

"On the contrary, it is possible that it is to give you a random mandarin duck tree?"

"For example."

"Get you a thousand, ten thousand daughters-in-law?"

Chen Nan's heart trembled, and his face was as pale as wax.

After returning to his senses, he said angrily: "You want to live in the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and the bird master has a big heart, how can you remember my hatred?"

Qinglong said with disdain, "Even if you secretly call it Ancestor, it won't hear it!"

Chen Nan sighed secretly.

Forget about offending Elder Moon.

Right now.

The only thing he cared about was Li Xiang's safety.

Although Li Chen is his biological father.


Li Chen was cruel, not caring if Li wanted to be his son.

Twenty minutes later.

Chen Nan came to the outside of the No. 2 Experimental Primary School.

Wang Mengqi, who saw the crying pear blossom with rain: "Miss Wang, what happened?" How could Li Xiang be taken away by Li Chen's people?

Wang Mengqi said silently: "The teacher at the pick-up station called me just now and said that Li Xiang's father wanted to take the child, and after I listened, they asked them to reject Li Chen's idea of taking Li Xiang away."

"However, Li Chen ignored the obstruction and forcibly took my son."

"And also sent a message, let me go with you to the western suburbs waste mine."

"Or he'll kill my son." Speaking of this, cry.

Wang Mengqi is very busy with work.

So there is no way to pick up my son to and from school at noon.

So he reported to Li Xiang for a pick-up station.

At noon, the staff at the pick-up station will be responsible for the pick-up.

I never expected it.

This is happening today.

"It's all to blame on you!"

"If you hadn't asked my son to call you daddy."

"Li Chen, that demon will not be angry." Wang Mengqi's crying eye bags were red and swollen, and her pupils were bloodshot.

However, the ruthlessness in his eyes is like a knife.

Stabbed in Chen Nan's heart, making him almost suffocate.

"It's useless to say this now, let's go to the western suburbs to waste mines!" Chen Nan sighed, and then drove Wang Mengqi towards the abandoned mine in the western suburbs.

It was a copper mine from the last century, more than a hundred kilometers from Kyoto.

It's very remote.

Chen Nan galloped along the way, and finally came to the vicinity of the abandoned mine in the western suburbs.

From a distance, he saw more than a dozen MPVs parked here.

And at the site of the abandoned mine.

A large group of able-bodied middle-aged people gathered.

They were armed with sticks and cigarettes.

The eyes are full of playfulness.

"Or you wait in the car first!" Chen Nan looked at Wang Mengqi on the co-pilot.

Although he now has the strength to reach the peak of the foundation building period.

Although it is possible to ignore the existence of so many people.

But if Wang Mengqi followed, he might not be able to protect her.

"No, I can't keep watch in the car, I'm going to see my son." Wang Mengqi opened the seat belt buckle like a demon, and then pushed the car door and walked down.

Chen Nan could only let her, push the car door and walk out.


Those who were smoking threw cigarette butts at their feet and all gathered around.

Without exception.

They all had a sinister smile on their faces.

"Where is that bastard Li Chen?"

"Where did he take my son?" Wang Mengqi roared at those middle-aged people.

Although she is just a weak woman.

But at the moment she had no fear.

I just want to see my son as soon as possible.

This also validates the old adage.

The female is weak, and the mother is strong.

"Sister-in-law, Brother Li said, it's very simple to want to see Li." A middle-aged man wearing a gold chain grinned: "Gotta let this guy kneel in!"

"Considering that he may not be willing to kneel, we don't mind breaking his legs."

When the words fell, he waved his hand: "Brothers, Brother Li has an order, whoever can break this guy's leg will be rewarded with 100,000 yuan!" "


"Of these 200,000, there must be 100,000 of me!"

Those middle-aged people were like sharks that smelled blood, and their eyes rushed in all directions.

"Find death!"

A chill flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

He leaned out with one palm.

Grabbed the steel rod in front of him and easily snatched it into his hand.

Then the backhand is a stick.


The middle-aged population vomited blood and flew out.

At the same time, he hit two middle-aged people.

In an instant, the three people lost their combat effectiveness.


There were more than 50 people present.

As the saying goes, two fists are difficult to fight with four hands.

If Chen Nan was alone, he could completely kill a bloody road.

But at this time.

He had to take care of Wang Mengqi's safety.

After all, the green dragon caused trouble.

He had to clean up the mess.

Look at the people besieging from all sides.

Wang Mengqi let out a piercing scream.

Especially the steel rod that smashed into her made her go into cardiac arrest.

Because she had never encountered such a dangerous picture.

And just when she was desperate.

Chen Nan ghostly resisted in front of her and blocked the steel rod with his head.

Make a bang.

Although this stick smashed on Chen Nan's brain, it made Wang Mengqi's heart jump.

She thought Chen Nan would be knocked down.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan raised his leg and kicked the middle-aged man out more than ten meters.

Then he held a steel rod and killed all sides with Wang Mengqi as the center.

Anyone who comes close will be knocked to the ground by him.

No one could hurt Wang Mengqi a single hair, not even her clothes.

And he was hit one after another by the steel rods of the opposing group.

Although he did not show the slightest pain.

It can be seen that the steel rods in the hands of those people have been distorted and deformed.

Wang Mengqi was very unhappy in her heart.

Mo said that he was hurt and domestic violence by Li Chen, the scumbag.

Even without that tragic experience.

What woman can ignore a man who is fighting for himself?

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