Chen Nan held a steel rod.

It's like killing a god possessed by a god.

After each stick is smashed down.

There will be people who open their skin and flesh and fly out screaming.

And their blood also stained the clothes on Chen Nan's body and stained his face.

It looks very hideous.


In Wang Mengqi's eyes.

But inexplicably more security.

Of course.

Her heart is extremely conflicted.

She hated Chen Nan.

If he hadn't asked his son to call him daddy in private.

Li Chen will not be angry and will not jump off the wall.

It won't lead to today's events.


Watch Chen Nan desperately protect her.

A warm current surged deep in her heart.


This is what she imagined love to look like!

The screams in her ears made Wang Mengqi come back to her senses.

only to find.

Most of those people have fallen.

They fell to the ground and let out heart-rending screams.

Blood is all over the ground.

There was also a pungent smell of blood in the air.

It's like purgatory on earth.

Wang Mengqi, who had never seen such a scene, had a strong sense of vomiting.

"Brother Li is right, your strength is really strong!" A trace of deep jealousy flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man at the head: "However, these are ordinary people you defeated just now, and these behind me are all masters of the Heavenly Power Realm.

"They strike at the same time, and they can't crush you yet?"

Chen Nan's eyes froze: "You overestimated their strength. The

words fell.

He rushed straight out.

Before, because of the large number of people, he did not dare to take it lightly.

Don't dare to get too far away from Wang Mengqi.

But now there are only more than a dozen middle-aged people left.

Even if it is the so-called Heavenly Power Realm powerhouse.

He was also confident that he would defeat these people before they hurt Wang Mengqi!


"Lying groove, this guy's strength is too strong!"

"What the hell is this?"


The middle-aged man was stunned as he watched as those more than ten Heavenly Power Realm powerhouses were knocked to the ground by Chen Nan.

A mighty wave rose in my heart.

It's not scientific!

It's not scientific at all.

Why was this young man in his twenties able to defeat more than ten Heavenly Power Realm powerhouses in an instant?

You want to say that he has a higher realm, but his age does not match!

Just when his scalp was numb and his face was full of horror.

A large, powerful hand choked his throat.

The strong sense of suffocation instantly made the middle-aged man's face turn pig liver color.

He looked at Chen Nan who lifted him into the air in horror, and his hands kept slapping Chen Nan's arms, trying to break free.

But the palm of the opponent's hand is like a cast of steel bars.

Slapping it up, he actually felt like he was hitting a steel plate.

Chen Nan asked in a low voice, "Where is Li Chen?" The

middle-aged man opened his mouth with difficulty, but could not make any sound.

Chen Nan flicked it casually.

The middle-aged man flew out more than ten meters and landed heavily on the ground like a dead dog.

He covered his neck with his hands and gasped.

He has been messing around in the quacks for so many years.

Or the first time so close to death.

"Tell me, where is Li Chen!" Chen Nan's face was full of anger.

The middle-aged man was shocked by Chen Nan's momentum, and quickly said, "Brother Li is in his villa."

"He wants us to depose you here and then take you to him."

Chen Nan frowned.

He didn't expect Li Chen to be here.

"Call Li Chen and ask him to wait for me at home!" Chen Nan left a word, turned around and took Wang Mengqi's hand towards the car parked in the distance.

"Let's go, go to Li Chen's residence."

"You should know where he lives, right?"

Wang Mengqi nodded nervously.

She and Li Chen were husband and wife.

Naturally, he knew where Li Chen lived.


Mercedes-Benz Big G emitted a low roar and quickly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Big brother, is that guy the devil? The strength is also too strong, right? A young man stood up with a painful face.

The middle-aged man had palpitations: "I have been messing around in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and it is the first time I have seen this kind of macho man." If I'm not mistaken, his strength should be comparable to those eight grandmasters. "

The people

around couldn't help but gasp when they heard it.

There are eight grandmasters with transcendent strength in the rivers and lakes.

Their strength is definitely the strongest in the world.

Perhaps more than ten years ago, when the cultivators were all over the world, they were ordinary people.

But after those cultivators all disappeared overnight.

They became the strongest in the world.

Without much thought, the middle-aged man quickly picked up his mobile phone and dialed Li Chen's number, and after the call was connected, there was a burst of laughter over there: "Old Xu, how are things going?" "

With so many of you making a move, you should have ruined Chen Nan's limbs, right?"

Lao Xu's face was full of shame, and he said nervously: "Brother Li, this Chen Nan's strength is too strong, we are not his opponents at all." "

What?" Li Chen was taken aback: "You guys are not his opponents?

"Yes, our brothers are all planted in his hands." Recalling what happened just now, Old Xu had palpitations: "Brother Li, listen to your brother's advice, Chen Nan's strength is too terrifying."

"I feel that even if he doesn't have the strength of a grandmaster, he is not far from a grandmaster."

"This kind of person, it's best not to offend easily."

"Also, Chen Nan has already gone to your residence."

"Whether you are friend or foe depends on your decision."


The words did not fall.

Lao Xu heard a loud noise on his mobile phone.

He shook his head secretly, and then looked at the brothers: "Brothers, do you know an orthopedic surgeon?" If so, book some beds! "


"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

A certain high-end villa.

I learned that Chen Nan was coming towards him.

Li Chen jumped like thunder.

He spent so much money and thought of finding someone to abolish Chen Nan.

But I never expected that those people were not Chen Nan's opponents.

I didn't expect it even more.

His strength is close to that of a grandmaster.

It was definitely a thunderbolt for him.

Because he knew how terrifying it was to approach the Grandmaster.

Ordinary people can't compete with it at all.

"Li Chen, you'd better let me go, otherwise when my father comes, he won't spare you lightly!"

"I tell you, my father is an immortal, shouldering the heavy task of rebuilding the Heavenly Court, when no one in the world is invincible."

"All those who are enemies of him will pay a heavy price." Li Xiang was still on the ground tied by the five flowers.


There was not the slightest fear on his face.

Even if he was forcibly abducted by Li Chen, he did not cry or make trouble.

Because he knew Chen Nan's strength well.


Li Chen stepped forward quickly, raised his hand and slapped Li Xiang on the face with a loud slap.

His eyes widened angrily, and he burst out with a powerful anger: "Son, I am your father." "


Li Xiang's right face was flushed, but his eyes were unyielding: "Chen Nan is my father, even if he has no blood relationship with me, I only recognize him, and you, just a well-dressed beast!"

Li Chen raised his hand and gave him another big slap, directly knocking Li Xiang unconscious.

Then he picked up Li Xiang with one hand and walked outside, and at the same time dialed Wang Mengqi's phone: "If you want to save your son, come to the Green Dragon Society, I will wait for you in the Green Dragon Society!" "

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