Li Chen originally thought of not using the relationship on the Blue Dragon Society's side.

But now he was afraid!

He didn't expect Chen Nan to have a strength comparable to that of a grandmaster.

And now.

The only thing that can compete with it is the power on the Blue Dragon Society's side.

Otherwise, he would not be able to resist Chen Nan at all.

This person is menacing and will definitely not show mercy to his subordinates.


"It's over!"

"Li Chen, that bastard took my son to the Blue Dragon Society!"

Inside a Mercedes.

Knowing that Li Chen went to the Blue Dragon Society, Wang Mengqi's heart was like death.

She knew that there was a Longtan tiger's den.

Even if Chen Nan's strength is very strong.

But how could it be the opponent of those nine hall masters?

"Even if it is Longtan Tiger's Den, I will bring Li Xiang back unscathed!"

Chen Nan's eyes were firm.

Qinglong's voice sounded: "Get ready, accept my memory!" "

The next moment.

Chen Nan had an unfamiliar memory in his mind.

The beginning of the memory is after going to Hades by oneself.

The Blue Dragon came to Kyoto.

And then...

Accepted two younger brothers.

With the momentum of thunder, it integrated some people on the quacks.

And the Blue Dragon Society was created.

After that, the power of the Blue Dragon Society became stronger and stronger.

As for how many members there are now...

Even Qinglong didn't know.

However, the Green Dragon Society can bring him tens of billions of dollars a year.

This is also why Qinglong can throw thousands of dollars on the Internet.

"I have long felt that the green dragon will be related to your hair, and it is really as I expected." A bitter smile appeared on Chen Nan's face.


But a pang of helplessness still rose in my heart.

Who would have thought.

The green dragon, one of the four divine beasts, would be bored enough to do such a thing?

Qinglong: "If I hadn't established the Blue Dragon Society, how do you think I found Nezha?"

"Everything that Master does is to help you find the reincarnated Heavenly God."

Chen Nan: "Including sterilization for me?" "

Blue Dragon:"

... ------

an hour later.

Chen Nan and Wang Mengqi came to the base camp of the Blue Dragon Society.

This is an upscale private clubhouse.

If you want to become a member here, just to get an ordinary membership card, the annual fee is seven figures.

Not to mention silver, gold, masonry.

Of course.

The Blue Dragon Society's property is not just a private club.

There are many industrial chains involved.



Entertainment venues are available.

When Chen Nan brought Wang Mengqi to the entrance of the clubhouse, a young man in a suit politely stopped the two: "Sir, please show your membership card!"

Chen Nan took out a gold card.

Although the Blue Dragon Society is his property.

But Qinglong is still very low-key in this regard.

Every time I come here, I come here with my gold card... Date a girl.

"Sir inside, please!"

The staff let me go as soon as possible.

Chen Nan suddenly said, "Did a middle-aged man come here with a child just now?" Staff

: "You're talking about Manager Li's brother, right?" He's been here for a while. "


Knowing that Li Chen took Li Xiang to the clubhouse, Chen Nan's hanging heart also landed.

The Blue Dragon Society was created by him.

The reason why I can get the support of so many members.

It comes down to a rule.

Whoever comes to the Blue Dragon Society must abide by the rules and regulations here.

Over here.

Fighting is strictly prohibited.

No matter who it is, as long as it violates the rules of the Blue Dragon Society.

will pay a heavy price.

It is precisely for this reason that the Blue Dragon Society has become the scale it is today.

Because of many people who have caused trouble outside and committed trouble.

will enter the Blue Dragon Society for refuge.


"Second brother, you have to save the eldest brother!" In the lobby inside the clubhouse, Li Chen looked at his brother Li Yao with an uneasy face.

"That one named Chen Nan is powerful, and it is said that he has a strength close to that of a great grandmaster."

"Under this day, only you can save your eldest brother's life."

Li Yao looked at the five flowers and tied up, with smelly socks stuffed in his mouth, and his face was red and swollen.

But the eyes are firm, the unyielding nephew.

Shaking his head helplessly: "Big brother, don't blame your brother for talking about you."

"You and Wang Mengqi have been divorced for many years, and the child has also been awarded to her, why did you come out again?"

"Can't the people who will run to the fourth right away do something serious?"

For this big brother who doesn't do business all day.

He was also helpless.

Li Chen looked aggrieved: "Second brother, you can't blame me for this!"

"You also know that Wang Mengqi and I had an agreement when we divorced."

"No matter who has custody of the son, the belonging party cannot remarry or marry before the son is eighteen years old."

"And Wang Mengqi's stinky bitch backtracked."

"She violated the original agreement, and also made Li want to call the man daddy."

"Li Xiang is obviously my son, why call someone else's father?"

"Isn't this bullying?"

Li Yao smoked impatiently: "You can pull down, I don't rarely say you."

"Even if Li Xiang's custody belongs to you."

"You will never be safe and secure."

"Even if you don't marry, you will hook up outside."

"If it weren't for your care, Wang Mengqi would have divorced you?"

"You just want to use that rule to force Wang Mengqi and want Li Xiang's custody."

After a pause, he said, "If Wang Mengqi really comes, I can be a peacemaker for you and strive to handle this matter properly."


"Regarding the issue of Li Xiang's custody, I advise you to think twice."

"If you really insist on going your own way, then you will only stay in the clubhouse for the rest of your life."

The implication is clear.

I can keep you in the clubhouse.

But once you leave the clubhouse...

Love it.


A scream came from a distance: "Li Chen, you bastard, you are about to release my son!"

Immediately, Wang Mengqi ran over with a face full of anger.

"Second brother, it's him, it's him!" Seeing Chen Nan and Wang Mengqi appear, Li Chen's eyes showed unconcealable fear, and pointed at Chen Nan: "It was this force that hurt me."

Li Yao stared at Chen Nan with a frown.

It felt that this young man was a little familiar.

Immediately, he thought of the man with his pigtails and brought different women to play every time, and immediately asked politely: "You are Mr. Chen?" "

As the ninth manager of the Blue Dragon Society, he naturally knows Chen Nan.

"You're on duty today!" Chen Nan smiled, and then looked at Li Chen: "Manager Li, you should have heard about me and Li Chen, right?"

Li Yao said politely: "Mr. Chen, my brother is impulsive. Can you see in my face, let's turn big things into small things? Saying that, he walked over and handed over the cigarette, and used the lighter to help Chen Nan light it.

This thing.

He doesn't think his brother is reasonable.

Moreover, as the manager of the Blue Dragon Society, he naturally cannot offend the members of the Blue Dragon Society.

"I can give you face." Chen Nan took a puff of cigarette, and his deep gaze locked on Li Chen: "But you must make him kneel down to apologize, and destroy his arms."

Li Chen was furious: "Lying groove your mother, this is the Blue Dragon Society, you actually made me kneel to apologize, and you want to waste my arms?"

"Why are you so crazy?"

"You think this is your home?"

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